Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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Tana_san (Chapter 39) - Fri 29 Jan 2010

I just have to get this one disturbing thing off my chest...Miroku has been working for this cause for how long?!? and he doesn't know that Youkai especially InuYoukai require their mate or potential mate by their side to know that they are safe and unharmed? Sesshoumaru and Kagome went through one hellish experience and Miroku thinks that by separating them he's going to accomplish his goal? He portrays himself as an intelligent being with boo koo knowleadge on Youkai, but the only thing he has shown here is idiocy thinking he can talk sense into a very dangerous species of Youkai and having people who are quite less 'informed' try to handle the mess he (and possibly his superiors) created by separating them get injured and possibly killed.

I know you stated that he never saw a reaction like this before but, honestly, what was he thinking separating them so soon after they had their first time together. He has had to have spoken to many youkai and have at least had a clue as to what might happen. Even little Shippou knew AND understood what was happening and he's just a child by Youkai standards.

So, I'd just like to say that I think Miroku is an ass and Sesshoumaru should be allowed to kick his hindend when he regains his rational self just for being so stupid to think he had it all figured out. AND then Kagome should have her chance, too and then Sango, for putting her longtime friend and her mate to be through such unneeded torment.

All Miroku had to do was put them together that room until Sessh was rational and then discuss their options. Hmm, now that I've said my peace, I did enjoy these last few chapters very much. TTFN, JEN

sweetest angel (Chapter 39) - Fri 29 Jan 2010

God, Kikyo is really creepy! and her reaction 'I'm the best of the world and you are nothing' in front of kagome just give me the urge to knock her down, one or two levels.

so they said that they can't be together, right? well, they can at least call, right? Sesshomaru wants Kagome, why don't they let them talk to each other, at least on phone? it would be more efficiently to calm him down than talking to miroku who had came very much close to betray him by capturing him and keeping Kagome from him. It's not the first time that miroku overconfidence make me want to hit him! things would go more smoothly if he was doing what should be done and not how he thinks things should be done! he is playing with the lifes of people here! so he should stop thinking about Sango and all and do something right for once!

anyways, love this story and can't wait to see what will happen next! please, update as soon as you can!!!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 39) - Fri 29 Jan 2010

oohho, Sesshoumaru's pissed...  I love this story, I can't wait for the next chapter!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 39) - Fri 29 Jan 2010

Man, the department went about this all the wrong way.  They could have at least brought Kagome and Sesshoumaru in together, let them say a mutual goodbye, and maybe instead of ripping limbs off of people, he may just be wreaking a little less havoc XD

Miroku has definitely got his work cut out for him; Sesshoumaru's out for blood! 

Great chapter!  Always a pleasure to read :)

snowbird (Chapter 39) - Thu 28 Jan 2010

They may have to bring in Kagome to calm down Sesshoumaru.  I don't understand why they have to be separated while they train.  If they were in the same facility, they could be trained separately and be together at night.  Not only would they be happier, but they'd also be more cooperative.  I think Miroku's over confidence is going to backfire on him.  It already did with Kagome.  I just love the moments between her and Shippou.  I can't wait for Inuyasha to show up and watch the fireworks between him and Kikyou.

Snowfall (Chapter 39) - Thu 28 Jan 2010

Whoa, a pissed off Sesshoumaru is fun!  That was awesome, but I hope he comes to his senses.  I think Miroku deserves a bit of injury.  He could have talked to Sesshoumaru instead of using violence to bring him in.  Sesshoumaru isn't an animal and he was treated like one.

Kikyou is seriously creepy.  I hope she doesn't betray them all.

Shippou is so cute and sweet.  I bet his talents come in handy.  Thanks for using him to give details about the 'extraction'.  ^_^

Sess Koibito (Chapter 39) - Thu 28 Jan 2010

Wow! I know Miroku thinks his intentions were good through this whole thing, BUT I kind of agree with Sesshoumaru's beast. A part of me hopes that Miroku is foolish enough to go in that room so Sesshoumaru can rip him a new one!  That scenario would probably end with Sesshoumaru being killed instead of trained and returned to Kagome, though. And what is Kikyo's problem???

momoe (Chapter 38) - Thu 28 Jan 2010

MUAH, HA, HA!!! I hope Miroku forgets to wash up and goes to see Sessh smelling like Kags, tha would be hilarious!!!

Love your story, please keep updating!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 38) - Thu 28 Jan 2010

I'm such a crybaby!  I knew what happened to Sesshoumaru and I STILL choked up when Kagome heard he was dead.  I'm so glad she knows now, but that still doesn't detract from the fact they can't be together yet.  Sesshoumaru strapped down trying to get away; that picture is just agonizing!

Keep up the great work!

Sess Koibito (Chapter 38) - Wed 27 Jan 2010

Is Miroku intentionally being cruel? As Kagome's friend he should have told her the truth about Sesshoumaru ASAP. Waiting to tell her was monumentally stupid and cruel. I kind of hope that Sesshoumaru does smell Kagome on him and gives him a swift kick in the ass! Will Kagome be meeting her uncle soon? When will Inuyasha be moved to the facility with Kagome? I hope we see Sesshoumaru awake in the next chapter! :)

snowbird (Chapter 37) - Wed 27 Jan 2010

I'm glad she's going to have Shippo with her so she won't be so lonely.  It sounds like it will be good for him, too.  Why isn't Miroku telling her the truth about Sesshoumaru so she won't despair over thinking the department has him?  I think it would encourage her to train harder and faster to be with him.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 37) - Wed 27 Jan 2010

Awwwwww! Yay, I'm so happy InuYasha knows the truth now, the poor guy was so devestated :( 

Shippou is such a cutie!  Being with Kagome will be just what the kid needs ^_^ This was such a feel good chapter, much needed after all the drama. Fantastic work as usual, Miss Oroyukae!

InuAngel (Chapter 37) - Tue 26 Jan 2010

This is an incrediable story!  You should be very proud of this.  OMG!  I have not read anything like this at all, ever, I love reading fanfiction!  I am happy that you seem dedicated to your work and update as you do, you seem to really be into it and it can't be easy to write.  I knew Sess was not dead, he would not let that happen to himself when he just chose Kagome.  I just though maybe he had a look alike take on a sucide mission, awesome way to introduce Shippou!  I am glad that you kept him as a kid and the way he was introduced to Kagome, excellent!  I love your Yash, you didn't stray far from the characters normal behavor, but they are still your versions.  I always loved Miroku's wisdom, I am so glad you kept him wise and pervie to a point, his perviness takes the edge off his seriousness.  I love your Miroku!  Your Kagome is awesome as well!  I really love your extra characters and Shiori.  I can't believe that monitor bitch, turned in her own best friend.  She was no friend talk about stab in the back.  I mean I don't approve of a lot of stuff my bf does but I still support her in some fashion.  Damn that was, damn!  Well, again awesome story I look forward to updates daily.  I have an incrediable migraine but I still had to read tonight reguardless and I had to tell you how much I love your fic, I'm totally addicted, I needed my fix for tonight, migrane or not.  Now I can suffer in the dark in peace that I have my "Capital Offence" fix!  Write on!

Much Love


Excuse any spelling errors and any sentence that makes no sence at this time, I can barley think with frickin migraine but I couldn't shut down without telling you how much your story Kicks Ass!  You Rock!

Snowfall (Chapter 37) - Tue 26 Jan 2010

What a relief!  I sure hope they don't have any problems getting Inuyasha to Kagome and that they can all be together soon.  That was a pretty funny chapter, despite the angsty undertones.  It's kind of funny that they're having to keep Sesshoumaru drugged up.  LOL  Poor guy.  It's probably for the best.  Can't wait to find out just how he was 'extracted'.  ^_^  Maybe Shippou will do a little boasting and we can find out more?

Awesome story and so well written.  I really appreciate all of your hard work.  Thanks bunches!

Rin Akarui (Chapter 37) - Tue 26 Jan 2010

that chapter certainly cleared up alot of questions.

Ah the suspense builds! Please keep up the great work ^^

BlessedEpiphany (Chapter 37) - Tue 26 Jan 2010

I refrained from reviewing the past couple of chapters because I wasn't sure if I should grieve over Sesshy or not. Now that I know, I have to say that was an amazing twist in your story. I am loving the emotion in this story and I can't wait to see where you take it.

Sess Koibito (Chapter 37) - Tue 26 Jan 2010

Great twist! So, it wasn't Sesshoumaru at all, but Shippou! What a great way to incorporate Shippou into the story! How much trouble is Sesshoumaru's beast going to be while separated from Kagome? I hope Sesshoumaru gets to slap Miroku one good time just like Kagome did! I don't think he's going to be happy to be kept unconscious! :)

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 37) - Tue 26 Jan 2010

This chapter had me on pins and needles! Awesome chapter! Please update soon. :)

Seshiepersonalpriestess (Chapter 37) - Tue 26 Jan 2010

I know I haven't reviewed in a while but I want to tell you that this story is really good and I live for the next chapter. So keep them coming!!!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 36) - Tue 26 Jan 2010

Poor InuYahsa!  Poor Kagome!  What the hell happened to Sesshoumaru?!  So many questions!

Seems like this Mikaru fellow knows more than he's letting on as well.  Wonder what his roll in this is...

And yay!  Shippou!  That cute little fox, I'm so glad he's making an appearence in this :)  You rock!

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