Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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Kayelyn (Chapter 174) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Hey, if Inupapa has to air most of his dirty laundry, admit his mistakes, he should at least get a good memory to look at while showing teaching Inuyasha some lessons. And oh what a smutty good memory it is.

Kayelyn (Chapter 173) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Hmmm this scenario of forced submission seems vaguely familiar. XD The body is a ruthless traitor to make noncon, go dubcon, to end up at fullcon because it demands it, because it causes pain to deny the pleasure. :shudders: It's rough. Aside from that though, I had this image of Inupapa holding Izayoi up like some offering to the gods, and Izayoi just flailing around in mid air. Maybe it's because it's 6 a.m., or maybe it's just my warped mind, I don't know but I had a good chuckle out of that.

Kayelyn (Chapter 172) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

A lusty Inupapa is a dark one, as dark, if not darker than Sesshomaru. His cunning, the gentle veneer that he gives his face, is a weapon in it's own right. It's a mark of a true predator, and Izayoi has damned herself by her omission, one that Inupapa will more than likely never let her forget.

Kayelyn (Chapter 171) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Once again, I am reminded how sad Izayoi's story really is. Though she was chosen to be wanted, loved, by the Inu no Taisho, she will never be his queen, his empress, his equal in all things. And in this, I think that Inupapa was selfish. From this moment on, Izayoi's life would be nothing but strife and grief and pain, things that would be passed down to his second son. And yet, I don't think Inuyasha sees the full truth of his father's selfish and dark desires.

Kayelyn (Chapter 170) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Truths about Kagome? You mean the things that you knew all along and just refused to notice? How about how everything that happens from here on out is a product of his own making? In essence, he gave Kagome to Sesshomaru on a silber platter, she is now his to do what he will with. I do think though, that Inuyasha is mixing up his mother's and  Kagome's situation a wee bit, whether this is out of stubborn unwillingness to accept that fact or not remains to be seen.

Kayelyn (Chapter 169) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Doom, so much doom for those silly human women who do flee from hot smexy demon overlords. Once again Inupapa has made stressed the fact that Kagome is mate and not lover. Are the ties of the bond that much stronger because there wasn't a mutual power exhange like with a regular mating pair, and that the bond is solely based on Sesshomaru's power? :ponders:

Kayelyn (Chapter 168) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

It almost seems like Inupapa thinks that this is a curse, to be drawn to that light. I am curious though if the bond is influencing Sesshomaru's desicions. Inupapa said that Sesshomaru feels it more strongly than he himself ever did, and the Inuyasha is to blame. That can only mean the forcing of the mate bond through Leader's Right, or does he perhaps mean that now that Sesshomaru has Kagome with him, he cannot help but be subjected to and surrounded by that light.

Kayelyn (Chapter 167) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Hmmm he says in the beginning, obviously that means that his feelings changed, but i think the important thing to note is that he said both brothers have this in common in regards to Kagome. For Sesshomaru there is lust and the want to care for her, so does that mean that it is the same for Inuyasha? That what he thought was love, was not; but just a need to be loved, to be cared for?

Kayelyn (Chapter 166) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Who though has Sesshomaru had trust in, then lost? Yuugao's when he killed her, or his council's for not being able to control himself? Sesshomaru is already learning that to care is to fear (let's face it, he does not love her, not yet anyway), but he has not come to the conclusion that that fear can make him stonger than anything else on this earth. But this lesson will take Inuyasha a lot longer to learn, I think.

Kayelyn (Chapter 165) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Inu the Enlightened seems to be backsliding, but in this Inupapa is right. The brothers do need to learn to trust, they have both lived their lives without it. There is no true trust in them for the others around them, for each other, and most importantly, in themselves.

Kayelyn (Chapter 164) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Poor puppy, lashing so he can get attention from his father. It's so sad because it seems that is the only way to Inupapa the Neglector's attention. He left his son to fight wars, to politic, to combat famines and he had noidea what was going on in his own home, his own lands. I'm sure more enlightenment is to come Inuyasha's way that his great father is not so great after all. In my opinion, Inupapa's only redeeming quality at this point is that he acknowledges just what he has done, even if it is in death. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 163) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Hmmm...Did he really take the first step, or is Inupapa just following Sesshomaru's lead by giving him what he wants, giving him an outlet for all the rage and pain he has stored up.

Kayelyn (Chapter 162) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Oh, InuPapa, you are right. Things started going wrong way before INuyasha ever came into the picture.

Kayelyn (Chapter 161) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

I have a feeling that the truths that INuyasha is about to be given at the hands of his father, are going to be just a bit much for the   poor hanyou can take. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 160) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Interesting. Is the cause Sesshomaru's destruction Kagome's own destruction? Or is he envisioning himself dead along with her? And to expand a bit on what I said last chapter, because it fits here too, since Sesshomaru could only find acceptance from Shizuka, he may pull him closer while pushing the others away. For the first time ever in 200 years, he feels he cannot trust those closest to him, which is bound to cause more than a few problems. Though I guess sometimes it is better to err on the side of caution. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 159) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Hmmm but only Shizuka has seen the full display of her aura and the power meld. Yes, the twins saw the release of some of her power during sex, but not the way it settles around her at all times, not the true vastness of it. Yoshio is probably still terrified over that little faux paus he just made. I'm wondering if he is just being overly cautious here or not. I'm still a little wary of the twins and their earlier silence since it is apparently out of character for them to do so. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 158) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Well, that should clear that matter up. If he is willing to kill even Yoshio, no one is immune. If his little statement at dinner didn't get through to any eavesdroppers, this surely did.

Kayelyn (Chapter 157) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Uh-oh, that most definitely not the best thing to have said to Sesshomaru. Though he may not kill you, expect dooom.

Kayelyn (Chapter 156) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Wow, Sesshomaru almost sounded...frantic in this chapter. He is so desperate not to make his father's mistakes with Izayoi, even though the only thing similar Kagome and Izayoi is that they are both human. He needs for Kagome to make this stand against his mother, and though there will be enjoyment on his end from flaunting his very human mate in front of Sessmama, this need he has for her to prove her strength and worth seems to be more important.

Kayelyn (Chapter 155) - Tue 31 Jul 2012

Goodness, Sessmama's name is mouthful. XD I like how the council keeps reaffirming that they are going to stand behind him no matter what. I think that with everything that is going on, all of the memories that are about to be brought into the light, Sesshomaru needs something that has and will remain constant. Even when he is being a super sneaky puppy like now,

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