Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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DemonQueen17 (Chapter 267) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Be evil with him. Have her get it on with Inuyasha, or at least have her flirt with her own grandson and drive him crazy. LOL. I have a feeling it won't be long before he decides being human isn't what it's cracked up to be. Onward!

DescendingFrost (Chapter 266) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Eeeek moree please! :DDD 

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 266) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Good, I hope it isn't pleasant. I'm a hanyou, oh woe is me! Being human won't be so easy for him. He'll have to resort to wearing something on his feet at least. No more walking around barefoot. LOL. ONWARD!!!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 265) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

This is interesting. I can't wait to find out what Grandma Inu has up her sleeve. Onward!

Pricila (Chapter 266) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

The grass is always greener on the other side; he will end up regretting his choice.

Lauren (Chapter 266) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Lucky me, coming along and catching up just as you've updated. My, has this story progressed over the last 153 chapters. I haven't reviewed in over a year, so I'm not exactly sure what to say. 8cough* I'm sitting on pins and needles to see how the rest of "the experiment" goes. I wonder if you'll have him seek out his brother and Kagome afterwards... Well, everything seems like it's up in the air. I'll just stand back and watch as they fall into place. 

Thank you for writing such a fantastic story. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week! 

Kawaii Girl 

honeyinu (Chapter 265) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

keep it up! but don't neglect poor rin and shimpo- they lack 'family' moments with their 'parents'! What better way to show Sesshoumaru's softening heart than within some cute family fluff!

Kayelyn (Chapter 265) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Bahahahahaha! Jealousy, thy name is Sango! I love how Miroku realizes that he didn't introduce her then hastily corrects the mistake. This does, though, make question Inuyasha's intelligence for the upteenth time. I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt that she is hiding her scent or something, but really? ::sigh:: I'm just how she will bait them, and for how long. Me thinks that Inuyasha is going to get under her skin just a wee bit, but there is no way that she cannot resist the urge to mess with him. Hopefully along the way she will drop little nuggets of what is really going on.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 265) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

O_O on ward ! so awesome!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 264) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

i have decided that you must make more. -nods-... now!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 263) - Tue 11 Dec 2012









O_O i'm so glad i dont hafta wait or i'd be frothing at the mouth! ONWARDS!

Pricila (Chapter 264) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Ooooo, that is so intriguing; Inu grandma that tricky dog. . . wait!  Does that mean that she might be able to help with Kagome's mortality?!  :D

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 264) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Hopefully, this is a lesson Inuyasha will never forget, courtesy of Grandma Inu. I have a feeling that she's going to put her own spin. I'm so excited. Onward!

Kayelyn (Chapter 264) - Mon 10 Dec 2012

With the turn that Sango has taken in her stance against youkai of the canine persuasion, I wonder if Inuyasha "becoming" human will soften her up. After all, he will not really pose the threat that he does now. I somehow doubt it, because underneath it all, he is still the same being despite his blood. I do feel bad for Miroku though, having to chill both Sango and Inuyasha out, persuade them, and placate them. Despite his more than lecherous ways, he has more patience than just about everyone except Kagome.

Hmmm...I wonder how lon Hoshihikari plans to make them wait? There's no telling with that imp-ish woman.

Kayelyn (Chapter 263) - Mon 10 Dec 2012

Mwuahahahaa! Miroku is devious! I love it. At least, though, it isn't being done out of ill will. I agree with him though. I do not see him being able to withstand being human for so long. He relies heavily on his strength and sense, and detests the nigh tof the new moon for making him week. The best way to learn to apprectiate something is to lose it. Look at me being all philosophical. XD

Oh, Hoshihikari, what all have you been dabbling in? Good thing you are typing these up in like 20 minutes, so I guess I don't have to wait too long to find out. ;)

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 263) - Mon 10 Dec 2012

Am I reading this right? Grandma Inu is the person Miroku had in mind? Seriously, she needs to put him over her knee and give him a good spanking in her own crazy. Inuyasha's self pity is too damn depressing. Onward!

Kayelyn (Chapter 262) - Mon 10 Dec 2012

Hmmm.... Or you could just leash the puppy and take him for a walk. XD Hopefully Sango won't drag around, and they get there quickly enough because I  wonder just what kind of information this being (for lack of a better word) will impart to the little twit. After all, we never stop learning and Inuyasha has a lot of catchingup to do.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 262) - Mon 10 Dec 2012

but kagome didnt want a human inuyasha she just wanted him as he was. and now, he's being silly again and trying to chagne for someone who does not want that. kikyo wanted that not kagome.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 260) - Mon 10 Dec 2012

o.o why is it sesshomaru's surounded by crazy people? this is why he's all stoic and stuff... crazies everywhere...

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 259) - Mon 10 Dec 2012

well i do like this, it's lovely! more please!

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