Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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laenfante (Chapter 245) - Mon 27 Aug 2012

Ooooh....just bee-yu-te-full!!!!! Fireworks galore!

Suka25 (Chapter 245) - Mon 27 Aug 2012

good!!! Keep going!



sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 245) - Mon 27 Aug 2012

0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o i love those! what a great way to have a mating! so much more brilliant then the common biting of her neck! *has shiney eyes* more!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 245) - Mon 27 Aug 2012

A beautiful mating ceremony. Hopefully, we get to the Inuyoukai version of a honeymoon...maybe? Wonder what happens with Inuyasha though. Onward!

Katlyn (Chapter 243) - Sat 25 Aug 2012

Considering that I just sat down and read all of your chapters of amazingness, I feel unsatisified and hungry for more. XD lol I also want to shout out 'On Wards!' in hopes of chapter magically appearing before me, mainly focused on Sesshomaru and Kagome and the festival. Of course as a reader this is very selfish of me, and I do apologize for that :) It's hard not to crave something so good, ya know? 


Anyways, as part of an actual review, I like to comment on how much I enjoy your portrayal of Kagome and Sesshomaru. The conflicting of emotion vs their actions, how Sesshomaru is willing himself to deny his feelings while in the next moment he is 'breeding' more of them by indulging in everything that is Kagome. As well as Kagome's stance on taking charge of her life, choosing to go with Sesshomaru, choosing to learn all that she can about the culture she is now going to live in and all that it means. However, I also find it in these little things that you've done with them that I really enjoy, the slips of Sesshomaru's tongue, lol not only between her legs, but when he says how he feels unintentionally and how Kagome has started to call Sesshomaru mate, or simply the way she 'snuck up' on him and gave him a shoulder rub while soothing his worries. Or the way they have random sex with people around XD Yeah, especailly that tehe! :) Though i'd like to 'see' more of Kagome going after Sesshomaru, touching him, doing things to him as well, simply cuz I find that to be the most arousing thing ever.  Again, a reader's selfishness ;) I also love how you did Sesshomaru's back story, his absent father and the abusive mother, how he ended up killing his only friend at the time, and how he attacked his mother and then later challenged his father. This gives great insite to his character, a balance of the intensity of youkai emotion with  how he was raised to be, or how he really raised himself to be afterwards. 


As for Inuyasha...well, I'm conflicted. I've never been a fan of his, but I really like the turmoil you've been putting him though, first with Sesshomaru taking Kagome, and then him dealing with the consequence of his actions, as well as him attacking Kagome only to ge this ass kicked. I'm a little conflicted about the 'inbetween sequence', but at the same time, it really gave the story a lot of fleshing out so I really enjoyed that despite my reseved feelings on it. I laughed particularly hard when Inuyasha's father jerked him off while they watched past inupapa have sex with Inuyasha's mother, and the way he treated Sesshomaru's mother, just wow! :D  Tehe, and later to come back to life only to get his ass kicked again by Sango. I really worried about her by the way, simply because the way she spoke of saving Kagome, I worried that she might 'go to war' with Youkai over this, she is clearly not seeing straight. Thank Kami for Miroku right? He's been very honorable :) 



Anyways, enough of my babbling, I look forward to your updates very much! :) Good luck with your Original work as well!!

Kayelyn (Chapter 243) - Thu 16 Aug 2012

I think I understand Inuyasha's conflict in this chapter. Someone is offering him a choice. A choice to be human, to not have to struggle every day to control himself, to know peace. Or the choice to be who he is, a hanyou and learn from his mistakes, learn the control that he needs, evolve and become more. It's a daunting thing to be given a choice that will forever change your life. As much as I wish he would take the lessons taught to him in the in-between, I have a feeling that he is going to take the easy way out. He is still to afraid of the demon he houses within, unable or unwilling to trust in others, or ask for their help.

I like that Miroku came back, is offering reason, and is offering this choice. It feels like with the return of Miroku, there has been a small step made on the path to forgiveness. But I don't think true forgiveness can be given unless he can come to terms with himself, both sides of himself.

I can't wait to see what's going on at the Pavillion, and how Kagome's public ascension to Lady of the West goes!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 243) - Tue 14 Aug 2012

Even with all the stupid things Inuyasha's done, I REALLY feel bad for him. At least, Miroku hasn't abandoned. He is so the voice of reason in all this. That's why I adore him and his perverted ways. Things are interestinger and interestinger with Kagome though. Onward!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 243) - Tue 14 Aug 2012

i'm kinda annoyed with that boy, not being able to admit that kagome's gone >:l

Kayelyn (Chapter 242) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

No no no, Inuyasha, I don't think you get to get off that easily. Not even tonight, his human night, where he is probably in the most pain he has ever been in, does he get to get off that easily. He needs to walk this path of forgiveness, obtain it, then go on to find his own happiness. Wherever it lies. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 241) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

I had started to ignore where you had gotten the prompts, but I saw "fwibblewobble" and did not even need to be told that it was a Naq word. XD

Poor Kagome, I bet it was a nerve racking wait til that evening, but I am so proud that she was able to pull it together, that she is learning to rely on Sesshomaru for strength when she needs it. Though I don't think she realizes that yet, but Yoko surely does.

Kayelyn (Chapter 240) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

D'aawwwwww! The fluffiness of that damn near sent me into a puddle of fangirl squealing goo. I really do enjoy these little intimate moments between them, where they give one another signs of their deepening caring and affection and trust. Almost as much as I enjoy the smuts, which is saying something, because I do so love smut.

Kayelyn (Chapter 240) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

D'aawwwwww! The fluffiness of that damn near sent me into a puddle of fangirl squealing goo. I really do enjoy these little intimate moments between them, where they give one another signs of their deepening caring and affection and trust. Almost as much as I enjoy the smuts, which is saying something, because I do so love smut.

Kayelyn (Chapter 239) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Well, at least he is still in full disclosure mode and she is fully prepared for what is more than likely to come. I am very interested to meet this Take-fellow and see what he has to say about our favorite miko and the daiyoukai that took her as his mate. Sesshomaru seems almost surprised everytime Kagome mentions that she trusts him, but this time there was definitely more intensity in his tone when he asked her if she really does trust him. Hmm...wonder what's up with that? ;)


I wonder if Kagome is keeping in mind all of the things that she is allowed to do that Izayoi was not while reading that damnable pillow book. Probably not, but it's worth a shot, right?

Kayelyn (Chapter 238) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

YAY for Sango/Miroku reconciliation! Now that Miroku has reinforced his uhhhh...feelings...maybe now Sango can really start on the road to healing herself. She needs Miroku and all the wisdom and help he can provide her to help her help herself.

And O.O Just what is going on with the Miko? I guess only time will tell.

On to the next!

Kayelyn (Chapter 237) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

*fans herself off* That was one hot orgy/sea of bobbing peens

I like how he is surprised by her not being bothered by public sex, and being slightly turned on by it. He has no clue that she made the desicion to get over it, but that is neither here nor there. And how pleased he is by her never taking her eyes off him, not paying any attention to the others around them. A pleased daiyoukai and one happily rewarded miko= a good time. ;)

Kayelyn (Chapter 236) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

If there is ever a time to give in to the demon urge for rough loving, it is at a demon orgy that you started. XD This is going to sound weird, but I think he needs to take her this way, claim her in front of everyone this way. Kagome is human,but if she can handle Sesshomaru's demon urges, take them, she no longer seems like such a weakness. You know what I mean? Like if Sesshomaru never gave into his demonic urges, never left marks of his claiming, always made love to her wouldn't he be seen as weak, as kowtowing to his human's needs and wants? But by taking her in the demon way, hard and fast and rough, he is showing them all that she can handle anything he gives her, that he sees her as an equal. Am I putting way too much thought into this? Probably. >.> 

Kayelyn (Chapter 235) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

And her reward became everyone else's in the form of a massive orgy. And it is a massive orgy with 100-200 youkai present. That is a LOT of bobbing peen, but it appears that Kagome is really enjoying not only the extra eyes, but the sounds of the sex taking place around her. Naughty, naughty Kagome, whatever will Sesshomaru say to this? And I just know he will comment.

Kayelyn (Chapter 234) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

That is...a fantastic reward. What girl in her right mind would complain about a male deciding that her pleasure was all that mattered this time? I'm glad that she is also taking Yoko's advice about the public sex to heart, letting it go and learning to embrace her new culture. The fact that she is embracing the youkai culture at all will more than likely garner favor from the other youkai present.

Kayelyn (Chapter 233) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Are Sessmama's last words a portent of doom? Only time will tell, but it is pretty amazing how her words are Kagome's biggest fear. Something she has lived through once, and will always fear of doing so again, especially in this place where Sesshomaru could have a youkai and have a full blood heir.

And something I noticed the second time around. It appears that Sesshomaru is giving Kagome a choice through the bond this time around, not making a demand, but instead offering an invitation. I wonder just what this reward shall be? :eyebrow waggles:

Kayelyn (Chapter 233) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Are Sessmama's last words a portent of doom? Only time will tell, but it is pretty amazing how her words are Kagome's biggest fear. Something she has lived through once, and will always fear of doing so again, especially in this place where Sesshomaru could have a youkai and have a full blood heir.

And something I noticed the second time around. It appears that Sesshomaru is giving Kagome a choice through the bond this time around, not making a demand, but instead offering an invitation. I wonder just what this reward shall be? :eyebrow waggles:

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