Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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Kayelyn (Chapter 232) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

BAHAHAHA! Sentimental. :snickers: Goodbye, Sessmama! You don't have to worry about bowing to a human because you aren't going to make it through the next minute. GAH! I love BAMF!Kagome! Plus Sesshomaru got a huge insight into what Kagome wants out of life which is also a plus. I wonder how much he will truly be able to give her now though, while everything is still dangerous for her. He can't just go all RaWr!Protector!Sesshomaru, at least not yet, not while she still needs to establish her strength.

Kayelyn (Chapter 231) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Dun Dun Dun! BAMF!Kagome makes her appearance. It's sweet, what's she is doing, killing his mother for him. o.o That is a terribly worded sentence, but I am sure you get my meaning. She is willing to kill, something she is so against, for Sesshomaru, so he doesn't damn himself in public or in the after life. Sesshomaru may not be to happy once Kagome finishes her off, but at least he gets to see a smexy BAMF!Kagome and his mother trembling at the feet of his human mate.

Kayelyn (Chapter 230) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

O.O The admittance of love, and it was out loud,  though I'm sure Kagome didn't hear it with how close Sesshomaru is to his mother... but I bet the other youkai did. No one f*cks with Sesshomaru. It may take centuries, but he will have you dead. Jeez, I'm almost afraid of him, and he's not even real! His mother is probably beyond terrified.

Kayelyn (Chapter 229) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Sesshomaru is evolving! Though he is pissed beyond all reckoning, and being forced to speak of these things allowed so his mother understands just how faulty she is, how she didn't completely break him, he means every word he is saying. And is starting to forgive himself for some of the mistakes he made along the way.

Kayelyn (Chapter 228) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Hmmm and Sessmama's revenge comes full circle. She knew when her mate was wounded, then later in mortal peril, but did absolutely nothing. A part of me thinks that she was there, watching the whole thing unfold. Some people just want to watch the world burn, and Sessmama is certainly one of them. It makes me wonder though, just what all did Inupapa do to her?

Kayelyn (Chapter 227) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Is he refering to going into hell and retrieving Rin, or is he talking about something else entirely? I can't really figure it out because she followed it by telling him to blame Inupapa and Izayoi. Which was probably not the smartest move on her part.

Kayelyn (Chapter 226) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Get it all out, Sesshomaru. I think what is so terrifying is the fact that he is so furious, more furious than he has ever been, but he is in complete and total control of himself and the situation. If Sessmama isn't scared, she's a bigger idiot than Inuyasha.

Kayelyn (Chapter 225) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Holy hell, dude. Everything he is spitting at her are her exact words. This has been festering in him for so long, that the more sadistic part of me hopes he drags this out for as long as he can just so hecan get some amount of closure.

Kayelyn (Chapter 224) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Round 1 goes to Kagome. It should speak to everyone there just how powerful she is, that her barriers are enough to harm the Lady Mother, who is probably the third most powerful Inu (well second now that Inupapa is dead). I have a feeling that Sesshomaru is about to get nasty. It seems the time for retribution is at hand.

Kayelyn (Chapter 223) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

ANd the moment we have been waiting for finally arrives. I can't wait to see what all she has to say, and how long it's going to take for her to realize Kagome is a miko.

Kayelyn (Chapter 222) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Yes! BAMF!Kagome has come out to play. hehehehe Sessmama is sooooo doomed, and I think Sesshomaru knows it too.

Kayelyn (Chapter 221) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

I can definitely feel the nervous energy from your descriptions. However, calling Sessmama overly ornate is like the pot calling the kettle black since he is the one ensconced in a shiro more opulant than Emporer's. XD But since he has so many reasons to hate her, I will give it to him.

Kayelyn (Chapter 220) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

ANd now she understands why Sesshomaru didn't tell her, and I have to agree that was supurb planning on his part. Now though, it's time to shake it off and get your game face on.

Kayelyn (Chapter 219) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Yes, Sesshomaru, raise BAMF!Kagome from wherever she is residing, because this is the time to make her place here, build her reputation, and make this place she has decided to call home a wee bit safer.

Kayelyn (Chapter 218) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

More props to Sesshomaru for giving full disclosure, which I'm sure Kagome appreciates. She needs to go in knowing just about everything that is going to happen, the more prepared she is, the more likely she won't fly off the handle. Well, hopefully anyway.

Kayelyn (Chapter 217) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Yuugao, despite being a friend, was also a mother figure to him too. When coupled with flashbacks, and how it seemed like Sessmama wanted Sesshomaru to lose all control, it makes me wonder if this may be the reason why. But I don't think Sesshomaru needs to worry about Sessmama getting to Kagome, I think he needs to plan for when Kagome gets her hands on Sessmama. If there is one thing Kagome hates, it is cruelty in all forms. Not only did Sessmama mentally and physically abuse a child, she is responsible for the way that child is now. Oh, Sessmama is so doomed!

Kayelyn (Chapter 216) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Well at least the idiot was able to allay Kagome's fears about her making him unhappy, and managed to show a bit of warmth-that she could see- before the emotional retard in him came out and pushed it away. But now it is time for Kagome to learn the truth of his past, what essentially made him into who is today. 

On to the next.

Kayelyn (Chapter 215) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

*facepalm* Oh Sesshomaru the Emotionally Retarded, you are such an idiot. >.< Really? That is the first thing he can come up with? "My mother is coming tomorrow to meet you." Even though Kagome doesn't know the history, one should never bring up their mother post coitus. So much for warm and fuzzy afterglows. Instead of basking in the fuzzies of acknowledged love and being called mate, you do this. Idiot.

What words is she not mentioning? The ones from the previous chapter, or did he murmur more words?

Kayelyn (Chapter 214) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

She really needs to figure out that this is a game she is never going to win against Sesshomaru. He will pull the words from her somehow, but hey, the girl can't complain with the final results. 

*fans herself*

Kayelyn (Chapter 213) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

"All of your...suffering." You know he is smirking when he said that. Too bad her little move didn't work, he is still pretty adament about her telling him what she wants, what she needs. 

On to the next!

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