Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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Kayelyn (Chapter 212) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

What a naughty Sesshomaru this morning. Plus it's uber cute that he did his business and came back to bed.

Kayelyn (Chapter 211) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

At least Miroku had enough common sense to call it off, but Sango is not going to see it that way. She's already in too much emotional distress and this is just one more thing for her to focus on.

Kayelyn (Chapter 210) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Poor thing, this is just not going to end well.

Kayelyn (Chapter 209) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Oh Sango, sweetheart, no. A first time should be special, not because you are afraid he is going to leave you. I really hope she doesn't go through with it. They would regret it forever.

Kayelyn (Chapter 209) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Oh Sango, sweetheart, no. A first time should be special, not because you are afraid he is going to leave you. I really hope she doesn't go through with it. They would regret it forever.

Kayelyn (Chapter 208) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Hmmm I wonder what Kaede's take on all of this is? Perhaps she can be the voice of reason admist all of this rage, pain, and path to forgiveness.


Kayelyn (Chapter 207) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Well, now that Sango's cathartic release is done, I wonder if Inuyasha realizes that more than Kagome and Tetsusaiga are gone. Probably not, at least not yet. But I think that Inu of The One Track Mind is off base. While Kagome's forgiveness is certainly a top priority, she is not the only person that he needs to make amends to. If he could strike at Kagome in such away, what would keep him from lashing out at the other's of his pack? He needs to regain everyone's trust.

Kayelyn (Chapter 206) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Wangst, wangst everywhere. Sango finally caved to her emotions, but unlike Kagome, she does not have tiny ineffectual fists. She has fists of fury and they hurt. Hopefully Miroku can pull her back from the abyss, but I seriously doubt Sango the Furious will care if she kills him or not.

Kayelyn (Chapter 205) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Talk, Inuyasha, the truth shall set you free. Well at least free from Hiraikotsu and Miroku's BAMF!Sutras.

Kayelyn (Chapter 204) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

It may not be by Kagome, nor would Kagome want it (>.<), it is no less than deserved. But I don't think he realizes that it's not just for Kagome that Sango is doing this, it's a large part (more upfront part), but this is also about what she lost, the family she had built around her slipping through her fingers.

Kayelyn (Chapter 203) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

O.O It almost seems like Inuyasha's inability to say anything about Leader's Right, and his betrayal of Kagome is hurting Sango more than it did Kagome. Maybe it's because Kagome always expected some kind of betrayal, or deep down knew that there was just too much water under the bridge for them to truly work. But Sango had no clue, had this happily ever after, big happy family life planned out in her mind. And she had it ripped away from her for the second time, by demons for the second time. I see a bad moon a 'rising, I see trouble on the way.

Kayelyn (Chapter 202) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Passionate loving followed by some fluffy cuddling, me thinks that they are bonding!

But I really do think that Sango is going to be a problem, and I think that Inuyasha is figuring out it wasn't just Kagome he betrayed and there is no going back for anyone. Sango has been pushed to far, has held her silence over Inuyasha's treatment of kagome for too long, and she has finally snapped. I don't think that Miroku will be able to pull her back from the abyss, which is frightening because Miroku recognizes that look in her eyes, that unrestrained anger in her voice, adn even he fears it.

Kayelyn (Chapter 201) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Steamy citrus with a side of revelation coming right up. How that girl manages to use her brain when he is doing all that is beyond me, but at least she is starting to see that he cares deeply, if not loves her. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 200) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

YAY! For 200 chapters!! And there was a lot of stuff in this chapter, so I am going to start with Sango.

Sango has gone to a very dark place, and I think that she is going be a huge problem in her current state and not just to Inuyasha. She doesn't think that Kagome should be with a demon that a demon cannot love, let alone love Kagome like she deserves to be. Which leads me to Takemaru and his line of thinking, though he wanted Izayoi to himself, the line of thinking remains the same. Sango is someone who would fight for Kagome, would rage war to get her back. This may cause problems for Sesshomaru later on. Ending with that line of thinking, I wonder just what Miroku meant by asking if Kagome truly wants to be saved, hopefully that will be explained a bit later. 

Seriously, Inuyasha, what kind of return were you expecting? The bringing out of the fatted calf? Idiot.

So Kagome has finally been brought to the inner sanctum. Now that she is there, I wonder if Sesshomaru will ever let go back to her own rooms again. And frankly I'm surprised he hasn't chained her there in the first place. XD Once again, Sesshomaru has that awkward moment of speaking out loud, but I don't think he realized it in this case. And it more than endeared Kagome to him, and more than likely turned that little bit of caring into a whole lot of caring. I think by now she has finally figured out just how emotionally retarded he is and is giving leeway, hell she would have to after being around Inuyasha for so long. But at least now she is responding in equal fervor to his passions, being a true partner and not just letting him have his naughty little way with her. I wonder if she realizes that she has now truly and finally capitulated to Sesshomaru, and now that she has that he will expect nothing less.

Kayelyn (Chapter 199) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Yes, Kagome, break him of that habit. While it is nice and heartwarming that he will protect her from everything, that is what Inupapa did with Izayoi, and though Kagome doesn't know it, that was one of the major problems. She must protect herself, if she is weak then Sesshomaru by proxy is weak. But now that she has made the desicion to stick it out and make a home there, and defend that choice, I have a feeling that BAMF!Kagome will be making her presence known rather shortly.

Kayelyn (Chapter 198) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

I think that the danger Kagome is in has finally pressed upon her. Maybe she do what she did to the Silk Mistress, flare her power or maybe seep it out onto her skin. But I have a question, she wears the Shikon Jewel. How is it that none of the youkai have noticed it, nor tried for it? That thing has always caused youkai to lose all sense of rationality, so why not now? 

As bad as this is, I LOL'ed at the killing of the concubines. And Sesshomaru's complete amnesia as to who Kagome is, to ask that if she wanted to kill them instead. "What displeases you now?" Bahahaha, silly puppy. I had been wondering how long it was going to take for her to find out about the concubines and just what her reaction to them was going to be. I am beyond pleased with the reaction. Yes, she cried, but then she got mad and made her displeasure known. Communication seems to be coming a bit easier to her in regards to Sesshomaru, which can only be a good thing. And the fact that he responded by getting rid of them, though not in the way Kagome thought he would, should put some of her fears to rest, at least for a while.

Kayelyn (Chapter 197) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

That's quite a portent of doom, especially since Kagome comes from the future world of no magic, of sulfer and steel. To her, that is what she knows, this place, this distant time where all of these magical things exist is some kind of fantastical alternate reality. And the fact that Sesshomaru knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is mans true objective, I can see why Kagome wonders what can truly come of them. Damnable pillow book raising doubts....

Kayelyn (Chapter 197) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

That's quite a portent of doom, especially since Kagome comes from the future world of no magic, of sulfer and steel. To her, that is what she knows, this place, this distant time where all of these magical things exist is some kind of fantastical alternate reality. And the fact that Sesshomaru knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is mans true objective, I can see why Kagome wonders what can truly come of them. Damnable pillow book raising doubts....

Kayelyn (Chapter 196) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

A mother's fear is strong and powerful thing, but I do not think that she possesses the power to truly walk away from Inupapa. That, to me, is what really sets Kagome and Izayoi apart. No matter how much Kagome wants to be loved, wanted, desired, she would never put that above the safety of her child. If she thought her child would be in any kind of danger, she would swim back to the mainland.

Kayelyn (Chapter 195) - Wed 01 Aug 2012

Ok, that answers my question as to where Izayoi was. Also, this is the first time that I haven't been all >.< that damnable pillow book again. This time it was actually pretty insightful as to the lengths the inuyoukai will go to to keep what they see as theirs, and what it means to be and Inu.

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