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Giannina (Chapter 40) - Mon 25 Mar 2013

I liked the chapter :)   i hope you get better of your migraine :)   update soon :D

Ilia (Chapter 39) - Sun 24 Mar 2013

How can you do this? you are such a tease...errr

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 39) - Sun 24 Mar 2013

I'm glad everything is ok between Kagome and Sesshomaru, keep it coming.

Eliona (Chapter 39) - Sun 24 Mar 2013

Kagome is high! XD thats a first lol. Keep up the good work :3

Kessa (Chapter 39) - Sun 24 Mar 2013

I'm doing a little happy dance in my seat after reading this :D

Fantastic as always, can't wait to see the next chapter.  

Love the new summary...can't remember if I said that before or not.  I blame lack of sleep and baby brain :)


Jemillia Grant (Chapter 39) - Sun 24 Mar 2013

this getting so lifelike. don't rush the ending. i could read this all day long. i hope all is well with the family.

Hassanah (Chapter 39) - Sun 24 Mar 2013

Aha! love getting these alerts that updated, it seems every time ii put my son and myself into bed you update and ii struggle but mannage to read before iii leave the land of the living, lol, too temptinng not o! anyways love that sess and kags are kool againn! :) things are progressing nicely ne? hmm not looking forward to the battle ii hope nothing too erious happens to any1! but yeah sorry *yawn* knackered and my son will be climbing on me come, like 8am (I'm in london, englannd and its like 12 at night hre) lol untill tomorrow sweetz

Loveyaa (Chapter 38) - Sun 24 Mar 2013

I wonder if things will be cleared up in time and what the plan is. I can't wait to see it layed out for everybody and if they'll follow along (since Jagome has clearly chosen sides now and it's with the very ones they were first against). I can't wait to see what happens next and especially between Kagome and Sesshoumaru :)

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 38) - Sat 23 Mar 2013

Keep it coming.

Kessa (Chapter 38) - Sat 23 Mar 2013

Well this looks a bit more promising from the last chapter ;)

I realize this is a darker story, buuuut I can't help but still want romance in it all.   

Good to see Inu and Koga gettin what they deserve, and I'm glad neither Kagome or Sesshomaru are completely giving up on each other.  Yay for Sess's mama to priase Kagome with her intelligence-bet he didn't see that coming!!   

Cant wait for the next chapter :)


Maurice (Chapter 37) - Sat 23 Mar 2013

I iiked this chapter. My only concern is the rapidness and aggressiveness of Kagome's anger toward Sesshomaru about the origins of Inuyasha's conception. I understand that you're trying to convey the doubt that Kagome has for Inuyasha's birth but like Sesshomaru, I couldnt find how smelling a shark out of water and smelling the potion used by Izayoi connected. I dont mean to overly critical, just wanted to convey my confusion. The story is coming along great!! I look froward to the next chapter. Also how long are you planning on making this story? Do you have a definiative chapter number or are you just going with the flow. Keep up the good work!!


PS: I hope you're feeling better. Good juju going your way :)

Leahchan13 (Chapter 37) - Sat 23 Mar 2013

Oh dear! I hope they work it all out soon~! Oh Sesshomaru you should have just told her everything...Can't wait for more! :-)

Kessa (Chapter 37) - Sat 23 Mar 2013

Oh no :(.   I hope Sesshomaru will get his act together and be fully truthful with Kagome and maybe she'll give him a second chance?   It was all going so well, I don't want to see them breakup.   Wonderful chapter, even as sad as it makes me :)


LoveAndFaith (Chapter 37) - Fri 22 Mar 2013

Keep it coming.

Hassanah (Chapter 37) - Fri 22 Mar 2013

you update fast enoough for me to not be like "ahh so short!*pout*" again, this is on my phone s orgive me for mistakes gt excited and type fst!!!! my husband just laughed his head off a me, got the alert you updated on my phone and yelled out of nowhere, "yesss!!! she updatessss quiick bluuud!! l ii like this giiiirrrll!!" loool but ii ssaid it taking the piss out of "hood ppl" (the blud remark, eenglish hood slang lool) anyway you must think me weird but only hope to get a snicker outta ya lool. yes! mmm lovely merman sesshoumaru! wish ould suck myself into these stories godammit *glares at husband* loool anyway nyway you know lobve this story! you kow you should s update again tomorrrow! but ahh kags why do you have to be difficult! sess should just rut her again be like, "what u sayin bitch? ooh no more shit oin out ur mouth huh?" lol love where its going, iii do hope they are on better terms bfore she takes leave! oooh btw the way he clls herr bitch never ceases to crack me up! she just sts there like "yea imm the bitch" lol doeesnt even snicker at it aahhaa. sorry again, really ont know why this stupid phnes mking me miss letteres and shit its so god damn jarring lol xxxx

Kristina (Chapter 36) - Fri 22 Mar 2013

I am truley enjoying your story. Personally I think your muse dragging her feet is a good thing. It is giving Kagoome time to truely trust in Sess and her feelings for him. I hope you start feeling better and thank you very much for writting and posting when your not in top form.


tina (Chapter 35) - Fri 22 Mar 2013

ooooooooooooooohhhhhhh wat's gona happen now?Suspense..... -i can't wait to read the next chapter.... keep going... ad oh yes I need more one or two or three scenes of pure lust... please?

Hassanah (Chapter 36) - Fri 22 Mar 2013

You update so fast, I love it! Nothing better than a good writer and fast updates! Anyway, loved thischapter too! Now I'm on my iPad I can go into a little more detail. I just love the plot, I was confused in the beginning, I thought 'hmm so this merman is going to like Kagome but she gets with Sesshoumaru? Lol then at one point I thought the merman WAS Sesshoumaru but didn't have enough evidence! Lol now I wanna read like the first 15 chaps again! Seriously love it when I read these type of stories with really good plots I just think damn where's all my plots gone!? Plot bunnies left me years ago! I've been wanting to start a story but bah I'll just have to wait lol. Anyways update soon! I loooooooooove!! Xxxx

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 36) - Thu 21 Mar 2013

Keep it coming.

FaeHime (Chapter 36) - Thu 21 Mar 2013

So, just got to this chapter (and seriously, I should SO be in bed right now!!!) and I will even admit, when I started this story last night, I was up till 2:30AM reading when I realized I had work in the morning!


I apologize for how rambling that sounded! Anywho, on to business as it were: This is an awesome story! I agree with you, its dragging a bit through the gutter right now, but I can feel wonderful things coming... and I'm not just talking about those two sex hounds we just left in the cave ;)

I'm rather impressed with your ability to keep an air of mystic up with this story, and was delighted to be conflicted about which character was going to be "Sesshomaru"... because up until the clarification, you had their personalities rahter similar!

Seriously enjoying this tale you've woven, and can't wait til you update again girly!


PS: I'm silently admonishing myself for getting caught up in a new fic when I should be updating my own but seriously.... DAMN! Kudos lady ;)

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