Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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loveyaa (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

OMG!! Can I just say that I'm pretty sure I'm on the edge of my seat. In fact I think I might has just fallen off of it. Although I can't wait to pick myself back up along with Kagome. I think you did a wonderful job taking us to such a dark place but seeing us through. I love that you did in fact spend time on the struggles that Kagome went through and didn't just skip over it. I also think you did a stupendous job at Sesshoumaru's reactions to the whole thing. I think that everyone is starting to see the light at the end of this dark long tunnel. I can't wait for the love to really quick into high gear and really help heal. Until next time...

loveyaa (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

OMG!! Can I just say that I'm pretty sure I'm on the edge of my seat. In fact I think I might has just fallen off of it. Although I can't wait to pick myself back up along with Kagome. I think you did a wonderful job taking us to such a dark place but seeing us through. I love that you did in fact spend time on the struggles that Kagome went through and didn't just skip over it. I also think you did a stupendous job at Sesshoumaru's reactions to the whole thing. I think that everyone is starting to see the light at the end of this dark long tunnel. I can't wait for the love to really quick into high gear and really help heal. Until next time...

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

Oh I'm so glad that she's finally come back to herself and Sesshoumaru.  What a touching chapter, it made me teary!  Sesshoumaru has been so sweet and supportive through all of it, and it gave me warm and fuzzy feelings when she hugged him ^_^

Keep up the great work!

Angelicatt (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

SIGH...what a wake up call? She accidentally stabs him and he continues to let her twist the knife...just like she's been doing with his heart. Does she have any idea how much he truly loves her?

Yohko (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

GREAT!!! It seems Kagome passed her "emo" stage... I hope things get better for them now...

amanda wulke (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

This the most heartbreaking, nail biting, simply breathtaking chapter I have ever head the pleasure of reading. Please please PLEASE update soon!

Goose (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

XD YES!! Kagome is BACK!! There for a little bit I thought she would actually do it this time, and was relieved that Sess finally got through to her. Update SOON!! ^_^

Rowdys girl (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

Finally! I've been waiting sooo long for this update, and you've let her come to herself so that she can begin healing mentally and emotionally. Is she going to tell Sesshoumaru everything? Is he going to mate her? Are they going to be together forever? And what about that missing shard???

Oh, we need more, much more.

Yoru-101 (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

Oh wow. That was lovely. I am in tears myself.

This may be the most beautiful chapter you've written to date. I may be falling for you, MissTeak.

Oh, and by the way, that fanart I was talking about, I lost the sketchbook that it was in, and now it's currently being mailed back to me. It's taking a long time, BUT MARK ME YOU SHALL HAVE IT.

All my Prisma markers are in there too *sob*


And I love you <3

Sena (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

I was reminded of Kenshin, but you definately made it yours. I'm happy that Kagome is finally getting over her ordeal, hopefully we can see more sesshy/kags lovin'. Great chapter as always!

janey (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

finally! i was tired of angsty-suicide kagome. i'm really excited for lovey dovery scenes haha, but i shouldn't expect it too soon right? i have to be honest, i started tearing up when she was about kill herself. the note, the blood, it was all so sad. good thing sesshoumaru got back in time. great chapter :)

darksilvercloud (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

nicely written chapter! glad to see kagome out of her suicide thoughts. the way how sesshomaru expressed his emotions that resulted in kagome rising above her pain, well written. i hope to see more soon!!!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 51) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

Oh Teak-chan! Why do you torture me so w/your amazing writers' skillz ;-;? Ugh.. I can't fathom up the words on how amazing and enlightening this chapter was. It started out so sad that my heart just dropped and brough fear to it that Sesshoumaru would just get tired of her actions and just bid her farewell and let her die somewhere in the forest! BUT! I know that wouldn't be the case! This is a Sesshoumaru and Kagome fic/site afterall xD lol; Neverthelss, the fear was there.

I must also add how you just made my heart skip a beat on the part where he just ended up swooping in and being her hero as always! Making her feel like no one else has been able to for the past however many days it's been since the dreadful incident. I love how well Sesshoumaru's true character fills in the roll of her caretaker and lover. I now see what you meant about this being a one-sided love =c. Poor Sesshoumaru. Hang in there! lol xD It's so smooth on how he got her to smile and eat and forget about the worries, yet they always seem to slip their way back. Although, he is making major progress! In which I know he'll get through. This is just so real. Almost feels like this actually happened in real life or it's playing right in front of me as I read sentence after sentence; And, and paragraph after paragraph. c;

Please update soon, Teak-chan! I hope all is going well and please ::bows deeply:: forgive this lowly reviewer for not reading sooner. I am deeply sorry and I'll try my best this week to read your update as soon as it comes up =D

Take care,


hola (Chapter 51) - Thu 25 Mar 2010

just so ya know.. still workin on some fanart for ya. also, i finally remembered my password! lol :o)

Angelicatt (Chapter 51) - Thu 25 Mar 2010

This is quite possibly the most romantic chapter of them all so far...the depth of his devotion to her knows no end and he even manages to make her laugh.

Madison (Chapter 1) - Wed 24 Mar 2010

Alright, no joking, time to be serious.

And you know that if I'm serious, I mean business.

I was really intrigued at the beginning of the story, especially considering Kagome's new surrounding. It was different, but it was a good different. I very much enjoyed the way she "sees" sesshomaru again, and how he doesn't know its her just  yet. Of course, it's intriguing! Then you teleport us into this new world, and a place where I would have never imagine Kagome, but once again, I still like it.

So we learn about her sisters/friends, and Hasu. Gosh I don't like this girl. I mean, we are used to this type of people, everywhere in our life, so its easy to relate, and understand how Kagome is feeling. I really love his first gift, and how   it frustrated Hasu since it could have been meant for her. I also like the status of Kagome, meaning you know, she's not sleeping around. She's still a virgin, i guess is what I'm trying to get to.

Then comes the cute little dates with Sesshomaru. I could feel from the way you describe how Kagome felt keeping her real identity away from Sesshomaru. I was particularly pissed off at Hasu's reaction from their relationship, and they way she burned the letter, and it broke my heart (Kagome's reaction especially).

The stubbornness of Sesshomaru made my heart melt, especially how he waited for her, and did not leave until she showed, he waited for her. He always would. And it so romantic, and gosh perfect. I love it, and I think I almost shed a tear. Truly beautiful writing.

Which also leads me to saying that the way you write the universe, makes it so perfect to picture. Every time, I can see everything very clearly in my mind, and it nearly as if I was there, instead of reading it. Not a lot of stories can do that for me, but yours obviously can, which comes as not surprise at all for me.

Now, lets move on their third date. It was very adorable their little chat, how he said he wouldn't let her fall, and that if she did, he would fall with her. Honestly I'm liking this Sesshomaru. Not only is he surprisingly romantic, but with her he is a different person. Its as if he let himself be a real person, instead of the facade he shows to everyone.

Oh lord, I didn't like it when she told Kagome to "enjoy herself" like Kagome, I feared the worst.

Oh, and I didn't expect Sesshomaru to take her to his castle, and I must admit, I found myself being very giddy. Also, I never thought the jewel would be brought back in this manner. It adds so much more depth, and twist within the stories, it is very lovely. Especially since the jewel is not complete!

I was so nervous during that first morning, where Kagome didnt want to show up without makeup. I found myself very scared for her. I mean its obvious that Sesshomaru is not that oblivious to who Kagome is. If he saw her face, he would know who she was.

Then came that kiss. Well, those kisses. Oh my god, especially the way Sesshomaru is inexperienced, since kissing is not common, and he seemed shy and inexperience at first. I love how she is the one to tell him to open his mouth. And wow, for a second, I felt the heat rising.

Then came the bad news.

Sesshomaru found out about her, and her quest of trying to find the jewel in his castle. Well, he didn't find out about both at the same time, but you know what I'm trying to say. When Kagome lied again when he asked if she had anything to say, I cringed. I was praying for her to say the truth but she didn't. It broke my heart the way he spoke to her, and how she never even had a chance to explain anything, especially why she rejected him.

I completely understand her decision to reject Sesshomaru. She wanted him to love her, and make love to her, not another person she had invented. I simply wished he would have listened to what she had to say. But its Sesshomaru, and I could imagine all the recent events had hurt him.

It was very refreshing to think about Kagome showing up without all the paint. I think it changed Sesshomaru's vision of her as well. Im glad though that she managed to get a chance to tell what she wanted to say, and explain why she rejected him previously.

Oh my, when Ah Un died, I felt my heart broke. I mean, he's not an important character, but I like him nonetheless especially how cute he is with Rin, in the Anime/Manga. But also, his death means much trouble for Kagome, and I already feared for her life.

I should have known this bastard was the one behind this whole plan. Gosh. And what he did to Kagome, what he put her through (and do I need to mention you made my heart skip a beat with Sesshomaru's dream/omen, gosh I thought Kagome was dead).

The more time passed, the more I thought Sesshomaru would never come to save her. And her fingers, I couldn't even think the pain going through her body. I cringed every time they hurt her. And then, oh my. I thought they would rape her before Sesshomaru made it there. Did I ever cry tears of relief!

And then. She flinched when he touched her. Oh I felt so bad for the poor boy, especially since he had just save her. But I dont think neither of them are to blame. They both went through a lot, and it was hard for them. I felt so broken when Kagome hurt herself, mutilate. I really hope her spirits will be risen. And, also, THAT SCENE! The scene, where she breaks down, and tells him that she would never be normal again, and that he shouldn't stay! You just can't do that to someone, my heart shattered to piece.

And now it ends with that last sad scene, after her mutilation. I really hope things will improve for them. I know angst and drama is needed, but Kami, they need some light in their life.

Phewww. I told you this would be a long review. Dont blame me, you were warned :3

Now, hurry and update my love!

KAggie (Chapter 51) - Wed 24 Mar 2010

i'm glad that I was able to catch up on your latest chapters. You have me tearing up! T^T Which is a good thing might I add! lol Wonderful reactions from a wonderful story. I feel for Kagome. And Sesshoumaru is doing the right thing I believe. I hope she makes it through.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 51) - Mon 22 Mar 2010

This is so good, but SOOOO depressing D:  My heart goes out to Kagome and Sesshoumaru, that's some craptastic events they've had to go through and it looks like it's taken its toll on her.  Hopefully she'll get through it easier if she is treated like a human being and not a charity case though, it held promise :)

You're doing an amazing job Miss Teak!  I always look forward to more :D

Inumaru_Rapture (Chapter 51) - Mon 22 Mar 2010

She is so sad.  It's almost unbearable.  I wish she regains herself, for her sake and for his.

Creature of Shadow (Chapter 51) - Mon 22 Mar 2010

Good chapter once again! It's so sad! I hope Kagome gets better soon. I can't imagine what she's going through. Looking forward to the next update!



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