Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Tana_san (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

I, too, thought that all these things were too coincidental. I knew that once Sesshoumaru got over the fact that Kagome was the Shikon miko and that she wasn't using him to get it back, that he would be able to piece all this together quickly. Now that they have the plot uncovered, all's that's left is to find who's behind it all. I have my own guess but I'll wait and enjoy the Sesshoumaru's investigation and reveal.

 It's was so sweet of him to reassure Kagome that though their meeting was part of a plot, their union and feelings for one another were real and of their doing. Though it may have not been fated, all that happened between them was romantic with the exception of the fight and Kagome's abduction by Kumano.

Have fun in Japan. Are Mom and Dad going too or is this a solo trip? Be good and stay safe. My prayers go with you. We'll be here waiting when you get back. Love and many hugs,  JEN


Starlyte (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Thank you once again for another great chapter!!!

Also ild just like to say that even though i too wish your updates were more frequent, i completely understand that you have a life out side of dokuga as well and i don't think its fair that someone is getting upset at you for this! Personally i think its great you share your writtings with others, and people should just be greatfull to you for doing so!!!

Now on with the review LoL....

Damn! The plot thickens and i sooooooo can't wait for all the answers to be revealed! But now that they are going back Hanaka hopefully things are going to start to fall into place. It seems they have most of the pieces to this mysterious puzzle, now all they have to do is see where everything fits, and maybe that's what Sesshomaru's plan is for?! But what ever the reasons, i juust can't wait to find out!!!

Thanks once again for updating, and have fun in Japan, maybe your get ideas for when/if Sesshomaru goes to Kagomes time while your there?!

kagomesirene (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

yay...i'm so glad they're getting more and more comfortable in each others presence again CX

it is kinda unsettleing that each and evey meeting between them seems to been planned, but sesshoumaru is right... can maipulate the meetings, but i'm sure you cannot manipulate feelings to such an extent as to lord icycle showing that he is really in love XD

i do wonder who's behind all this..and why...there needs to be someone else we don't know yet, as i am sure sesshoumaru would have sensed if some powerfull/ evil being was housed at hanaka /kyoto many secrets ...and so many more affection needs to be shown betweeb our love birds XD hint know what i mean ;P seems they have simply no luck...every time you think *here goes something* they get interrupted :I

pretty pease update soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon

Rikayu (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Sweetie, you have again produced another well-written chapter!  I want to know so bad what's going to happen next~  All the connections with the plum scent is so intriguing and I can't wait to see what other surprises you're going to come up with.  Manipulation or not, they're fated to be together LOL~

Also, take your time with the next chapter, hun~ There's no one who can tell you when to update.  It's all on you. :3  I confess that I have the same problem as well, with finals just around the corner, I have a bunch of artwork waiting to be finished (like the Wisteria!Sesshou I have to work on T^T), and I've only been trying to complete them a little at a time.  Many huggles, and I hope that your trip to Japan goes well! (I'm a tad bit envious LOL~ My last visit to Japan was two years ago T^T and I miss wandering through Sakae)

swift death (Chapter 54) - Wed 05 May 2010

I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!!! you have not added another chapter for weeks and i am beggining to think you dont want to finish the story. how very dissaportingt because i thought you were different from the others who dont even think twrice about finishing a story. But it looks like i was wrong, till your next chapter if you really want to finish. Ta Ta my friend.

Zakura (Chapter 54) - Wed 28 Apr 2010

Great chapter, once again. Im SO glad that spiral of angst is over. Kagome had been suffering too long. As to the question of Sesshomaru being able to go into the future my answer would be that he shouldn't be able to. In the manga, Kagome had to choose between her family and future; to a life in the past with Inuyasha. She chose Inuyasha and the sacrifice was great but rewarding for her. Also, everytime Sesshomaru seems to go into the future in other fics,somehow a lot of people ruin the regal aristrocratic quality of Sesshomaru. I can't really imagine him meeting her family while keeping him the same. Thats just my opinion though. Good luck!

Mishikaiya (Chapter 54) - Mon 26 Apr 2010

I have meant to start reading Wisteria a long, long time ago. And a few days ago, I finally did start. I am caught up and excited to read more. Throughout my readings, I only had one bit of confusion. Kagome and Sesshoumaru never did talk again about her rejecting him before he found out who she was. At least, I could've sworn that topic was never broached again. Maybe it was mentioned and I was too focused on the overall story to remember. ANYWAY! I wished to let you know that this has been a most enjoyable read thus far and I have no doubts in your writing prowess that it shall continue to please. Personally, I think Sesshoumaru would be unable to go through the well, no matter how interesting such a situation would be. However! I do believe that it could be possible were the Shikon Jewel be carried with him. I don't think he could get through without some kind of help. :) I must thank you again and again for taking notice in my own story. You are truly a gifted writer and I am honored that you have found interest in my own work. Happy writing! :D

His Lady (Chapter 54) - Sun 25 Apr 2010

he doesnt think koyama is the thief who stole the jewel shard does hea? i mean that would explain a lot though since she can teleport its not hard for her to get to one place and back to the castle long at all or maybe was it part of some plan of hers to get fuji to the castle with sesshomaru........soooooooo many possiblities i cant wait to read the next update

Creature of Shadow (Chapter 54) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

Aw man! I was totally syked for a lemon! :D Really great chapter though, I loved it. It had a little bit of just about everything awesome. As for the well situation, in my opinion you've already kinda set it up for him going and if he didn't I think it would just leave it hanging. It could go either way I supppose, but personally I think you should send him through. Can't wait for the next chapter, and I hope Japan was great! Til next time!



Sara (Chapter 54) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

Oh hell no! Sesshoumaru should not be able to go to the future, it just makes no sense and you would be blatantly ignoring everything the canon story was made of. Inuyasha was connected to Kagome so he was the ONLY one who could go through and that´s all right. Why should he go to the future? What is so interesting to see him there. I despise stories who bring him to the future without giving a believable reason to why that´s possible at all and then what? They are usually going out, shopping, eating ice cream and so on. Do you really think such a plot fits into this storyline? Is it really so important that he meets her family and her modern friends? I don´t want to see an ancient demon Lord in modern Tokyo, for what? No, please no. There are enough AU stories with him in our time, this story is unique and charming because it has an old, traditonal Japanese plotline and it should stay so.

love you so much (Chapter 54) - Sat 24 Apr 2010

<3  that is all. :D

hola (Chapter 54) - Fri 23 Apr 2010
daaaaang.... koyama's a cock blocker, eh? lol. okay... so sesshoumaru going through the well could be really cool. it'd be good for him to meet her family, since he's taking her to go see his mother and ward/daughter.... the only thing that that really bugs me when people have him go through the well, is having sess wear modern clothes especially when the rest of the fic is canon.. it just seems ooc for him. besides, in modern japan, some still wear the ''old fashions'' and traditional clothes.. other than his attire, i think its a good idea, it'll let kagome see her family, & sess will meet them, and maybe a humourous encounter with buyo. :o)

Angela (Chapter 54) - Fri 23 Apr 2010

oooo i soo loved the fluff! ^ ^ hahaha soo cute! and maybe the kidnappings and stuff has to do with koyama! i mean she is covering her scent! ^ ^ haha soo mush mystery i love it!

KAggie (Chapter 54) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

This was a great chapter! I'm really happy with how their relationship is coming along. They need some lovin'! And I think Sesshoumaru should be allowed to go into the future with Kagome. She did mention that she left part of the Shikon jewel in the future. And having Sesshoumaru there meeting the parents and seeing the new sites can be quite interesting. I'm afraid that it would deter from the time that this story has been occuring in. Hmmm....this is a tough choice. i think I'll have to go with, sure! Why not? :)

swift death (Chapter 54) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

as always, you chapters never seem to amuse me in many ways, and for that i am indeed gratefull. the writing was perfect and interisting if i do say so myself :) Till the next chapter Ta ta for now

RayRay (Chapter 54) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

Oooo I looooved that sexy little scene between Sesshomaru and Kagome. I definitely can't wait for the lemon :D! The mystery is keeping me in suspense, I have no idea who could be the culprit who was behind Kagome's attack and the stealing of her piece of shard. I like how he just added more to his own puzzle because of Koyama. <3 I look forward to reading more!

Kuro (Chapter 54) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

love Wisteria!  one of my favorite sessh/kag stories.   and i think think Seshoumaru should be able to go through the well with Kagome.

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 54) - Thu 22 Apr 2010

Nuh-uh! No way! No way!!! Oh migosh. I just... I'm speechless! This chapter is just WAY better than the last! I cant' believe this! OH!!! I just......! AH! I'm at a loss for words! ::takes deep breaths:: Okie... let me TRY to explain myself @,@

WELL! To start off, AMAZING beginning. I just.. WOW! (Well that wasn't a good way to start off ¬¬ I'm still at a loss for words! @,@) Okie, srsly, lyke, I was literally in a fit of giggles throughout the whole beginning at how silly and young-lovers-ish they were acting. (I don't even think that's a phrase/word but w.e. =D It's how I explain myself. W/my own english, lawl) So anyways!

Then when it got deeper and deeper as they started to kiss and whatnot. When he got on top of her I'll admit =x I got a little hot that I got closer and closer to the screen. Every line I read I just froze w/that mischievous look on my face of, "Oh em gee they're gonna do it!!!" Then it said he brushed his cheek past her nipple and I shied away but I could help but just turn right back and keep on reading! ::deep blush:: SO ROMANTIC!! ::fanatic squee:: You just display such a sweet vision of how much they just belong together. It's as though it's so true. Which, imo, I think it is!!!! I can just feel how their emotions radiate off of my screen every line I read. It's amazing. I love it when a writers work just becomes a part of me that I can FEEL what the characters are feeling.

And then when Koyama and Jaken came in I was SO close to the screen that I just jumped back and was like, "DOH!" and just laughed, and laughed, and laughed xD It was just such a silly scene. So totally like I pictured it would definitely be! There's no other way I would be able to see it. LOVE IT! Kek =D

Lastly! The end! I would never have expected that Koyama may have anything to do w/what's going on! I mean it makes sense! It's just so strange! Then I scrolled down and saw that was the end of the chapter! I was like, "::dramatic:: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Por que, Teak-chan?!" I am just so extatic about the following chapters! This fic is just so good! It's got a mix of everything! Love, action, humor, horror, etc...!!! Just amazing!!! I wish I could say more but you know me. I babble trying to get it all out that it's barely understandable! lawl ^-^ But I know you at least get the idea xD

♥♥♥♥♥ you, Teak-chan!


Madison (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

My love, my love. You have to stop just leaving hints about that plot, lol. I'm dying here you know!

You know what? After all this time, and chapters, I actually forgot about the shard Kagome lost. Thank you for reminding me. So many things happened, that it slipped my mind. But if you brought it up, I know there's a reason for that, and I'm just impatiently waiting for it to come out, lol. I'll wait, but only because I love you.

That pink-ish, pink was neat. I mean I didn't really expect a full out, at least not yet, BUT I'll want it. It was so darn sweet my love. The way you wrote it, I could feel their love, and need for each other with every words I read. Their need to touch each other is obviously more than physical, they just need each other in every way possible. They realized they complete each other, and that's just beautiful!

Honestly, I got so caught up in those two, that when they got interrupted, I cursed out loud. I knew it was going to stop, but I didn't want to believe it. But gosh, I'm surprised Sesshomaru remained so calm, and poor Kagome who was so darn exposed for the world to see. Poor Jaken, Sesshomaru will kick his ass later. It was good and bad that they got interrupted. I think they need a little more time before they got all out, but it's nice that they are comfortable with each other.

And the little "where to have breakfast" confrontation, lmao. Adorable.

Now to answer your question, I think it would be neat to have Sesshomaru go through the well, and to her time. I mean, I think it's the connection to Kagome, in a "love" way that allows them to go. I don't know, it might be weird. But anywho, it wouldn't be insane for him to be able to go through, and seeing in the modern world, would be to die for.

Once again hun, you hit the spot.

Now I have to go lay down, before I pass out, lmao. *My apology if this review is shorter*

Miju (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Very cute and interesting chapter.

Yes, he should go through.

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