Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Yoru-101 (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

In my lowly opinion, I think no. I have read too many fanfictions that have had Sesshoumaru completely change after going to the future, and I rather like the fact that he remains the unchanged Demon Lord he is; that is, not changed into some Punk boyfriend with tattoos on his face.

That, and I like the angst they would both feel while being away from each other. You know me <3

Oh, and with your fic, the whole magic deal isn't simple, so how would you explain Sesshoumaru going through? I doubt "well, he's Inuyasha's brother" would be the sufficient response. Your story is too complex for that.


Anyways, fluff chapter. I enjoyed Jaken. He always makes situations 5 times more awkward. <3 <3

loveyaa (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

I must say that I quite enoyed your combo chapter and hope that there are many more to come. I love the progress that everything is taking (thier releationship and the mystery of Kagome's life). can't wait until more cuteness ensues :)

Lady Katanya (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

I was told to read your fic and I love it!!! I'm intrigued and trying to put all the pieces together! You made their romance believable while still staying true to the characters! I almost cried while she was recovering. I think you should let sessho through the well. it would open up alot of possibilities!! Plus I would love to see what her family would say to his presence! it would be interesting to see how unbalanced he would be!

fatcatmom (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Excellent chapter. Poor Kagome getting walked in on--she just can't catch a lucky break! And quite a hint there about no scent with Koyama....

Enjoy your trip to Japan! “Should Sesshoumaru be able to go through the well with Kagome?”: No, not until he is mated to her. Inuyasha can use the well because of the connection to her through the subjugation beads, but Shippo cannot even though he loves her with all his heart. A mating bond and sharing of souls would be strong enough to let him through. Can you tell I have thought about this topic for a while?

jgem (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

It's been awhile since I last reviewed, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been reading and enjoying! While the very well-written parts of Kagome's depression and healing were totally necessary (after all, who wouldn't after going through what she did), it's nice to see the sweet, romantic part (your speciality, in my opinion) continue on. 

On the topic of Sesshoumaru going through the well. While it would be very interesting to see your perspective on his take, I think adding it to this story line would make the overall story more cumbersome. It would be another arc in a story that seemed to be on the verge of wrapping itself up, not to mention an arc that kind of has nothing to do with the main parts of the story. If the characters are gearing up for a final show-down, it seems kind of weird to have them going off on an outing to the future. Perhaps this idea can be pursued as a one-shot by itself, but not part of the main "Wisteria" story. Just this reader's always, the story is the author's baby.

I love breaks for Miss Teak. It means more updates!

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Excellent story. At times it was emotionally draining having to read through the angsy, darker chapters but I am glad that part of it is over with and you have moved on to a lighter side.  I love a good mystery and this promises to be a good 'who dun it'.

In my opinion, I think it would be interesting for Sesshomaru to be able to go through the well. I personnally would like to see how you would write the future through his eyes and his opinion of it. Would you have youkais living open in the future under the guise of being human or not at all?

Keep up the fantastic writing and have a safe and fun trip to Japan.  Many hugs and smiles!


LadySafire (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

 So love this story and the latest chapter is just as good as those before it. Love the fluffy moments between Seshomaru and Kagome. And the mystery behind kaggie's abduction, the missing shard and Sess's housekeeper, a lack of scent? (Ok I couldn't remeber her name)

 Laughed at the "interruption" it was a great moment. Just heightens the sexual frustration of the two, though.

 Be well and sooo lucky you are going to Japan. i am envious, woman!

darksilvercloud (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

i love the mixture in this chapter! the part on being caught by koyama was simply hilarious XDDDD

oh! YES! sesshomaru should totally be able to go through the well~

88pieces (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

i think he should be able to go through the well.  and i loved the chapter it was so cute and amusing at the end.  cant wait for the next one.

Sesshoumaru's Lady (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Hiya Miss Teak!  Another great chapter and update!  Woo-Hoo!  To be honest with you, with all that was going on especially with the angst that Kagome and Sesshoumaru were going through, I forgot about the stolen shard.  I thought that when I read it at the time that it was going to be something that would be brought to light eventually but this story has so much depth, I totally forgot about it until this chapter.

I also questioned the hidden person at the time and I have a feeling that it's someone who obviously works for Sesshoumaru so can't wait until it's exposed who the traitor is. 

I enjoyed the bit of fluffyness between Kagome and Sesshoumaru in this chapter and the pre-lime... but darn it,  their plans were foiled yet again... So I'm definately looking forward to more that you have in store for them.

I can't wait until the next update and have a safe trip to Japan!  Must be exciting!  Take care!

Ps.  My input regarding your inquiry about if Sesshoumaru be allowed to go through the well with Kagome? I say Yes... not only would he be out of his element due to the environment but the interaction that he would have with her family would be interesting.  I say definately!

knifethrower (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Is Jaken the other captor?  Jaken definitely doesn't LOOK as though he would smell like ripe plums.  Over-ripe plums, maybe!  Even though Kagome and Sesshomaru were thwarted, I'm relieved to read that they have fully surmounted the obstacle started by her concealing her true identity.  I think if he had any lingering issues, it would have come through in this last chapter.  Now they can present a united front!  I wonder if Kagome is going to return to her Geisha House to discover who stole the jewel shard.  It seems like the only way to do it.  Will Sesshomaru accompany her back to town?  Will he play the part of a proper noble client?  Returning to that environment should prove interesting.  It would be interesting as well to read about Sesshomaru accompanying Kagome through the well.  I have mixed feelings about whether it would be good for the story.  I cannot see Sesshomaru allowing Kagome to attempt to go through the well without him, given how their relationship has progressed at this point.  I also think that Kagome would have to try to get back to her family, to let them know she is all right.  So, unless you make Kagome consider the possibility of visiting her family and decide to put it off until her business with her enemies and the shard are complete, you may have to do it.  The downside of them visiting the modern era is that the story so far is very cohesive, in plot and mood.  Would the change in scene, from the structure and disciplined beauty of Sesshomaru's noble word, to Kagome's fast-moving modern world be disruptive to the story?  I don't know. 

REDWOLF (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Well, if Sesshoumaru goes through the well, as long as they are together in the end, I would be so happy!

shark bait hoo ha ha (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010


It would make me foam at the mouth ecstatic...


I think I would die in sheer bliss if he could go to the well with her. her family deserves to meet her significant other...


:) ^_^ :D ^o^

Presto-chan (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

I just want to say one thing: I love your writing. Everything feels complete and well thought out.

I definitely think you should meke Sesshoumaru go through the well. Ah, craziness ensues ;p.



CookieAsylum (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Very nice. I'm glad that Kagome is finally moving on and seeing what's in front of her. But this jewel thief brings a new mystery. I remember that creepy thing hanging out in the rafters above Kagome's room - or something like that. And hooray for fluff!

Anyway, about Sesshoumaru going to the future... it might be interesting. You'd have to incorporate it smoothly so it wouldn't mess up the flow of the story. It might be better if he doesn't go to the future. But then, it depends on what happens with the jewel and Kagome too. I say: Go for it. Let Sesshoumaru experience the futur.

Keep up the beautiful work,

- CA

Starlyte (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Firstly i think Sesshomaru should be able to get through the well! From my opinion its always good humor and drama when he's on the other side of the well (from the other stories i've read), i'm not saying it has to be the same, but i think it works when its added into the story!

But that's just my opinion!!LoL

Ok now back to the review... OMG i sooo want to know who's behind this!! I really really want to know, though i've got a few ideas, i still want to know where you go with this!!! But on another note i'm absolutely loving the closeness between our favourite duo, its good to see Kagome getting better, and starting to live again.

Thank you very much for the update and i look forward to the next one!!!!!!

kagomesirene (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010


what a great chapter...yay for fluff...yay for humor XD

and a little piece of the puzzle solved too X)

can't wait to read more soon


Forfirith (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010


Finnaly more fluffs~ and some lemonade at mix x3


Btw, great integration of the diferent moods! Keep it up!

...and need more fluffs~ >____< moer~~ bigger chapters~~~fluff~~ o3o

Sena (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

ooo good the romance is back! I definately think sessh should be able to go through the well. Great chapter, looking forward to more and sad about your hiatus but hope you have a great trip!

hikari hime (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Hello dear,

Very good chapters, as always. Sorry I didn't take the time to review lately, my life's been a little hectic, but I was always a faithful reader of that really good story of yours.

To answer your question, well, I would think it would be logical if Sesshomaru could be able to cross the well, if he had the jewel with him. After all, other youkai were able to do so, in one way or another... whenever you use it in your plotline or not is your decision, Lass. :)

Poor Sesshomaru, he should be sooooo frustrated by now... I hope he can indeed have some.... heh.... retribution... before harm comes to Kagome (again). And we all know how much of a trouble magnet she is...

Anyway, good job, as always.

Take care :)

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