Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Tana_san (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

You accomplished all you wished to in this chapter extremely well, but it's a shame that what they were attempting to do was interrupted and Kagome hadn't the courage to continue because she was embarrassed.

Now that Sesshoumaru knows there was more to Kagome's kidnapping by Kumano and he just sensed or shall I say didn't sense Koyama's distinct smell, things are surely going to get more interesting from here. Just...umm, give Sessh and Kagome more intimate moments before they have to get to heavy into this new mystery?  JEN

Chelsea (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Hey, so I really enjoy reading your story! And to answer your question, I have no clue if Sesshoumaru should be able to go through the well with Kagome. One of the reasons I like your story so much is that it is like an alternate universe story without being one. If I was writing the story, I would try to keep the well out of it as much as possible. If you do include the well I would like Sesshoumaru to go with her simply because I like them being together as much as they can. But it is your story and I'm sure what you end up writing will be absolutely wonderful.

blu_luna07 (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

i say he should! don't you? haha... could koyama be part of it? hope you update soon!!!!

sweetest angel (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

about the well, I think it could be a good idea to let him pass...

Whatever you decide, I can't wait to see what will happen next! and the unveiling of the real culprid behind everything!

please, update soon!

Elly (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Definently yes. He should be able to go through the well. It would be very interesting to see. I loved this chapter, made me smile. THe mystery is killing me.

LM Bluejay (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Yes! Yes he should! Lol. Thanks for the update, keep up the good work! ^_^

Khrystyne (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Fantastic chapter!! Slightly possessive Sesshomaru is adorable. I think Sesshomaru should be able to pass through the well because it will lead to so many new things for him, that is inquisitive nature will have a field day with. I also loved the mix of seriousness with fluff.

I hope you have a fantastic time in Japan, I'm super jealous, that's somewhere I have always wanted to go.

Can't wait for the next chapter!!


Shae (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Hah, great to see them getting along so well again. And I'm so glad that Sesshoumaru is asking questions and starting to figure things out. I think Kagome has been so overwhelmed by everything happening that she hasn't had much time to think about things. She neglected to mention who put the stuff that was in her drawer back though (and therefore also had opportunity to steal), tsk XD It's so sweet that he's concerned about her safety, too (and I can understand why, he just saved her from herself, of course he doesn't want her ending up in a bad situation again).

The poor things, always getting interrupted XD I love the different responses to breakfast.

Interesting, so the plum-demon is a teleporter, I guess this could be due to an ability, or she could be the same type of demon as Koyama.

With the well... I guess it depends on how you decide it works? If it needs the jewel to be present to work then I imagine they both could go (though I recall Inuyasha going back and forth without having the jewel). If its tied to Kagome, then maybe if he's in contact with her as she goes (but again, Inuyasha has kinda proved this wrong). Ehh, I'm not sure how it works. But it would certainly be entertaining to see how Sesshoumaru reacts to the modern world. Ohh however, Kagome was first caught near the well, right? So the plum-demon might be aware of what the well does (or at least that it does something and is important to Kagome).

As always, a wonderful chapter. Hope you have a great time in Japan :D

Yohko (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

I definitely LOVE the last chapter... I hope Sess and Kag won't get interrupted next time. LOL thanks for the Update!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

I love how this chapter turned out, it had a little bit of all the good stuff and I, for one, am never one to complain about fluff ^_^  You've sure written a lot of trials for them, so it's nice to see that they get some good stuff :D 

Sesshoumaru through the well is always fun, epsecially if she gets to show him off a bit! 

Melly (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

Yaaaay!  Another update!  The lovebirds are finally getting past the awkwardness and moving on to happier and/ or more constructive things.  Can't wait for the next chapter!  Update soon!

Angelicatt (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010

The plum scented one can teleport like Koyama??? hmmm...The poor dears can't get a moment of privacy to enjoy the rapture of being with each other. Sess needs to install some locks on those doors of his. Jaken probably needs some eye bleach right about now.

Yes, Sess should be able to go through the well but only much, much time soon.

Aki (Chapter 54) - Wed 21 Apr 2010


i would love to see sesshoumaru's expression when he looks at a T.V or even Kagome's fat cat! 

A small interl fight between animals.

Lazy cat Vs Confused Sesshoumaru!

Sala (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Great new chapter!  As for your query about whether or not Sesshoumaru should be allowed through the well, I'm still sitting on the fence about that one.  Even canonically, there are inconsistencies, so I imagine it would be plausible for him to be able to travel through time.  I guess I just don't see the "present" having much impact on this piece of fiction.  In my mind, the setting is firmly entrenched in the "past", so to introduce modern Japan into the story would seem a bit awkward.  That said, I would not be averse to seeing Sesshoumaru interact with Kagome's family.  I guess just write whatever your muse tells you to write.  Just let the story flow and take you where it will.

megs (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Hmmm.....18 day hiatus? We, the readers, will only forgive you if you take lots and lots of pictures for us ^_^ It will help soften the blow of having to live without another chapter for 18 long..LONG miserable days!

ObsidianTresses (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Ahh! You updated again! Yay!! They really have the worst of luck don't they? Lol   Again, love this chapter!


As for your question, I think it would be interesting to allow Sess into Kagome's era. It would be really sweet to either see some interesting plot twists there (or the reason for him being there) or just some romantic fluff in a lit city.


Samantha (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

LOVED this chapter. but I would've been as embarrassed as Kagome probably even more so. As for your question, ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY YES SESSHOMARU SHOULD GO TO THE FUTURE! xD

taixi (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

very curious about Koyama's scent; it leaves us with even more to ponder (unikely Koyama herself is to blame, but perhaps the being with the plum scent is a teleporter).

Strong veto to sesshoumaru being able to pass through the well! (the concept seems a bit campy to me for some reason, I feel it would change the tone of the fic if you have to start dealing with what Sesshoumaru would experience on the other side of the well, discovering a whole new world, having Kagome explain things to him.).  In fact, part of me would like to think that not even Kagome can pass through anymore (I was about to write that I feel she somehow belongs more in this world now, but upon reflection I'm guilty of confusing Kagome with Fuji).  Anyhow, long and short of it is that what makes this story stand out is (in part) the setting in the floating world and later in sesshoumaru's home; to bring him into the modern world seems unnecessary and perhaps like you would be trying to incorporate too much into a single story.

leo (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

I rarely ever review even for stories i love (and i assure you i loved this story of yours) but i strongly feel that sessh should not be able to go through the well.

inumaru_rapture (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

(too lazy to sign in)


I think it would be nice to have Sesshoumaru go through the well, but it would leave you open to the idea of where they should end up.  It may draw your conclusion to a different place instead of where you are going now.  I don't wish the story to change just because he can go through the well.

Enjoy Japan!!! I'm recklessly jealous!  I know you'll have a blast!  Bring back some wonderful stories!

As for this chapter, wonderful! Simply great!  I hope someone does fanart based on their getting caught in a compromised position!  I've got too much on my plate to risk it. :P Otherwsie, you know I'd be all over it!


Love it, love you! Have fun!


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