Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Madeline (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

I dunno if sesshy should go through the well, it would be awesome if he could, but it might be more interesting to not let him....

Rowdys girl (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Oh, by all means, let him go through the well to her era. Those experiences are always fun for me. I am so glad you will be able to update more often until you head for Japan. I am enjoying these fluffy, romantic chapters. And I loved the last chapter where she finally came clean and told him everything.

hopuchan (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

oh this chappie was great! i'm so glad there's a bit of fluff and romance after all the tragic angst. and having koyama and jaken catch sess n kags was priceless! so hilarious! ahhh, i love this story so much! oh, have fun in japan! i wanna go...i'm sure i can fit in your luggage! ;p

as for sess and the well...i think he should be able to go thru it.

can't wait for more!

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

How embarrassing for Kagome, but how frustrating for Sesshoumaru. lol. Lovely chapter. Sexual tension is something that's going to slowly start building now, isn't it? It's absolutely wonderful! As for whether or not Sesshoumaru should be able to go through the well, I honestly don't know. I think there is so much potential either way because of how creative you are with this story. I'd love to be completely surprised about how that part of the story goes. I know that you'll do well with it though.

Britt (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

And the plot thickens!


Aww. Poor Sesshoumaru and poor Kagome. Such a perfect moment... Spoiled. Perhaps the next chapter would make up for it? :D



And I think there should be stipulations as to whether he can go through the well... Like, a charm, or something.


Beautiful work as always.


Ill go be ultra cheesy now and continue reading :D

Ckeung (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Chapter turned out great! Think it's time for a bit of fluff after all the torture Kagome went through. Hm...think Sesshoumaru should definitely be able to go through the well....will be more interesting for sure.

Vicky (Chapter 54) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Wow...Love it...the sexual tension between the two of them is just are such a cock tease!!! 

Anyways...I wonder what Sesshoumaru realized/thought of at the end of the chapter.  I can't wait to read the next chapter.  Please update soon.

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Ah c; the sweet, sweet taste of my addiction as I continue to read your oh-so-wonderful story, Teak-chan. I LOVE this chapter a ton. It was so smooth. Kind of like a rich wine that had been spending years preparing itself to be tasted and admired for how ripe it was for the tasting. Ah....... Love it c; You are amazing, once again. As always, eh?! ^~ lol I can't wait for the next chapter! I'm just LOVING this fluff! So cute and romantic and oh em gee the plot is getting hotter once again! I wonder when Oka and Hansu are going to make their reappearence! This is just getting better and better =D

amber (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

i couldnt stop reading this story. i wanted to see what all the fuss was about with this story and my cell phone battery ran out twice before i finished it. it is amazing. i cant wait to see what happens next. miss teak you are an awesome writer. i only hope to be half as good as you. i wish to use your idea for a geisha type story but with different characters. please email me at thanks.


dayna (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

The last few chapters have been very intense but I have to say that I have enjoyed every single moment leading up to this last chapter. I love how the story is not rushed and how the grieving process Kagome went through was very realistic. The wake up call that she recieved in the chapter prior to this one was very believable and I have to say that I am so glad that Sessy made it to her room in time to stop her. I also like Sesshomaru's character development. The way he is able to show so much emotion and still go back to his stotic self is quite wonderful. I appreciate the fact that Sessy also reveals to Kagome that she was not the only one who was dealing with heartache and pain and in the end it really helped them both.

This chapter tho was very refreshing and the fluff was so cute. If the time comes where Kagome gets to take Sesshomaru to her time I have to say that it will be a very interesting experience to say the least. Cant wait for another chapter of this wonderfully written story.

Kheylia (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

I absolutely love this story! It's one of the best I've ever read! Can't wait to read the next chapter, keep up the good work!

Angelicatt (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

She of course didn't tell him that her one shard was stolen. Sess is a brilliant logistic strategist - he will figure out the whole reason for her kidnapping and set matters to right. I loved the fluff - “Do you love…me?” ...all the blushing and the smirking. I am so happy that she is finally moving on from her depression and has realized how much he loves her. I can't wait to see the old somewhat feisty miko again.

Sesshoumaru's Lady (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

This is such a beautiful story! 

I love this adventure of action, drama, romance and angst.  I am also really loving the dynamic relationship that Kagome and Sesshoumaru has and that they moved away from that dark time and are moving forward, together, which I really like.

I'm liking this turn within the story from this chapter because it leads me to believe that this story is not quite ready to be done yet which I am really grateful for.  They just overcame a huge obstacle but their relationship story is far from done especially now that they are together. Woo-hoo!

I absolutely love this story and can't wait until your next update!  Keep up the great work! 



Tana_san (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

I always had a suspicion that Kagome's abduction wasn't just random, but what I couldn't figure out was why they took so long to accomplish their reason for taking her and leaving her to be trained as a maiko.

I am happy to see that she has finally come back to being herself. The thought of seriously hurting Sesshoumaru and him allowing her to do it must have jarred something within and brought her back to her senses. I'm so glad Sesshoumaru was able to be so gentle and patient with her through all of this. It's rare to find someone who will go through EVERYTHING good and bad, and still remain just as loving, if not more after the crisis is over. This I know from experience, as my husband has stayed by my side for more than 10 yrs despite the many changes these disibilities have put me through. 

I also happy that when she told Sesshoumaru where she actually come from that he didn't think that maybe she had developed something wrong with her brain through all of this because it does sound truly farfetched. I also enjoyed the playful side of him here. It was believably written, as well as sweet to see the two interacting like young lovers.

Now that Kagome is getting back to her normal self and Sesshoumaru is thinking there is more than meets the eye regarding her kidnapping, I gather there's more adventure on the way?  JEN


RayRay (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Ah and the story slowly begins to unfold as we dig deeper into the mysteries! Now Sesshomaru is wondering who it was who kidnapped Kagome to take her to the okiya in the first place...AND SO AM I lmao. I so cant wait for a new chapter already. As much as I love this story, is it bad for me to want to see an end near just so I can find out what all happened and who did what LMAO I'm so bad! Much love to you until next time <3

LadySafire (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010


 i love it MissTeak! So warm and fluffy. Soundlike someone has been interferring with a certain mikos life though. Hmmmmm...

 I am anxiously waiting the next chapter. Don't make come there and sit on your door step till you get it done. ;)

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Yes! There making progress! Another beautifully written story MissTweak! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next! Please update soon! :)

Melly (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Yay for fluff.  I love it!  Update soon!!!

Samantha (Chapter 53) - Tue 20 Apr 2010

Ya know, I pretty much gave up the thought that it was planned for Kagome to end up at the Geisha house. At first when the started, it was sort of obvious but as Kagome gave up leaving, I just thought that maybe it was extremely bad luck lol. Update soon! Peace.

taixi (Chapter 53) - Mon 19 Apr 2010

I'm not one for the fluff, but I certainly appreciate the plot development. This answers (sort of) the longstanding Q of how Kagome wound up as a maiko in the first place...while leaving the readers to continue speculating as to who the mysterious presence/mastermind behind the abduction may be

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