Reviews for It Broke by naqaashi

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Midnight Song (Chapter 124) - Mon 12 Mar 2012

Oh gosh I wanted to cry. Please update soon!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 124) - Mon 12 Mar 2012


Tessitura (Chapter 124) - Mon 12 Mar 2012

that must have been the best sess put down I have read to date.  the fear, loathing and betrayl of both sides was written supurbly.  Can't wait for the rest of this story.

BlueTwilite (Chapter 124) - Mon 12 Mar 2012

Very well done! I have a feeling that emotional turmoil had to take place in order for sesshomaru to fully appreciate his eagle again. After all, do they not still have time to work things out as Minoru fullfills his promises? I hvae faith in this! I also cannot wait to see how Kagome reacts to the conundrum these two have created out of their friendship!

insomniac_amy (Chapter 124) - Mon 12 Mar 2012

This chapter was so sad. I want to cry for them both. I really hope that they can mend their friendship.

Sincerely (Chapter 124) - Mon 12 Mar 2012

It's SO SAD!!!  I felt though, with the last couple of chapters and with some kind of realistic ideas about the responsibilities of rulers, that you treated it well.  I've seen Sesshoumaru written exactly this way before with a kind of...."If it pleases this Sesshoumaru to do so then this Sesshoumaru shall do so" without any regard to his position.  And while it kind of works with him being portrayed as a solitary ruler... roaming the lands without a court, I think that this perspective--of having to manage court politics concerning what could legitimately be considered a weakness in a world where strength AND the appearance of strength is so important--is refreshing.  I think some kind of.... break like this was bound to happen and I applaud your creative prowess in handling it. you see  is the rift being healed in the story?

koneji (Chapter 124) - Mon 12 Mar 2012

Darn you, Naq! Here I am sitting in a class abou to start and you made my eyes all red and puffy!! That was so heart-breaking and showed such vulnerability it made me want to go under my mink blanket and chew and cuddle it to kingdom come! LOVED IT!

KEdakumi (Chapter 124) - Mon 12 Mar 2012

Oh No!  Now Kagome needs to come back, find shards, deal with Inuyasha, help take care of a new little 'sister' and play Dr. Phil with 2 stubborn, yet pouty males. -_-'

Great chapter! Can't wait for more!

Aubrey Simone (Chapter 124) - Mon 12 Mar 2012


I...and you...and they...and wow. 

Just wow. 

I'd say more, but my brain doesn't want to work, and all I can think of is, just, wow.


I can hardly wait to see how this turns out. Will Kagome be able to repair this poor, broken friendship? Or maybe Rin will be the catalyst? Gah, at the expense of this sounding really creepy, I want to crawl inside your head and read the rest of this story! 

You'll update soon, yes? Good. 


Maracuya-Chan (Chapter 124) - Mon 12 Mar 2012

*sniffles* they have to make up, have to have to! they r my favorite pair, they could totally pull off BL

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 123) - Sun 11 Mar 2012

Poor Sesshomaru.

I do love however this window into their childhood and friendship.

Thanks for writing!

koneji (Chapter 123) - Sat 10 Mar 2012

That reduced me to tears. Repetition without the characters speaking is always effective! Great job on this chapter!

Lumi (Chapter 123) - Sat 10 Mar 2012

What a wonderful bromance you have written! I laughed (hard). I cried (not really). It was beautiful.

insomniac_amy (Chapter 123) - Sat 10 Mar 2012

Yay! You gave us a long one this time. This chapter makes me want to cry for both Sesshoumaru and Minoru. Minoru for getting the crap beat out of him for trying to protect his friend and Sesshoumaru for the betrayal he must be feeling.

I love the sarcastic Minoru. He really cracks me up. Your description of how they met and all the pranks they pull really had me laughing.

Great job on this chapter, you have left me unsure whether I want to cry or laugh!

I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Aubrey Simone (Chapter 123) - Sat 10 Mar 2012

I'm not quite sure whether to cry or congratulate you for your prowess, my dear, darling naq. I'm also not quite sure whether to threaten you for another chapter or ask nicely and hope that manners win out. 

Either way, update soon, and know that you have one very emotionally invested fangirl waiting on the edge of her seat for the next installment!


Moonlight Scion (Chapter 122) - Fri 09 Mar 2012

I haven't had this much fun reading a fic for such a long time....okay so maybe a few months....but the point is..this is one heck of a story....I so love this a lot and hope to read more of your wonderful stories....please update soon....ja! (^o^)/

Calypso (Chapter 122) - Fri 09 Mar 2012

Oh dear. Poor Minoru. He's going to be in a lot of pain, hm? It's so like Sesshoumaru to simply ignore debate and storm in without waiting for an explanation.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 122) - Fri 09 Mar 2012

Excellent use of the prompt, TOTALLY in character, and oh-so-awesome!  At last, the speculation is nearly over - and Minoru is, I think, about to find himself a great deal more 'ruffled' than even HE suspected.  *snerk*  I love it!!!!!!!!  Can't wait for moar, as always!  Sheesh, and again, you makes me abuse the poor exclamation points.  *sigh*  I guess you'll just have to deal with that, m'dear, cuz I don't seem to be able to control myself where it comes to this story!



Aubrey Simone (Chapter 122) - Thu 08 Mar 2012

Oh poor Minoru! He'll be enduring quite a few blows, I imagine? Maybe once His mad-dog Lordship calms down, he'll be able to listen to reason...or at least I hope so; the story wouldn't be the same without my favorite eagle! 

Keep up the marvelous work, naq! 



criticat (Chapter 122) - Thu 08 Mar 2012

No!! Not the pretty face! Poor Minoru, Sesshomaru doesn't seem to be done with him at all.. At least we all know that he is important enough to be allowed to live. 

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