Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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moonstar31548 (Chapter 51) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

Wonderful chapter!  I think that Sesshoumaru is experiencing parts of Kagome's pregnancy along with her.  His beast was ready to mate with her but Sesshoumaru's logical side won out, so his beast did the next best thing to form a bond between them he got her pregnant.  That is just my theory. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Snowfall (Chapter 51) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

Gah!  He didn't open the envelope!  I wonder if she even put anything in it, or wrote on the paper if there's anything in there.  That was a very interesting episode that he had.  So, it appears they truly do have a bond.  Heh, not good for Sesshoumaru's goals.  ^_^  Well, thanks for posting so quickly.  ^_^  I was really worried that someone may have poisoned him.

lyiint (Chapter 51) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

Congratulations! Your story has been nominated by the Inuyasha FanGuild for Best Drama for the Fourth Quarter of 2009. If you would like to track the progress of your story through the voting process, or simply find out more about the IYFG and perhaps join the group yourself, you can find everything you need to know on our website: (Inuyasha Fan Guild dot com)


If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact our moderators at (IYFG Moderator at g mail dot com). Congratulations again!


~ Lyiint

knifethrower (Chapter 50) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

That was perfect.  I know this is just how Kagome would react in such a situation.  So much about this story makes me sad, but I enjoy it, though.  I love the torment you put our heroes through!  Sesshomaru is going to go through so much, but for us readers, it will mean great drama.  Yet in spite of the trouble that is yet to come, somehow now, this late in the story, I am finding a happy resolution more hopeful, when earlier, I didn't see how you could do it!

knifethrower (Chapter 49) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

Heartbreaking!  You did a great job with Sesshomaru's letter to Kagome.  Reading it, I could feel Kagome's reaction viscerally.  Poor Kagome!  The whole chapter was beautifully and evocatively written, but so, so sad!  I would want to punish Sesshomaru for being so brutal, if I didn't feel so sorry for him. 

Snowfall (Chapter 50) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

Kikyou was such a bitch.  I wanted to slap her.  Poor Inuyasha.  I hope she stops treating him like that.  I hope his presence helps Kagome with the pregnancy.  I still want to slap Sesshoumaru.  The guy's head is screwed on backwards.  ^_^  I can only hope that he ferrets out the bad guys without getting caught.

Starlyte (Chapter 50) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

Soooo not what i was expecting in the letter!! Yes it was upsetting,  but at the same time after thinking about it (after my little cry) it actually keeps things more interesting this way. I think this is going to make Kagome  stronger, but i also think its going to be Sesshomaru who's going to suffer more from the seperation, so i really can't wait to see how things go from here on out! I also want to see how Kagome's pregnancy goes through out this whole thing, and how Inuyasha's going to handle the latest turn of events!  I havn't reviewed for a while, but thank you for all the latest chapters i've been missing!!

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 49) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

a cliffy? nooo! something smells fishy about that letter. so much progress and then BAM! something ain't right, anywho great chapter! can't wait the next one! you've got me on pins and needles now! :)

Patricia (Chapter 50) - Tue 23 Feb 2010

I really like how kagome is taking this on independently. thats what sess gets!

im dying to kno what the letter says! and how sess with react!

i wonder how there gonna meet agian? how will sess find out??

waiting for an update! keep it up!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 50) - Mon 22 Feb 2010


This is horrible, how can I love this fic so much?

moonlight's.kiss (Chapter 50) - Mon 22 Feb 2010

that was a very well written interesting chapter. i love your writing skills and i envy how fast you can update(: keep writing and i look forward to the next chapter!

snowbird (Chapter 50) - Mon 22 Feb 2010

I can understand Kagome not wanting anyone to know about the contents of the letter right now.  She needs time to adjust before facing everyone's pity and Inuyasha's explosive anger and disappointment with his brother.

I had a feeling Kikyou would say or do something to make Inuyasha angry.  I look forward to their turbulant relationship.

Zyren (Chapter 50) - Mon 22 Feb 2010

ugh i just wanna cry.

kagomesirene (Chapter 50) - Mon 22 Feb 2010

sigh...well...seems both are set up to their paths...or at least kagome is, as i'm not so sure anymore that sesshou really wrote this letter...have to admit that i only got the idea that someone exchanged the letter from reading another review...seems deep down i don't really believe sesshou changed so much in such a short time *lol*

but all is possible...a very good twist...i'm eager to know if that letter was really from sesshou...hope to read more soon...well honestly you cannot update any faster than you already do, but well...i'm an impatient person *lol*

keep up the good work :)

ceres (Chapter 50) - Mon 22 Feb 2010

I don´t believe that the letter from Sesshoumaru was altered, he knew that Kagome would react badly because of it and that´s how it happend. What else could be bad that he knew she would be hurt? The pregnancy? I don´t believe that he knew she was pregnant, it takes time to scent that and they only were one day together. No, he wrote exactly what she read and the wording just screams Sesshoumaru. Even the part regarding his brother was purely Sesshoumaru.

That´s why I´m glad about the decision Kagome made, it is the best she could do in her situation. I´m just curious what she wrote him. You´re really fast when updating and that makes me really glad. The waiting is really hard with such a wonderful story.

Sess Koibito (Chapter 50) - Mon 22 Feb 2010

I wonder how long Kagome will be able to keep the pups a secret from Sesshoumaru???  And when do we get to read the letter Kagome wrote to Sesshoumaru???  Another great chapter!

Zyren (Chapter 49) - Mon 22 Feb 2010

oh crud. i knew that was going to happen as soon as Sesshoumaru handed that letter to the other guy instead of Miroku I just knew that that was what had happened. ARGH!!! this is so frustrating i really hope this gets resolved soon, both of them have been through too much already.   :'(

Walter205 (Chapter 49) - Mon 22 Feb 2010

 Ooooooh! They managed to alter the letter anyways! Maybe the person that killed the doctor was the one behind the letter altering, but boy, won't Sesshomaru be suprised to get the cold shoulder when he finally finishes his training and goes to get her. This is perfect as far as the secret organization is concerned. Kagome will become just like Kikyo, cold towards demons, while Sesshomaru, once he recieves the brushoff from Kagome, will be broken, hollow, and angry. Two tools perfect for controlling. Aye yae yae.

Kiri (Chapter 49) - Mon 22 Feb 2010
Oh you have me so wanting to read the next chapter!!! was away for a couple of days and had to check my favorites for updates!!! You are a wonderful spinner of tales keep up the fantastic job!!! >^.^< I can hardly wait to read the next one!!! THANK YOU!!!

ceres (Chapter 49) - Mon 22 Feb 2010

I must say that I´m angry but actually you have Sesshoumaru´s character right.This chapter just shows why I think that Kagome is such a strong character despite her physical weakness.

When it comes to the matter of heart Kagome and even Miroku are always the strongest and the physically strong characters like Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Sango and many others are weak and always fail when they need to be strong. I don´t know if it is because they are holy people but then again Kikyou should have been also stronger and she wasn´t. What I want to say is that the characterisations are really good and I´m really sorry that Kagome has to go through so much at once. Poor girl, honestly I don´t know what I would do if I were her. At least she has Shippo and her own pups who need her and Inuyasha is loyal to her. That was a hard blow, one I don´t think will be easy to overcome if ever. Part of me would always resent Sesshoumaru for his weakness, she is only human and there is a point which should not be crossed. And he just gave her so little.

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