Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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2lazy2login (Chapter 61) - Sun 07 Mar 2010

'dangers' huh... does that mean his beast'll appear?   ....or will he chicken out?!  0.0

Snowfall (Chapter 61) - Sun 07 Mar 2010

Oh, I read your other reviews and want to give you a little support in one area.  Considering the fact that, in the anime, Sango stole the Tetsusaiga in order to get Kohaku back, I find it believable that she would try to get Kagome back from someone she sees as harmful to Kagome.  It's perfectly plausible, if a bit underhanded for her.  She didn't understand Sesshoumaru or his purpose, so she wouldn't have understood the overall repercussions of what she had done.

Snowfall (Chapter 61) - Sun 07 Mar 2010

That was an excellent bridge chapter.  Miroku's feelings are important to seeing his stance on Sango's betrayal.  Also, I don't trust that supervisor.  Never did after what he had them do to Sesshoumaru.  I think he's the one that killed Kagome's uncle.  I'm glad Sesshoumaru is out of there right now.  I think the guy might have tried to kill him.  Also, Inuyasha had some good points to stress to Sesshoumaru.  And, we see what a mess Sesshoumaru is in for when he sees Kagome.  She is so vulnerable that it may not be so difficult for him to convince her to let him back in.  I hope she does.  He'll be crushed if she doesn't.  I just have to wonder if there are going to be any story wide repercussions for the organization once they get together.  Excellent chapter and nice break from the angst with Kagome.  I know I've told you before, but I love how you portray Inuyasha here.  For me, he is in character for the situation you have him in.  His personality hasn't changed at all.

theunknownchild (Chapter 61) - Sun 07 Mar 2010

Bahhhhhhhhhhhh...the intensity is killling me.

Not really, but I cannot wait to read the next chapter! Great job!!

Tana_san (Chapter 60) - Sun 07 Mar 2010

Ok, so you chose the obvious person this time. You still didn't explain HOW she was able to get the letters exchanged. AND she was willing to lose her relationship with Miroku over this? She knows Miroku. She went behind his back and interfered with his job AND could have possibly had him killed and others hurt or killed in the process when Sesshoumaru found out that the letter had been switched. If she observed Sessh so much, then she knew his feral side was nothing to be toyed with.

I don't know, I still can't accept this was all done by Sango alone. She was given approval to go anywhere in the facility so she could watch him? Hard for me to accept that. I can understand allowing non personnel to have access to some areas but she was able to go into the heavily guarded areas where new inductees were adjusting to their new found freedom?

It's your story and if this is Sango just wanting to help Kagome and she was able to pull something like this off, then I have no other choice but to accept this....I just can't seem to wrap my mind around how she was able to get the director to take Sesshoumaru's letter and switch them with no question. He had the folder in his hand and put Sessh's letter in it.Sessh evaluated that the man was telling him the truth that he would give Miroku the letter and Sessh followed him to the meeting and saw the letter given to Miroku before the door was shut.... guess you'll have to explain it to me sometime because, honestly, all the pieces do not add up to me,  JEN

Janice (Chapter 1) - Sat 06 Mar 2010


cant wait till their reunion is gonna be EPIC

snowbird (Chapter 60) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

I hated that I was right about Sango.  She should have visited with Kagome and studied her, too, before her final decision.  She might not have forged the letter, then.  Anyway, even if she doesn't pay physically, she will more than suffer mentally for what she's done.  She's destroyed her friendship with Kagome and more than likely her relationship with Miroku.

I just have to say it!  I thought of it all through this chapter.  SHIPPO'S CAVE!!!!  That's where they can rut all they want and he can mate her.  It should block any signals of any kind especially with Shippo's help.  Why torture them by making them have to restrain themselves.

Nicole (Chapter 60) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

I love this story!!! I was so happy when I noticed that you have been posting everyday but I get hyped up waiting for the nest one to be posted!! Please continue to write most, love it!!

Happy2SeeAll (Chapter 60) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

I still cant believe they promised no "geting it on".... ugh so was hoping for another lemon tee hee

Silver Silence 89 (Chapter 60) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

Poor Poor Sango......

But i can't wait for their reunion. Oh this is going to be GREAT!!!!

ashleekyle (Chapter 60) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

OMG OMG you are killing me here.  I can not wait to read the reunion.  I so neeeddd to find out what happends.  i have been following this story since the beginning and it has been wonderful.  I am so cited about them finally getting to see each other after 25 chapters.  Poor Sango, she should have know that would backfire, but I can kind of understand about wanting to protect her friend, but she should have taken her friend's feelings into consideration before doing that and just been there to help pick up the pieces that would be being the better friend, in my opinion.  Awesome story, love Sato btw.   Shippo is tooo cute.   Update soon.  PLEASE.

ceres (Chapter 60) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

So you´ve made Sango the one who wrote the letter. Honestly, I don´t think she fits because she doesn´t know Sesshoumaru. Just through observing him from afar in that shrot time and copying his writing is a bit farfetched. That´s my opinion.

Her reason of doing it is just stupid. No one has the right to make decicions for someone else life, they are both adults. She should have respected Kagome´s choice wether she agrees or not instead of taking the role of her mother. Kagome is not a kid and it seems that Sango doesn´t know her so called best friend well. Kagome is a passionate woman and just not the type to give up everything just for a crush. If I were Kagome I would never want to see her again although she thought she was protecting her, she went to far. She had no right to act that way. So much agony just because of her. Poor Miroku, I couldn´t trust her again. She was rather cruel.

Sesshoumaru was so sweet in this chapter. I really hope Kagome will give him a chance to explain, him coming to her already says so much. There was already so much drama and I hope her need for him will be big enough without her wanting to hurt him more. They have just a short time with each other and then the drama continues regardless of it. Please be lenient and give them the time they deserve so much without excessive drama.

Snowfall (Chapter 60) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

Oh wow.  Angsty chapter and the end was so bitter sweet because, under normal circumstances, the relationship and 'family' would be doomed.  It gives a warm feeling in the pit of the stomach to believe that a family is possible though. Aw, Sess wants to buy something for Kagome.  That's sweet.  I feel sorry for the guy.  He's constantly having to battle his instincts.  Thanks goodness for Inuyasha.  He does a world of good for Kagome and Sesshoumaru.  I'm glad you are portraying him in such a good light.

I really liked Inuyasha's and Sato's banter.  They'd make great brothers.  If you kill off Sato...I'll really, really, really hate you.  ^_^

If I were Miroku, I'd be pretty damned mad at Sango, too.  In fact, after all of Miroku's hard work being so close to ruination, I think he may not want to see her face for a long while.  I know I wouldn't.  Yeah, she was misguided, but she had no business doing something so ugly and underhanded.

Er, so how'd I do on reviewing a drama chapter?


88pieces (Chapter 59) - Sat 06 Mar 2010

oooooooooo    yay i cant wait for the next one.  waa  so excited

Deana (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

Loving this story more and more. Can't wait for the next update.

Patricia (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

ok so i havent been able to review beacuse i have been reading on my ipod touch and for some reason i cant review when im on it so im going to try and summirze everything i have been feeling:

YOU ARE ON A ROLL!!! omgsh everychapter has been amazimng! i loved the romance between yasha and kikyo! and the way he told her he would have been her everything before he left was so sweet. and i love how pissed yasha got and went after sess! and then him and sess finaly figure it out and now sess is actually going to see kags!! i was laughing out loud in this last chapeter when yasha through the paper at miroku and when they all didnt belive sess wouldnt hav sex with her. omgsh its so cute im dieing for them to see each other! so is it sango that changed the letter?? oh i love how you update im so freakin excited!

anyways sry for that long thing, keep it up!

sweetest angel (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

OOH I can't wait for the reunion sesshomaru/kagome !

hope she won't take inuyasha "betrayal" to hard. (afterall he didn't keep his promise and pregnant woman's temper is really volatile) who knows what will be her first reaction.

and don't forget that sessh doesn't know for shippo yet!

I really can't wait for the next update!

please please, update as quick as you can!!

Silver Silence 89 (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

Please Please Please Please Please tell me it isn't so!!!!!!!!!

I REALLY hope that Sango isn't responsible for this? I mean, what a turn of events, this can't be!!!!


Zyren (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

oh noooooo! it was Sango!! oh why Sango why?!  this makes me so sad, i know she was just trying to help, to keep Kagome from getting hurt worse in the future but clearly she didnt know how much damage that it would do.... maybe shes a bit jealous because of how much time Miroku spends dealing with the facility and Kagome and Sesshoumaru. Maybe she thought that by writing the letter it would keep Kagome from getting hurt as well as take some of the burden off Miroku. poor Sango.


and by the way does Miroku work at the office anymore? seems like hes always running back and forth betwee where Kagome is and the facility. doesn't it look strange that he's rarely at the office anymore?


cant wait for the next chapter!!

Tana_san (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

Ok, now concern over Sesshoumaru and Kagome's reunion possibly resulting in 'sexual activity' and InuYasha's brash discription of what they considered such activity consisted of was nothing short of hiliarious. He needed to know when to turn the hose on them. Soo InuYasha!

 Now, I'm sure Miroku suspects Sango is invovled but as I stated in my last review, it doesn't make sense. Sango would be an easy choice but I stand by my thoughts.

The ONLY one who knows Sesshoumaru speech pattern, as I said before, is Mikaru. He could have easily engineered this this once he found out Sesshoumaru was going to be inducted and that if Sesshoumaru mated Kagome there would be a great chance he wouldn't want to work for the Organization. HE knows how hard a life Sesshoumaru has had. HE knows Sessh just wants to live his life, uncomplicated with these restrictions those bands cause. HE knows that if Sesshoumaru is no longer with Kagome and that Kagome doesn't care anymore, his drive to be all he can be to free the youkai would be beneficial in many ways. He just needed to tell the people what he thought Sesshoumaru would do if Sessh mated Kagome. He only needed to get the 'ball' rolling and soon they would have possibly the stronest of all youkai fighting for the cause.

So, this is my take on it. It would be such a waste if Sango should take the fall. I don't even she would condone the killing of all these innocent people like Kagome's uncle, though she didn't know he was related to her. And what about Miroku's injury the first time? He barely got away with only minor injuries, she would have to know that Sesshoumaru, as well as others would suspect Miroku, if found out, and that Sessh would see him as the one who betrayed him when he  would kill him for eeping Kagome away from him purposely. Even she isn't this stupid. She would know that Miroku still wouldn't give up his quest even if she did break up Sesshoumaru and Kagome. He'll still be just as invovled as always.  If she loves Miroku so much, enough to marry him than why would she take the chance of him getting killed?

So with this thought, I say until next time. I need some sleep as between the antibiotics and my other meds, I'm exhausted. I may not be correct on all of my points, but I have to say, to me, it makes sense.  JEN 

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