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Snowfall (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009

LOL  How many ways are there to skin a cat?  LOL  Dumping Miroku off of Kilala and going after him with a meat cleaver, starting a rock slide to buy Sesshoumaru, Sesshoumaru squeezing Kagome's ass and humping Inu, cereal making the moko's mate, a gift to Naraku, so many things!  LOL  Le Gasp!  Is Sesshoumaru going to get a little brother puppy or sister puppy?  LOL  That would be too funny.  This story is so much fun.  Sorry I've been missing your updates.  I'll try to keep track better.  ^_^

Snowfall (Chapter 2) - Thu 04 Jun 2009

Chapter Two:  Bwahahahahah.  I am still grinning like an idiot.  Mokomoko wrote a note!  What has it been doing up until now?  I wonder what kind of life Sesshoumaru has been subjected to.  That thing sure is sneaky...and perverted as hell!  LOL  This is hilarious and it looks like there is another chapter, so I'm off to read some more!  ^_^

Time on my hands (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009

OMG! I so have visions of Scotty beaming the tribbles onto the Klingon ship. Too funny! Feeling sorry for poor Naraku. Not!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009

lmao mokomomma has such strang cravings!!!! hahahahahahaah

Lumiere (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009

DEAR LORD!!! Mokomoma is preganat!!! poor poor Sesshoumaru.....I fear for his sanity......

This fic is acsolutly hilarous!!! I LOVE IT!!!!


Evenstar (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009
... Thats scary 5,325 ways to skin a cat. Lol I like the reference to the fact they are panters XD O.O Oh dear reconciled Moko's = TROUBLE! >.< Poor Kags being spanked by Moko's... Though she did get it backed by drugging them... -.- It did Mokomama in her sleep that thought is still quite disturbing (no offense) O.O HOlly #$%^ ^&*@ It has a what?! %^&* Lol I love Sessh's response about spooning XD XD XD LOL I actually feel sorry for Naraku. ROFL! I love his reaction though. O.O o.o WTF? Pregnant? Just what we need a preggy Mokomama >.< Lol it will have fun abd Chaotic reslts though. Lol Looks like might literally kill Naraku...

Evenstar (Chapter 4) - Thu 04 Jun 2009
O.O Holly Cr@$ Poor Sessh not only does he have a mokomoko... he now has a Mokomama? ROFL! LMAO! LOL! I should have realised that you would write something like this after you memtioned it in a previous chapter. Lol Poor Miroku he now has mokomoko after his life and blood, just because he and Sango are in love... It would be amusing if Mokomama took a liking to Miroku and defended him. I think that the spanking did aboslutly nothing in terms to reprimand moko. I think that Yasha is right of he gives the sowrd to Mokomoko, Miroku would be dead. Lol I like how you incorperated R0o in this. ROFL! LMAO! "It has eyes!" "Everyone's parents fight when they are alive. This is ludicrous." My two fav quotes in this. O.O Sessh Just left the cleaver there? Lol. Smart thinking of Kags...... O.O o.o Eeewww... -.- Is that possible? least the moko's reconciled. I wonder who the poor smuck is who is going to get the moko's. Wow that was a really long review.

docbevculver (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009

Oh my... sooo much fun! I've enjoyed reading each and every chapter. Hahahaha... can't wait for more!

LC Rose (Chapter 4) - Thu 04 Jun 2009
"Do not be so discouraged, Sesshoumaru-sama. That is, after all, how your life began. This is practically the reenactment of your conception." LMFAO! How perfectly Miroku...

babyfairy (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009
OMG!!! HAHAHAHAHA this is frickin halarous. Their gonna eat naraku. And wat the hell is mokomama gonna have a babymoko?!?! That would be super funny. Omg and the attacks.THAT"S SUPER HAlarous. I swear i laughed so hard i lost 20 pounds. hahahahahahaha. Omg this is really good and frickin halarous. O please update this soon. And what is with mokomoko humping everything. but please update soon. thanks lolz.

Terri (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009
hahaha sending them to Naraku was so cool. I loved it but I really like Mokomoko ideal for getting rid of Miroku. I so love these chapters and I am looking forward to the next stunt the mokomoko will do and I almost feel sorry for Naraku. I cannot wait to see how mokomoko gets Kagome and Sesshomaru together and Sango and InuYasha.

tenchi no mai (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009
Miss K. you are outdoing yourself. I look forward to this ray of sunshine and hilarity more than you can possibly imagine. Thank you for the laughter and the increasing horrific mental images of Mokomoko, Mokomama and Naraku.

katlady (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009


Enchanted box $100,000,000

Chain and pad lock $95,000

box of Sugar0oo's $3.00


For somethings in life are price less for every thing else there is Master card


Please up date soon

Fubuki (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009
whatever it is that you are on,, May I have some pplease??? ps. I LOVE IT!

Sess Koibito (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009

Mokomoko spanking Kagome, Sess and Inuyasha spooning, and pregnant mokomama eating Naraku!  The mokos are simply hilarious!  I had one hand clamped over my mouth while reading this to muffle the sound of my uncontrollable laughing!  Can't wait for more!

GreyEcho (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009
AH! Preg. Mokomama?! I love the whole garfeild tactic. lol. I was just thinking about the last chapter while at work when the topic of ceral came up, and ended up laughing to myself as I pictured mokomoko.

Oroyukae (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009

You are so deliciously twisted , Miss K.! I literally choked on my popcorn [ I always eat some snack when reading particularly entertaining works] . SPOONING ?? EEEWWW! I never even thought he would send them to Naraku , and mokomama is preggo!!! Oh dear gods..can't wait for more. Like potato chips , gotta have more!

TruGemini (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009
LOL!!! Viagra in cereal form....LMAO!! I love this series.

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009

Mokomama is going to eat Naraku!! What a way to go....

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 5) - Thu 04 Jun 2009

She's pregnant?!  Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru are going to have another sibling, LOLOLOLOL!!!!   OH.  MY.  GOD.  Miss K, I thank you for providing me with entertainment yet again!

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