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DaiyoukaiGeisha (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

"Were her holes still conquerable?"

This is where I had to leave my desk, go to the bathroom, and laugh my ass off. I can't read this at work. You're going to get me fired. This entire story is disturbing...and can't stop read it! >.<

REDWOLF (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

BWAHAHAHAHAHA......This is fantastic!

rowdysgirl (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
I can't get the picture of Sesshy, hunched over on his knees, eyes wide open and teary, whimpering, "Splinters." out of my head! LMFAO And the poor baby squirrels! What will getting a 'Sesshy Shower' do to them???? Oh the horror! Oh the humanity! And poor Kags, alllll that exercise and no fireworks! Miss Kagura, you are truly an evil soul...I have much to learn from you!

ChibiMethos (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
I'm not sure if I should feel bad for Mr. Splinter or the squirrels!! XD *dies laughing* Best. Humour. Fic. Ever. Keep 'em comming, Miss Kagura! :D

Tarawriter (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

Between fits of laughing and nearly spewing coffee on my computer, I gotta say I felt sorry for those poor baby squirrels, and I made the husband wince.  :D  It's amazing how fast a man will run away when you tell him Sesshoumaru is humping a tree and has a nice case of splinters for his trouble.  

Sala (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

Reading this fic is rather like watching a train wreck: it's terrible, but you just can't help yourself.  And I must be masochistic, because I keep coming back for more. The mokos are definitely the most disturbing thing I've read in a fic in many years (that says a lot), yet I cannot help but find myself entertained by it.

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
This story is always how I start my day. It's like a giant wake-up call! Great job! ^^

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

Damn, Kagome got the short end of the stick with that lay, this was a chapter of such harsh goings-on!  LOL!

OMG poor Sesshoumaru!  I've never seen one guy work so hard for some booty, it's gotta pay off soon, how much can one person handle?! 

Poor little squirrels too...

Terri (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
hahahaha Sesshomaru humping a tree that was rich. Will Kagome ever get an orgasm? Will Mokomoko fix Kagome's pills in time? Will Sesshomaru get his wish and filled all of Kagome's holes? Will Mokofred be the one to do in Miroku? Will Sango and Inuyasha get together? These are the things I am looking forward to seeing Mokomoko accomplish.

FleetingDream (Chapter 9) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
I just had to come back for that quote and then I'm off to bed. One word Brilliant! What's next on epsiode Taiyoukai's Say the Darnest Things...special guest tonight Sesshoumaru *drum roll* "Fear not, Mokomoko, none of the miko's holes shall be safe from Sesshoumaru the Conquistador, violating priestesses one orifice at a-" Oh I hang at his very lips for the next thing

BeautifulMorningSun (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
Oh my god. This is so freaking funny I can't even believe it. I hardly ever laugh out loud while reading, but about eight times every chapter you have me litteraly lol-ing. This is SO great! And the 'Splinters' thing had me roaring! Please continue, I LOVE this! You Rock Miss Kagura! Beautiful Morning Sun

Rikayu (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

Couldntbekeener3 (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
OMG it just gets better!!!! Poor Sess I think Kagome should help him out and pick the splinters out for him...LOL

sunset in love (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

that was super hillarious!!! and again, my collegue had thought i have gone crazy... i just can;t stop laughing... eh, sorry, i need to go pee...

Danyealle-sama (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009


FleetingDream (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
Wow rOo was right this is fabulous!!!!!LOL I have no words to describe how funny that was. I just finished all ten chapters in a matter of two hours! Your best crackfic yet! I wish I had read it when you startedjust so I could have review every chapter but alas I didn't but I'm so glad I did it have one sick sick twisted disgusting choatic sense of humor and I ADORE it!!!! Keep em' coming!

Sess Koibito (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

*giggle*  ...mokofred ... *snort* *cough*  ...stuck in a tree...  *gasp*  ...SPLINTERS ... *choke*

That was fabulous!  Poor Sess!  I feel bad for him, he can't seem to catch a break!  I hope that he and Kagome get to have one good (moko-less) romp!  Anxiously awaiting the next great chapter!  :)

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

awe poor Sess! and such a devilish mokomoko! and omg mokofred hahahaha

TruGemini (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
Splinters!!! LMAO!!!! You are keeping me in stitches here!!

Fairqueen (Chapter 9) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

omg this is just great Moko knocking out Sess becuase of his big mouth.  just to die for funny.  where is this going to end and i hope not to soon. it's funny then anything else and i now know never to eat or drink when reading this story, because it doesn't work well with laughting  :)

thank-you for the humour in my day!!!!!!!!!!!!


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