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Oroyukae (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

It is impossible to keep a straight face when reading this ...seriously. The mental images are just too freakin' hilarious! ICE WATER.....oh my. His statement to her mothers' words- not the best in that kind of situation. What was he thinking? How did he expect her to take that? In his defense though...he's a much better choice of bed partners than the one she made - in my opinion . She should look at it this way , Kags COULD do WORSE!!!.  I have to have more ...must have more pleasae.

L-desu (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009
first of all, i LOOOOOVE the title. secondly, this was just what i needed after a way hectic day. you crack me up!

Rikayu (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009
She patted Sesshoumaru on the cheek and said, "You keep that out of my daughter, understood?"

"I will put that wherever I damn well please," Sesshoumaru hissed through his teeth.

"You will not!" Mrs. Higurashi said.

Amber eyes narrowed angrily, and the words just slipped out. "I will stick it in her, and she will like it."

AHAHAHA i loved that! Good work Miss Kagura~ You haven't failed to make me roll around in laughter!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

lmao lmao lmao!!! i have an affect on all demons!!!!! hahahahahaha i love this! frying pan! YES!!!! your my hero! ~_~

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

This never fails to entertain me!  The Sess/Kag scene started out as an 'aahhhh' moment and quickly turned into and 'oooooo' moment, lol.

Just like that, Kagome saw her mom switch modes from crazy violent bitch to supermom, and it frightened her greatly.- Best line EVER!  Oh man, priceless ^_^

DaiyoukaiGeisha (Chapter 1) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

I thought you couldn't make it any more disturbing than Mokomama getting preggers, then you had to go and have Mokomoko bang Kagome's mother? I am now mentally scarred for life, lol.

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

This has got to be the most bizar and the most amusing chapter yet. It was most deliciously funny thing I have read to date. I thorough thought... "WTF - did Sesshou just say that?" then the chocolate thing ... I can't wait to see how this turns out. Keep up the good work and update soon :p

Danyealle-sama (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

ROFLMAO!  TOO Funny!  Watch out for Mama's, they are vicious

TruGemini (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009
LMAO!!!! Oh, he's in for it now!! I love the whole, " I AM NOT THE OTHER...WOMAN?" LOLOLOLOL!!! Hilarity ensues!

Couldntbekeener3 (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009
ROFL I Love This Story!!!!!!!

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

And the insanity continues. But the moko babiess sound so cute!! but their reign of evil fluff will begin soon!! And now they are going to poison Sessho. If that's possible...heheheh. Can't wait!!

Terri (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009
hahaha poor Sesshomaru, first shocked and then iced. I cannot get enough of this story. I love it!

DemonQueen17 (at work) (Chapter 8) - Tue 09 Jun 2009
Only a demented mind can come up with something as twisted as this and I LOVE it! Minimokos? What's next? Kagome expecting furry half-siblings? Both Sesshomaru and Kagome will need therapy after this and Miroku would need to put under some kind of protective custody, away from the Inutachi, with Mokomoko trying to kill him at every turn so Inuyasha could be with Sango. Can't wait for the next demented chapter. :lol:

Evenstar (Chapter 7) - Tue 09 Jun 2009
O.O >.< >.o Mentally scared? Understat,emt of the year... Poor Kags no-one wants to see the patentals errr.. "getting it on". That was a close shave for Mirooku though... I am surprised that Mokomoko got through the well... I wonder what will happen when Mokomama finds out about Mokomoko's side tour... O.O

Sess Koibito (Chapter 7) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

LMAO!  Did mokomoko survive 500 years to get busy with Kagome's mom?  If so, did mokomoko ever get his grandpups?  I love how he pushed Kagome out of the room when she zoned out so he could get back to business!  Kagome should definitely go back to the past and kick that mokomoko's butt for hooking up with her mom in the future!  HAHAHA!  Can't wait for the next chapter Miss K!

Sailor_Saturn_415 (Chapter 7) - Tue 09 Jun 2009


Darkus (Chapter 4) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

You are insane.  I've read some strange stuff in my day, but this takes the cake.  My mind now is permenently scarred with the image of Kagome's mother and Mokomoko, as well as all the other hijinks that has gone on.  Keep it up.  I want to see how corrupt these balls of fluff can get...

SarahJane Tennant (Chapter 7) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

Oh...god...I'm forever damaged poor not so inocent mind...LMAO..oh mokomoko..Love the story!Trully one of my favs. I can't wait to see what you think up next..I almost choked on the bit of water I was drinking when I got to the Rin part..I have to remember to avoid eating or drinking whilst reading you amazing works missy (It should be like a public health warning *may cause sudden choking;due to extreme laughter*)Seriously brilliant!!! And the last bit with mokomoko disturbing but soo funny!!

Walter205 (Chapter 7) - Tue 09 Jun 2009
heh heh heh. Although I have to wonder at something. Why would mokomoko push Kagome out of the room when it could have taken advantage of her stunned reaction and mental damage to pleasure two lovable ladies at the same time, even if it would be wrong to do both at the same time?

Time on my hands (Chapter 7) - Tue 09 Jun 2009

I had my suspicions early on, but it now a confirmed fact. You have a warped mind! I love it. Please continue to share your insanity. I don't think that I could survive now without my regular dose of Mokomoko madness. lmao.

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