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phishbon3s (Chapter 11) - Fri 12 Jun 2009
oh gawd... *giggle*snort*chuckle* My side, it hurts... *lol* make the pain stop. *gasp*

Terri (Chapter 11) - Fri 12 Jun 2009
This chapter was like oh my God to funny! I just love Mokomoko amd dang Shippo for implying Inuyasha is gay. I mean Inuyasha and Kouga that was rich, I love the way your mind works! I loved it when Mokomoko hit Sesshomaru head in the tree. I am having a hard time containg my laughter. I cannot wait to read more. This story is the best way to start the day. Wanting more mokomoko

Sess Koibito (Chapter 1) - Fri 12 Jun 2009

Oh, poor Kagome!  She's not going to have to worry about mokomoko bewitching her birth control if Sesshomaru can't ever get it right!  I love it ... "grandpups would be his!"  LMAO!  I really don't know for whom I feel worse:  Sesshomaru (cause he can't manage a simple romp with Kagome or find any peace from the mokos) ... Kagome (cause she's constantly stuck in the middle of the moko drama and has yet to be satisfied by Sess) ... Miroku (cause he's been reduced to hiding with the children and sleeping with one eye open so he won't be killed) ... or Mokomoko (cause all the mokos may be disturbed and twisted but he's trying so hard to find mates for his sons so he can have grandpups)!  What will the meddling mokos do next???

Goodness Gracious! (Chapter 11) - Fri 12 Jun 2009

Goodness! I never know what to expect next with this unique (crazy) storyline, but I must say that these recent updates have left my days a tadbit cheerier...So all I have left to say is "Thank you for this story! Please keep up the good work on suprising your readers like me with all the various ways to tell the eccentric antics of the mokomokos and torment of a sextually-frustrated Sesshoumaru! I'm looking forward to reading more of your writing (particularlly the next installment on the mokomokos' crazy, terrorizing antics on Inutachi) soon!"

katlady (Chapter 11) - Fri 12 Jun 2009

::gigglesa;:  oh dearr  poor  kagome  dose  not know what shes in for

Oh Please (Chapter 11) - Fri 12 Jun 2009
I have more fun reading this story than I've had in a while. It's great to find something refreshing and new. I absolutely love this latest chapter and Mokomoko's confusion. "everywhere but the target" still has me giggling. (good thing no one's around to ask why) This is one of those guilty pleasure stories that I just can't wait for the next chapter installment. Inuyasha as a fag! That was rich. You have such a wicked sense of humor. Oh, and the Conquistador bit from the previous chapters, and the revenge by chocolate. Too funny. Poor Miroku, at least now he can sleep. Luckily there are no more SugarOoos. Of course, if Kagome gets tired of waiting for Sesshy to figure out how it's done, she could always spike his tea with the cereal. hehe. Though, I was a bit saddened that there aren't still 35 little moko siblings annoying their "big" brother. Fred was an only child...eventually. hehe Love it, keep up the great work!

TruGemini (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
LOL!!! "What about the penis + pussy math do they not get?" LMAO!!! My friends and I were having this conversation yesterday and seeing this statement sent me over the edge. You are brilliant Miss K!!!

BeautifulMorningSun (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
Poor Moko! He's trying so hard to make his sons happy. He's not really going at it the right way, but at least it's entertaining to us! n.n Please update as soon as you can, once again, I love this story! Beautiful Morning Sun

Dani (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
This tale is way too funny! Thank you so much for this fic, it is very entertaining to say the least. I love the Sess shot off right in Kagome's face and that Mokomoko wants to know why his sons can't get it right. Thanks again!

Angelic Memories (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
hee hee...I love those last couple of paragraphs... lol. Mokomoko is definitely my favourite character in this fic.

Walter205 (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
I hope Mokomoko doesn't try to lopp off Ayame's head now to get Kouga and Inuyasha together. But then again that wouldn't produce him any pups from that side of the family. Poor Mokomoko, so much work, so little to show for his efforts.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

Oh gods, leave it to Shippou!  That's awesome XD

Poor Miroku, he better sleep with one eye open!  I can't believe you spoiled me with two chapters must love me <3


Couldntbekeener3 (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
How Do You do it?! Fantastic!!!!!

FangedBeasty (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

Wow, it must be hard being a moko and never getting what you want.  I wonder what he is planning now, and I really can not wait to find out.  :)

Danyealle-sama (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

LMAO Poor Sesshomaru, he can't win for loosing!  And I almost feel sorry for Inuyasha LMAO ALMOST

rowdysgirl (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
No, I take it all back, the picture that sticks in my poor, traumatized brain is Mokomoko whomping Sesshy's head into the tree branch! LMAO

rowdysgirl (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009
Where *snort* do I *heh heh heh* snart, I mean, start? *hehehehehehehehe* Blind baby squrrelss and Mokomoko eats them!!! I'm calling peta! *snort* Poor 'You Are Dead,'*hahahaha* what a valentine to get! And I knew that eventually Shippo would take care of Inuyasha. I kinda feel for Kouga though. What is Mokomoko going to do to him? You are making me laugh so hard my cats are scared of me!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

ps. i tihnk i have MissK-dar for when you update! love this! -r0o

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 11) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

omg!!! hahahahahahahaha i can't even tell you how utterly amused i am right now " to: YOU ARE DEAD from YOUR KILLER, how nice..." hahahahahaha

awe and a blind Kagome is not a good Kagome. poor Sess, curling up! i wanna give him a hug now!

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 10) - Thu 11 Jun 2009

good gods Miss K, you are twisted!

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