Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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REDWOLF (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

Well, I am mad a Sesshoumaru. He called her a whore and yet, he fells to remember how she tried to stay away from him. The reason does not matter, she did try and he acted like a fool standing out in the rain all day for her. That jewel is very important to her and if she told him who she was, he would not even have glanced at her. Even if I did love him, I do not think I would want him. That is so much hurt poor Kagome has had to endure and a lot because of him. I think a jealous Sesshoumaru is a good Sesshoumaru. Maybe some competition is in need here, so he can see that there is more to Kagome than his brother's whore. Great chapter!

RayRay (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

*cries* Whyyyy did it have to end like thaaaat. Now I must wait for the next chapter to find out any more! Haha, I enjoyed it very much though. So much hurt, anger, and betrayel. I felt for poor Sesshomaru, even though he won't listen to her. I don't know who would in the face of betrayel and rejection. :( None the less, I can't wait to read more and this chapter was wonderfully written. Much love to you <3

Seshiepersonalpriestess (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

No. no. no I do not like that Kagome was not able to explain. Damn dog demon. Great job cant wait until the next chapter.

Madeline (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

Aww Sesshoumaru :( That makes me sad :( I would love love love for you to update soon!! WOnderful story can't wait to read more!!!! :(

Yohko (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

Good chapter but how sad for Kagome and Sess.. I hope Sess forgives Kagome SOON. I hope you update soon...

CarmMeldoll (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

I have been waiting for this chapter with baited breath, refreshing daily, in hopes to see the next chapter.....and it appears!  Gripping my heart tighter than the previous chapter...OMG just when I hoped the sun would shine a little on my two favorite characters, but more ran has opened from the sky on them.  This is such an emotional Job as always.  As a great author usually does, you have me pinned down in a corner not knowing were this is going to go next...  Now I sit and wait with baited breath, refreshing daily, in hopes to see the next chapter!

Inusbabe (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

KAGOME!!!!! you should have told him you rejected him because you wanted to be with him as KAGOME not FUJI!!!!!!

Tana_san (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

Well done!!! This spoke volumes where Sesshoumaru feelings are concerned. Personally, I can't fathom why she would truly believe that she could get away with being so stealthy in her seeking the jewel. I know she had her reasons and I'm sure we'll get a chance to  find out but from one who has been living among these people for as long as she has and between what she knew from history and what she's learned since coming to that era, she should have known what his reaction would be. She did have other options. She was right when she acknowledged how she always seemed to get into trouble and stcky situations when hunting for the jewel. This time was no different.

Since he didn't kill her, I gather that maybe she still may have a chance at explaining herself? I can see Sesshoumaru going to get the jewel and giving it to her, then telling her to leave. His love making him merciful.

If I were Kagome, I would have told him I wanted him to know and make love to me as Kagome not Fugi when he asked her why she rejected him. I didn't quite understand her silence when she kept telling herself that when they would get passionate. That would have been the second thing I said after telling him I loved him and please allow me to explain.

You've left us with another cliffhanger and this one is going to be extremely stressful to wait. So, dear friend, please give us another chapter soon...VERY soon, please?!  JEN

kagomesirene (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

nooooooooooooo....i feared it would end like this....but i'm a little disappointed cause kagome just won't pipe about: the shikon is you're responsibility      or

sorry sesshoumaru, i love you but i did not want to sleep whith you hearing the name fuji


...she really should have said more than  i have my reasons : /



pretty please update soon

hikari hime (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

Ah, such a stubborn pup. But it only shows the depths of his feeling for her, he wouldn't be hurt if he didn't love her that much.

I hope he's going to realise why Kagome had to do what she's done before she's consumed by her own guilt... she's weak at the moment, and she still has enemie(s)...

She's the Shikon Miko after all, and he knows what duty means...

Happy new year, Love. May 2010 bring you all the happiness you deserve. :)

Dewa mata

Crystal (Chapter 1) - Sun 03 Jan 2010

I don't usually leave reviews.  However, Wisteria is written so beautifully and with such raw emotion that I find it necessary to commend you.  You have not only created an intricate plot with many developments and twists left, but also characters that are believable and relatable.  When I read your last chapter, I felt my heart wrench with Sesshomaru's and Kagome's.  I enjoy your attention to detail, whether its for scene setting or emotional conflict.  Of all the stories I've read, this one has to be one of my favorites.  Please finish this story.  I would hate for it to come so far and never conclude.  I eagerly await the next chapter.  I'm sure I will not be disappointed.

Shae (Chapter 34) - Sat 02 Jan 2010

This story is so wonderful, I just spent the last day reading it almost non-stop XD The world and characters are very nicely described, and thing are getting so interesting~!

Oh man, even if Kagome manages to explain everything (and there's so much to explain, the way she became/why she is a maiko, the well and where she comes from, and her relationship, or lack of a relationship with Inuyasha) there could still be problems with the whole Fuji/Kagome thing. I imagine it could bring up some unwelcome memories of being compared to Kikyou, and in this case Sesshoumaru loves someone who doesn't even exist. How rough Sesshoumaru was with her and the way that he's scaring her might make her reluctant to let him touch her, too. I wonder if she ever did give him that painting that she did? Either way things are certainly going to be changing, can't wait to see what happens next.

DestinysTears (Chapter 34) - Fri 01 Jan 2010

AHHHH..... The plot is getting so tense! I am DYING to read the next chapter! Makes me inspired to restart my writing after my long, long hibernation, for lack of a better word. Hehe, well, have a good time in Hong Kong, and be safe! (Eat lots of fishball soup! It's my absolute fav!)

shiftedsoul (Chapter 34) - Fri 01 Jan 2010

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDEEE!!!!!!!!!Dude! omg nooooo they must get fluffy!


Brandie (Chapter 1) - Wed 30 Dec 2009

I just wanted to say your story is awsome and i'm begging you to update another chapter i've been checking everyday to wait and it feels like i'm going

Tana_san (Chapter 34) - Tue 29 Dec 2009

Oh My Gosh!!! Somehow, I just knew you wouldn't make it easy in the least. My heart cries for the both of them...but I feel the most pain for Sesshoumaru. The first time he gives his heart to a woman and it's his brother's miko. I can see how that might bite. but with Kagome's determination not to leave when told to, maybe, just maybe she might have a chance getting through to him.  She may get frightened easily but Kagome always had that stubborn streak in her and a determination that women of that day just didn't have, yet she loves with her whole heart, unconditionally and she fights for what she believes in. Sesshoumaru may scare her desparately but Kagome never ran from him in the past and now that she's seen this loving side of him...I'm on edge right now knowing I have to wait for the outcome. You've done an absolute phenominal job with this fic so far. Love ya!  JEN

Tana_san (Chapter 33) - Mon 28 Dec 2009

So sorry it's taken this long to get back to my reading, but I am here now and I must say that things are not looking to encouraging for our young maiko or shall I say miko in disguise? She's sure to have alot of explaining to do now and all she can do is tell the truth and hope that Sesshoumaru didn't hate Kagome from the past and will be forgiving for her deceiving him now. Maybe not letting her go to her death by going up the stairway to the Shikon was an indication that he may be merciful? or that he just wants answers before he kills her for her deception?  JEN

Anonymous (Chapter 34) - Mon 28 Dec 2009

That was sooo amazing. I am glad that the truth got out but I didn't expect it to come out like that. I really hope Kagome can clear up any misunderstandings between herself and Sesshou. Will he allow her to explain? Will he listen? Will he go back to being a cold demon like when he knew her as Kagome? Can things really never be the same between them? And if he already knew that Fuji was Kagome, then why would he accuse her of being a dark miko? Keep up the good work and update soon :P


Happy Holidays!

RayRay (not signed in) (Chapter 34) - Mon 28 Dec 2009

Awww my dear this chapter was so good. I'm hoping he'll become somewhat rational or she can do some quick-explaining before he acts out against what he sees as her betrayel. See what happens Kagome! Hidden things always come back to bite you in the ass XDDD Loved it, hope you had a safe flight, and much love to you!

Inusbabe (Chapter 34) - Mon 28 Dec 2009

Evil so evil, and AFK for five days...... Hopefully you will be well rested and ready to bang out a couple more chapters when you return.

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