Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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kagomesirene (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

sigh...well let'ssay that my heart is heavy as well atm ;__;

poor shouild have knows that's no good idea ...sigh...i fear the worst after your statement about the times to come...but i really really hope that sesshoumaru won't let anybody else celebrate kagomes "comeing-of-age-ceremony" with her *cough* that would be most unfortunate for both of them : /

yeah i know kagome has to suffer a little bit for breaking sesshoumarus heart (ha! who would have guessed to ever say something like that about sesshoumaru! ), but i'm up for a super sappy happy end C:

just please don't make us wait too 20 chapters or so...that would be kinda cruel ;)


please update soon

Tana_san (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

So, she lay awake sobbing and thinking of the 'what if's' and then still just sat on her behind, saying absolutely NOTHING!!?? How stupid is that??? She was given a reprieve at living and the routine of breakfast with him and she used the time to allow him to send her away. Girl, are you totally stupid or what? Take that time and let your heart speak to his. If he's going to kick you out or kill you, make your last time with him telling him of your fear that he would hate you for being Kagome...something, anything but the silence while you nervously eat!!!

 I am outraged at how quietly she's allowing all this to happen. She never learned to keep her mouth closed during her time with the InuTachi and I fail to understand why now! With all the stupid mistakes I've made with my husband and there have been several grave ones giving him reason to leave, I've always tried to make him see my reasoning for breaking his trust in me. My mouth never seems to know when to stay shut and he growing up in an old fashioned Italian/Spanish lifestyle where family matters are forbidden to be discussed with others, I told things I didn't feel were a big deal and he almost left me. So, yeah, I know what the value of trust must mean to someone like Sesshoumaru. I often see my husband's qualities in this character and I always seem to think Kagome should know better. I know I said this before but she had history on her side as insight into what the people of that time where like AND she had known and interacted with Sesshoumaru before, so she made a mistake...start talking and LET those tears far, if he's going to kill you or throw you out leave with the knowledge you at least TRIED to make him know you love him and it was a grave mstake to do what you did...

I understand this is all in retrospect and that being in his presence with his anger, hurt, mistrust and disappointment just suffocating but she should have fought for him. I believe the next step is him giving her the Shikon...has she even given ANY thought to the danger that having it in her possession without the last shard is going to have on her?

Well, I knew you would take this in this direction. It would be too easy and undramatic to do otherwise. Miss Teak adores and lives for the mystery and intrigue...yes, Jas, I have your alter's M.O. (motive of operation) down. She may love the romance but she thrives on the thrill, action, and adventure she gets when putting us through trying to figure out what's going to happen. This is why there are such dramatic clifffies, ne?

I so adore you...JEN

Shae (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

Ah! You're spoiling us, updating so quickly :D


It looks like Sesshoumaru has at least calmed down enough to be civil, it was nice of him to still have breakfast with her (and yay no makeup or incense), I half expected him to just kick her out :P  I wonder... It seems like he might give the jewel to her (I wonder how it'll react), at least, they're going upstairs which is the right direction. She'll have to cling to Ah-Uh if she doesn't want to fall off on her way back. Also, is it kinda symbolic that she will have the kimono as a reminder of him (she doesn't have the pin anymore so now she has something at least), yet if she touches it she'll tarnish/dull its beauty (because of her miko powers), so if she wants it to stay as it is then she would have to refrain from touching it. Thank you for another wonderful update~

Yohko (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

WAAAHHH!!! It's so sad that Kagome and Sess would part..Huhu. But it's really great how you came up with the chapter... Nice work... I hope you update real soon.. I really want to know what's next.

loveyaa (Chapter 35) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

I must say that I am on the edge of my seat. I don't no how Kagome will get herself outta this one but I must say that I will be with her every step of the way. I comend you on making such likeable characters, by keeping them in character and yet expanding their character. I just can't wait til next time...

Shea (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

It's at this point where I jump up and down on my bed, start tearing my hair out, and screaming in frustrated agony......

YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG you just left it like that, that's not a cliff that's Niagara Falls with no barrel! 


Why must you torment the demon lord so? *wail* 

He's like out there, and honest, lacking subtrafuge, straight and narrow demon lordy type and he's quashed! 

I'm quashed!

I'm going to pout at you from a dark dark corner  with a plate of cookies

More please!

Kim92b (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

Im sorry but i did not like the last completed chapter. i felt she should of Explain herself. when are you going to allow her to explain her self. im unsatisfied. (tears)

Sprinks (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

AHHHHHHHHHH when i saw the update!!

i literally did a happy dance in my seat!!



so dramatic

andddd ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

can't wait for the next update

please make it soon!

i wonder if he sends her back!


what will happen! i'm so anxious!!!!

Kiri (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

I have very much enjoyed the plot you have created with this story - I am looking forward to your next chapter. please make it soon as!  I know how hard it is to write and get the story from your mind to the paper!  You have opened a new door in my world that needs to be filled!  I really hope that it will be a happy ending too.  Sorry I do like those the best.  I love the story so far I have you saved in my favorites and greatly look forward to the next installment.  Domo Arigoto (sorry about the spelling)!!

JeniNeji (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

This is such a nice story.

It went very well, I thought you would have problems with this chapter.


I swear, when I read the one before it was like

"Ehh, no what?" but of course, I am not the author.

RetroChic (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

Please continue! I might die if you don't!

This story is so great! Your such a great writer!

Shae (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

Oh wow, they certainly didn't get the easy road, but I guess it kinda balances out the way things were going almost perfectly previously (well, except for the standing in the rain and waiting thing).


I wonder if Kagome will have to find a way to return on foot, or be able to catch a ride back on Ah-Un again (perhaps alone this time, and there wouldn't be anyone around to catch her if she fell either). That, or I guess she could openly go after the jewel. If Sesshoumaru was in his study she could tell him that she has to get the jewel and proceed to try. I wonder if he would let her walk into the traps the second time, and if he did would he be willing to bring her back to life (not quite willing to kill and willing to bring someone back are two different things). Or as someone else mentioned he could just throw the jewel at her out of disgust. Either way it seems likely (unless they manage to patch things up) that she'll have to face the demon who stole her shard alone, and without the larger part of the jewel she might not have a lot of power left. Then there's also Hasu who it seems has been encouraged to still go after Sesshoumaru, would he turn to her out of spite for Kagome?


So many different possibilities! I guess we'll have to wait and see again to find out where things will lead :D

Anonymous (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

i feel like kagome could've said something! anything! but i'm semi glad that she wasn't off the hook so easily. i wonder whats going to happen next, is he just going to dismiss her? so many questions left unanswered. cannot wait for the next chapter. i really think you outdid yourself in this chapter. keep up the good work :)

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

awww that's so sad, he wouldn't even listen to her >:( maybe she should wash the make up off and face him as herself then tell him that she said no because she wanted it to be her and not fuji. anywho it's just a suggestion, can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Snowfall (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

*sniffle*  That was so sad.  Well written.  I can't wait to see what happens next.  ^_^

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

That was such an intense chappie. I was soo sure Sesshou would kill her. But I wonder if he'll give her a chance to explain... will she tell him everything about herself? About how the jewel is her only way home? Or will Kagome just leave and never return? I hope that Kagome does get a chance to explain herself. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

BlessedEpiphany (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

I have waited so long for this chapter and even though I usually don't like cliffy's I'm glad that Kags didn't get off the hook so easily. As one who generally considers others feelings, for her to be this deceitful is deserving of punishment. I can't wait to see the next chapter, I am sure it will be full of more raw emotion that you are so talented at writing. I will be eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

knifethrower (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

Wow!  That was just so packed with emotion.  Sesshomaru's rage, Kagome's regret.  This was such an amazingly powerful chapter in such a major story.  You have done it, Miss Teak.  This is definitely one of the "great ones".

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

Man. I totally knew Sesshoumaru would find out, but I didn't think he would find out like that. But I should have known it couldn't have been that easy. Poor Sesshoumaru and Kagome

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 35) - Tue 05 Jan 2010

OMG!  OMG OMG OMG OMG!  This was such a heart wrenching scene, I feel so bad for Sesshoumaru!  I don't know how she'll ever make it up to him, but damnit I wanted to strangle her myself for becoming speechless every time she had a chance to explain herself.  Gah! 

Simply amazing.  The muse MissTeak has outdone herself.

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