Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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sweetest angel (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

And what is it going to happen now? I think it sum up pretty much what everyone is thinking!

What will Kagome do? Will she leave for another place? I feel like she is now ready to take back her real identity and leave 'fuji' for good. It was starting to eat her real self alive for some time already.

And what will Sesshomaru do? I would love to see what Koyama will think of what Kagome have done? Maybe she will be able to see clearly and put her hate aside...? Sesshomaru seems to need some help to sort out his thoughts. How will he react when he will see that she left with none of his gifts? I know he is hurt but I couldn't help but thinking -baka- when he let her leave like that. :P

Will he go after her? She had made her move and had been honest with him it is time for Sesshomaru to do the same and be honest with himself. What do he truly want? Maybe he will realize that it was a good thing that she pushed him away. It shows that, even if the circonstances had pushed her to lie, she came to really care for him and had a conscience. In his mind he can't pass the fact that he is persuaded that she slept with InuYasha and was now refusing him. Will he open his eyes?

Gah! I can't wait to see what you will come up with this time! ^^ really love this story. You made me cry again though *glare*  lol

please, please, for my sanity, update as soon as you can, I'm truly begging you. Already the possibilities of what could happen or not is driving me crazy! :D

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

All these unfinished thoughts are damn frustrating!  I thought she had WANTED to kiss Sesshoumaru in the snow?  Did I miss something?  I'm glad she at least went to find him before she left and explained herself a little more.  Another bittersweet chapter, MissTeak, but beautiful nonetheless!

Well done!

Snowfall (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Oooh, I wonder if Kagome is planning to go back to being a maiko, or if she's going to try to go back through the well.  I'm surprised that Sesshoumaru didn't go with her and that he didn't kill her.  Can't wait to see what you have in store for us.  ^_^

kagomesirene (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

;_; crycrycry ;_;

ohhhhh that was soooo sad...but i really kagome really going to return to Gion...she cannot really hope for sesshoumaru to become her patron atm, and i'm pretty sure with her 21th century character she's not really into giving her verginity to the highest bidder :*  on the other side i'm sure she kinda feelsobligated to somehow give a payback for getting educated / becoming a maiko

i'm really eager to read the next chapter so pretty please update sooooooooooooooooooooooooon C:

sesskagomefan (Chapter 1) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

I really enjoy the story. From the rescue in the beginning, Sesshoumaru desparation, Kagome attempt to avoid him, his feeling of betrayal, and now Kagome desparation. You had my emotion flying in every direction. I can't wait for the next one.

Arwyn (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

*sigh* Oh what a tangled web Sess and Kags have found themselves in...

Anywho, another wonderful chapter, I love how you had her go looking for him, and they get their moment at the beach; mayhap not the way either of them envisioned it to happen. I'm glad that Kagome wouldn't take the money from him, and now she's back to Gion to hopefully reclaim her quarter of the Shikon no Tama and well reclaim her identity as Kagome. Her telling Sess was just the first step on a dangerous path she's going to have to walk.

REDWOLF (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Great chapter, wish there was more! I look forward to the new chapter of poor Kagome's heartache, bless her heart! I am so glad Kagome told him that she tried to break it off with him (maybe not in those words, but the same thought)). I believe if I were Kagome I would go somewhere else besides going back to the geisha life, I believe she could do so much better somewhere's else. Then, when that idiot of a demon comes to his senses he would have to look for her, but, it is not my story, just a thought of all the embarrassment  he is forcing on Kagome. That other geisha will be none to happy to take Kagome's place with Sesshoumaru and he is none to good to let her. I have a low opinion of Sesshoumaru right now. I think he owes Kagome much for putting up with his jealousy of Inuyasha even though he is dead. Sesshoumaru was in love with a false person and he didn't want the real girl behind the mask, that is sad for him. I hope this ends well for the both of them! 

kotainuchan (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

ahhhhhh...... he's being such a pain in the arse!

Trugemini (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

It seems they have a long way to go to repair the damage caused by both. Hopefully he will actually reflect and listen to what she had said, and at the same time, she will once again remember what it is to be Kagome and reclaim herself.

knifethrower (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Now I wonder if Kagome is going back to her geisha life or somewhere new to start another life.  Maybe back to InuYasha's forest?  This story is so wonderful, not just romance but suspense and adventure as well!

Random Kitten (Chapter 37) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

T_T that was a rly good chapter but im abit said a clif hanger? rly now thats just mean ;_;

Jenis Miranda (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010
Wisteria has been my bedtime story for quite a few days now. and let me tell you-- the dreams i've been having! lol. pretty crazy. i love this story though. i was so happy when i found it too. i just read a bunch of your other stories, and i'm loving them. you're so talented!! i cant wait for the next chapter! this story has gripped my heart, and it'll definitly remain one of my all time favourites!! :)

Shae (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

Ohoho, now that is interesting. I hadn't really thought of her refusing the jewel :D But now that she's done it I can see that it is actually one of the few ways that she could get through to Sesshoumaru. I adore the way this story is turning out, and anticipate future trouble in the form of: the jewel thief, Kagomes coming of age ceremony and/or Kumano. Sesshoumaru not telling her about the traps was a really nice touch, although he can think that he wants her permanently out of his life, actually doing so appears to be another matter entirely. I like your reasoning for why she was so drawn to the jewel too, that even if she didn't know it at the time she was there to calm it, not necessarily steal it.

DestinysTears (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

Oh, these last three chapters were BEAUTIFUL, MT! From the lovely scenes and intensities of emotion that you depict, to the beautiful as well as deep symbolism that you've described, I absolutely fell for this fairy tale even deeper, if that's even possible. I don't believe you write these stories - to me, it's like you paint them out and I'm just watching intently. Love-ly, MT! I can really feel their every emotion and thought as if it were my own!

fatcatmom (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

FANTASTIC story! For this chapter, Kagome has finally stated the utter and whole truth in a succinct way that hurts neither of them nor raises their defenses. And she has certainly learned just what falsehoods do to people and I am so proud of how our Kagome handled the apology and correction that I could burst (yes, I am a mother and these types of lessons are hard-learned by my kids). The ball is in your court, the right thing! Please update as soon as you can. This is such a cliffie.... 

Seshiepersonalpriestess (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

Finially he is listening!

Madeline (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

Is sesshy Kinda seeing the Error of his ways :) Do I detect a hint of happiness coming on??!! Can't wait for the next chapter please update as soon as possible :D Please keep up the good work :D

Phantomlogic (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

OH...MY...GOD...more!  I need more!  Now, hurry, I must know what happens next!!!

Serephina of the Kamis (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010



Okay, I feel better now. Fantastic update, kudos to you. Please update soon, or I might have a cornia!

kagomesirene (Chapter 37) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

great kagome...finally a good decision!

the two still have a long way ahaead fo them..but that was the first step...sesshoumaru admitting to himself that he does not want to see kagome! hurt and kagome realizing that she cannot have both atm, the shikon and sesshoumaru and finally choose the right thing C:

i cannot wait to read more soon...dear god i hope you already have a few chapters finished and update soon cause i'm literally dying here : 7

very please keep up the good work and update soon

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