Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Silver (Chapter 36) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

*tear for kags* lovely story tho. :)

Akay (Chapter 36) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

Oh Teak, this probably won't be a very long review because I'm kinda sorta speakless and am in total awe. You break my heart so, but in a good way. The cliffies! OMG the cliffies. Way to have us hanging on to our seats by our fingernails. I just wanna huggle Sesshoumaru and kinda wanna kick Kagome for not telling him sooner. Didn't we tell her to tell him!?! She hardheaded and don't listen! LOL, but still I think my heart broke with hers though. Is he really going to send her back? I hope somewhere on her trip back to Gion he have a change of heart. Or she get to speak to him before she leave. But.... she still gotta find her jewel shard that "someone" took. *looks around skeptically*


I'm looking forward to more. *gives Teak cookies for speedy updates* You're awesomeness.

Well this review came out longer than I initially thought it would.

Sprinks (Chapter 36) - Thu 07 Jan 2010

two chapters in two days! have i been extremely good this time? :D

can't wait for the next installment.

i wonder where sesshomaru is going to take her?? to the shikon jewel?

oooh will she accept it if he hands it over or will she tell him to leave it here under the protections he has already got set up??



crescat (Chapter 1) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

I normally don't leave reviews no matter how much i like the fic, which i love quite a few, but yours, if it wasn't for the fact it a fanfic, would make a wonderful book for the masses to read. Keep up the wonderful work!

Miju (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

absolutely stunning and addictive. pleeease update this asap! love you!

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

Just like chapter 36, my heart is heavy with the fact that you will turn this beautiful story to the darkside. Oh my friend, I trust that you will eventually make everything right in the end. I almost wanted to cry :( with the way Sess treated Kags so harshly, though it is understandable but I feel he must not love her that much if can turn on her so abrubtly without hearing her side of the story. Kags was so wrong in not being honest with him from the start. Please update soon, if you can.  As always, you are my friend from afar and I hope your holiday was great.  Hugs and smiles always.

Random Kitten (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

PLEASE UPDATE!!!!! dont leave us like this T_T

miwa03 (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

*tremble in horror* Teak-chan... Don't tell me your going to start writing on the dark genre with this romantic story! Oh no!!! And I wished for a romantic happy ending for them in Wisteria!!! T-T

...I'm sorry if I'm over reacting but... to have this story turn into dark...

Don't get me wrong. I'm sure you'll write amazingly despite the genre, but... T-T

No, bad Miwa! Don't interfere with Teak's decision! T-T I'm sorry Teak... please continue to write and weave this amazing story. I'll read it to the very end. Just hope my heart could take a heart-breaking Wisteria's ending... 

LadySafire (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

I loved the latest chapters for Wisteria. I feel so sad for both Kagome and Sesshomaru. Now if they can fix this terrible misunderstanding between them. I am waiting anxiously for the next installment.


:Using her hypnotic voice..: Look into my eyes.... You will write more chapters soon. <g>

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

It is soo sad that Sesshou will not allow Kagome another chance to explain herself. Now I wonder if Sesshou will give Kagome the Shikon jewel and if Kagome will actually take it. Is it worth taking the jewel is she can't make it to the well and go home? Does Sesshou know that Inuyasha is dead? How exactly did he did since Kagome didn't go into very much details? I look forward to seeing what Sesshou will do next. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

aww that was so sad TT_TT i really hope she gets a chance to talk to him before he sends her away, sure he's hurting, but sesshomaru's never been a fool (well unless someone really OOc's him lol) awww i cant wait for you to update!!!

jessica (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

hey love the story. it was a little weird that kagome would steal the jewel. but i guess life makes you do things you normaly wouldnt. i love the way the story plays out and doesnt real rushed. i normaly can tell in the first chapter of a story if i wont like it and i love this one. keep it going.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

I don't know how much more I can take of the sad *cries*  My heart is breaking for Sesshoumaru and as sad as I am for Kagome, she should have seen this coming.  You're the one author I know that can make me turn against the heroine in your stories.

Wonderful work!

loveyaa (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010 ready for love to conquer all now. I no that they have to go through this darkness and bad time and you have done a great job writing it. I love how the whole tone has slowed down but hopefully their love isn't lost. til next time...

88pieces (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

poor kags  Sesshou is being so mean but who can blame him for being upset she went about things the wrong way after all but she did try to explain herself  maybe later something will happen and she will get to prove her worth to him and he will stop being so stupidly male.


great chapter can't wait for the next one

RayRay (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

T_T I was enjoying the flowery version, no darker side, darker side makes me sad and my heart ache. *cries* This chapter was painful to read honestly, not because it wasn't written well--because it was written amazingly--but because of the perspective it came from throughout it. I felt bad for them both and kept hoping that despite your warning they would come to an understanding or Sesshomaru would try and listen to her as herself and not as Fuji. I am sad, but I still love your story and I will be waiting to see the next chapter whenever you get it up. Much love to you until next time.

REDWOLF (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

Fantastic chapter!! Well, I wonder if she will be cast out from the Geisha house? Sesshoumaru should have left the first time she wanted nothing to do with him, but he refused and now is acting like a brat. Oh well, that is just my thoughts on Sesshoumaru. Kagome will be lucky to make it now. I feel so, so sorry for Kagome. This is such a great fic...always makes one think about the characters and waiting for the next update!

Goose (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

These rapid updates are AWESOME! But I I've been in tears by the end of them! :'( Alas I still got to know how they resolve their love spat! UPDATE SOON!!!

Madeline (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

You make me wanna cry!!! I love this story but right now it's so sad :( Please update as soon as you can :D and Keep up the amazing work!!!!

Phantomlogic (Chapter 36) - Wed 06 Jan 2010

But, but, but, what happened to the girl who would fight for love?!  Who would do everything in her power to grab happiness?  Sigh, I guess with a real taste of heartache, versus the pains of puppy love with Inuyasha, she is feeling the loss in a deeper, more paralyzing way.

Sesshoumaru has to know that she wants to be with him, just as Kagome, not as Fuji!  He has to know that she is incapable of feigning love the way he is accusing her!

They will figure it all out soon, right?  Right?!

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