Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

Poor Ah-Un!  I hope he's okay, he fought so hard :( 

Quite a great scene you painted for us, MissTeak!  It was definitely attention-capturing and left me wanting MORE!  Just who is this newcomer?  I can't wait to find out XD 

Silver (Chapter 1) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

OMG! Poor Ah-Un!! Loyal little bugger. And authors and their evil, EVIL cliffys! But at least we know that Sesshy poo still feels...something, lol. Thanks for the update and can't wait for the next!

xokaggyfanox (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

excellent chapter again...couldn't resist had to post another comment. i wonder if sesshoumaru will spot ah-un or go straight to gion (go the place right!) :)

also i might drew and draw still i have a good idea but it will look really amateur but i'll do my best. hopefully i post it before you update.

xokaggyfanox (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

omg your story is ssssssssssooooooooooooo lovely. i love everything about. even i would love to read more from this chapter i was cliffy just as long as the author updates :)

i wonder who was it that ambushed kagome, which kind of demon were dealing with, but were the warrior that captured her the ones that sent her to the genisha house? that still is a mystery to who toke her there. nd why were they watching over her discretly with her stay out the genisha house(forgot the name)

gosh they suspence i hope ah-un is okay and some way find a way to track kagome. nd that omen....don't you hate those. hopefully sesshoumaru does do something. though forgiveness is hard she told him everything. go save her sesshoumaru from everything so she can have her life back.

p.s in the receses of my mind i feel like kagome entire stay at the genisha house and her now getting captured was planned. Am I right??

Jenis Miranda (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010
wow... what a chapter! and poor ah-un!! :( looks like someone may come to the rescue soon--- i hope! cant wait for the next wonderful chapter! and fanart sounds great! .......i.f only i could draw... haha

Phantomlogic (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

I just knew she would not make it back to Gion!  Now, when Sesshoumaru goes to check on her, she will not be there and he will know something has happened!  I have a guess who the "warrior" is, but I want to see if I am correct!  Can't wait for the next chapter!

REDWOLF (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

Post the picture......Poor Kagome, I tell ya, I still think if Sesshoumaru saved me I still would not give him a chance so easily. I think she should find an abandon hut and live in it until Sesshoumaru begs his a$$ off for her. But the stranger....must be bad huh? Great chapter! I thought sure you would update yesterday, but I was just so impatient...sorry!

waterunleashed (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010
ok i havent read the chapter yet just the authors note and i had to comment on just that because i was explaining to my fiancee why us authors can't resist the cliffhanger and he looked at me like I was crazy. As a reader the cliffy always kills me because when it is done well I feel like I just fell off the edge and I'm holding on by my fingernails going nooooooooo. But as an author when that perfect ending to a chapter somes up you can't help but laugh evil and maybe even through in some mr. Burns for good measure because it's the thrill of having that impact. Of making people gasp and make a memorable moment that people remember. If you continue on at that point the moment gets lost in the rest of the story and your muse cries at the death of it. Whew! Okay now I'm going to read the chapter. I really enjoy this story and I'm glad you don't take too much time after you've thrown a cliff into our path.

knifethrower (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

But, he CARES, right?  That makes me feel like there is hope.

Madeline (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

OMG I can't believe you did that to poor Ah-Un :'( I can't wait to see who snatched Kagome!! Update as soon as possiable!! :D Keep up the most amazing work!!! 

RayRay (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

Oh dearie, you make me get all teary eyed lately with these chapters you've been updating. It's so sad! Poor AhUn! Poor Kagome too, but I do hope Sesshomaru finds her in time. Definitely an omen he got when he was painting! The chapter was very well written and flowed nicely. And I can't wait to read the next one to find out what's going to happen next. Cliffies are evil you know!!! Haha Much love to you until next time <3

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

I am very curious to find out who would want to kidnap Kagome. And I really hope that Ah-Un isn't dead. I wonder what Sesshou will do when he finds out that Kagome could very well be dead... If she did die, would he care? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

janey (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

omg! ahhhh! i need to know what happens next! i was hoping that kagome would be kidnapped haha then sesshoumaru would have to come to her rescue. i hope ah un is alright. but who is the guy who ambushed them?? i really hope he decides to check on her.. great chapter. CANNOT wait for the next one

17th Floor (Chapter 39) - Tue 12 Jan 2010

Noooooooooo! Not Ah-Un!! Tis truly a most evil cliffie.

Great action sequence against the vines. Well done!



WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 38) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

Sesshou is such an idiot for letting Kagome go like that. I wonder what happens now? Will he still visit her at Hanaka? And what of the missing chunk of the Shikon? Where is it and how will she find it? And why was Kagome put in this situation in the first place? What does anyone have to gain from Kagome not being able to go home? Also, will she ever get the chance to tell Sesshou her really big secret? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

maddie50 (Chapter 38) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

I just caught up with your last few chapters. I cried through most of the scenes. I think you certainly brought out Kagome's and Sesshoumaru's thoughts and emotions for us to examine. Sesshoumaru has every right to be outraged by Kagome's behavior. How could she possibly think she could outmaneuver the Demon Lord? Especially by trying to be silent? He showed great restraint.

They are both broken hearted now. It is so sad. I wonder if Kagome would be able to return to the future without a piece of the jewel? She thought about wanting to return, but I wonder if that would truly be her desire?

Goose (Chapter 38) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

UGH he makes me frustrated! Great chapter! Update soon, I'm going crazy!!! @_@

Goose (Chapter 38) - Mon 11 Jan 2010

UGH he makes me frustrated! Great chapter! Update soon, I'm going crazy!!! @_@

Miju (Chapter 38) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

Lovely. I am glad she had so much pride as that to walk away gracefully.

Please hurriedly continue to write and post, dear lady! <3

shiftedsoul (Chapter 38) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

ahhhh closer. not forever i hope. ^^ Great story, very eager to know who stole Kagomes fricken shards and captured her in the first place. my money is on the okasan. she smells like plums and that was the scent Kags smelled in the beggining! aHHHHH! my poewers of observation are stunning to you I know. HA!

Much fun!

Enjoy your loverly writing time babe!!!

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