Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Tana_san (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

Oh my gosh, Kumano think she has the jewel inside her body? Has the story of Lady Centipede ripping the jewel from Kagome's body come back to haunt her? Does he believe that once Naraku was destroyed that the jewel returned within her body as it was from the beginning?!? If this bear is as dense as they say then he may just believe this. Who told him that Kagome was the Shikon Miko though?

Hmm, if I think back, Kumano was a hated patron to all the girls and only one person might know that Kagome is the Shikon miko because they stole the shard from her room at Hanaka and I still believe that was Hasu. She was angry and jealous that Kagome had Sesshoumaru's attention and what better way to get even than to tell Kumano whereby both Kagome and Sesshoumaru would pay for hurting her.

So, what do you think? I thought maybe one of Sesshoumaru's people, but that would be too obvious. Death by Sesshoumaru's hand would instill such fear in his people that I don't think they'd be stupid enough to try and hurt Kagome.

You are doing an extremely superb job with these twists of intrigue. I can't wait to see what happens next....There is one thing I'm wondering though, now that I think about it, if Kumano does try to rape Kagome, wouldn't her power rise to her defense now that she's been so close to the jewel? Please don't let that filth take her virginity from her. Let her at least fend him off until Sesshoumaru can kill him.  JEN

Bella (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

Poor Kagome :(

LM Bluejay (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

wow...that was brutal. Poor Kagome!

Sabishii_Taiyoukai_Forever (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010


Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

I've pondered over and over again who the mystery person was, but I never once thought it could be Kumano even though it makes perfect sense. I even thought it was Yanagi at one point, just because it's usually the least likely person that turns out to be the betrayer. Then I thought maybe it was Ume or that she would, at least, know something about it because of her odd "have fun" statement. Guess not though. lol. Now I'm wondering if Kumano will resort to raping her in order to have her give the jewel up to him since he didn't get a chance to have it his way in the beginning.

Except, now that I think about it... how did Kumano know that Sesshoumaru gave Kagome the jewel? In either case, I've gotten some answers and a whole lot more questions... which means that you should update ASAP because Aurora is already waiting as patiently as she can for the next chapter!

Ruriame (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

This story has a really original idea and a lot of thing just keep piling on making it more complex and richly interesting. I love all the uses of the traditional Japanese ideas like the geisha that you put in here. And I'm really curious how Kagome even ended up in this whole situation in the first place from the start. It's still a mystery that I can't wait to figure out what happened :)

Sprinks (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

oh my goodness! this story is getting juicier by the chapter!

will sesshomaru find out where she has gone? or find Ah Un? will kagome be able to not break due to the harsh treatments of Kumano. and back with her sisters at the geisha home? will they blame sesshomaru? will they think she's run away? will they do anything at all?

oh there is so much! so so much to enjoy! though i hate kagome's prediciment you've made this story remarkable!

there are a lot of fan fic writers that don't have patience like yourself to actually draw out the story and actually do it well.

i bow to you! keep it up! and update soon!

a very large fan of yours!

love always Sprinks.

JeniNeji (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

this is terrible luck... poor Kagome

Serephina of the Kamis (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

Ugh! I just knew that &**$)%# would find a way to make life miserable. Honestly, how low can you get?

Samantha (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

This is getting too good please update quickly losing my mind to see what happnes next!!!

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

Well... S***. I was sooo not expecting that. I wonder if Sesshou will figure out that Kumano was the one to kidnap Kagome. And will Kagome be raped by him before Sesshou comes to the rescue? I think that having a traumatized Kagome before Sesshou shows up would make it interesting but I'm not sure if the whole rape and being killed thing will flow with what you have in store for us. I look forward to seeing Kagome purify Kumano's ass. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

Holy crap, man!  That bear demon is one sick f***.  Poor Kagome, good for her for staying strong, but man, I really hope Sesshoumaru finds her fast!  I do so hope the fate of the brave dragon is more positive than negative.

Great job!

REDWOLF (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

Yikes!!!! Kagome is in a fix now, and with Sesshoumaru not even showing up for any comment from him, this looks bad for poor Kagome. I wish her miko powers would burn his a$$...that Sesshoumaru's a$$ too! Great chapter! Never know when the past will come back and bite ya in the a$$!

Phantomlogic (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

OHHHHH!! Not the dreaded cliffy!!  Sesshoumaru better find her soon, or maybe she will just smoke the bear with her powers?? 

Please don't leave us hanging too long!  We all need more!

Anonymous (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

whoa! what a plot twist!!! i was sort of expecting that it was hasu who had kagome captured but kumano is totally different. unless they're working togeher!? haha but what i want to know is how he found out about kagome being a miko and having the jewel?? was he the one who took the other shared? can't wait for the next chapter. great update

Jenis Miranda (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010
whoa. whoa. whoa........ the suspense!!! wisteria may very well be the death of me.. :) love it. cant wait for the next chapter!!

Madeline (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

Ahhh no way!! Your evil for leaving it like that!!! Please update as soon as you can!! Keep up the amazing work!!! :D

Rachel (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

ooooh.... this is not good for kagome since... she really doesnt have the jewel.

Someone must've told Kumano about kagome being a miko and the gaurdian of the jewel... hehehee and i have my suspicions of who it might be.

17th Floor (Chapter 41) - Thu 21 Jan 2010

Baaaaaaaaaahhh! Don't leave it there!! Oh no, poor Kagome!!

maddie50 (Chapter 40) - Wed 20 Jan 2010

Freaky. I suspected Koyama because she is a bird demon, but then I remember she is not a crow (I think). I suspect this is the male demon who wanted Fuji at the beginning of the story. Is Ah Un really dead? He is such a sweetheart.

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