Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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shiftedsoul (Chapter 40) - Tue 19 Jan 2010


Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 40) - Mon 18 Jan 2010

How amazing of an author you are!
I have never, in my seven years of fanfiction reading, read a story that eluded such poise and elegance. It is only unfortunate that I have never clicked the link into this story until the 40th chapter; however, that served to be quite an amazing read since I was able to read straight through. I read all 40 chapters in ONE sitting. I didn't even go to bed until 5 A.M. because of your amazing brilliance!
The romance between Sesshoumaru and Kagome blossomed slowly and I really enjoyed reading their conversations and the gentler side of Sesshoumaru he displays towards the geishas and towards Fuji. I also loved how you portrayed Kagome’s lost identity, battling between being Fuji and being Kagome. Another thing I loved was your frequent Japanese terms. It made the fanfiction even more authentic than it already was and I appreciated the hard work you put into researching the necessary information before you began writing.
All of the chapters are amazing and really breathtaking, but I think the one I like best is Chapter 34: Exposed. Particularly this little excerpt:
“If he could get her to cooperate, and prove she had genuinely cared for him, he could really forgive and forget everything. He would never talk about it again, and he would give her the jewel if she really wanted it so badly…all he wanted was Fuji. Sadly enough, the more paranoid he got, the more forceful he became, and the further she drifted.”
It served as a huge turning point in the story and portrayed how far in love Sesshoumaru had fallen for Fuji. All he wanted was her. He was willing to give her the Shikon jewel, lavish her with expensive gifts, and he wanted nothing in return but Fuji herself. It shows a vulnerable side to Sesshoumaru I have never read before in previous fanfictions and I couldn’t help but reread that excerpt again and again. They were beautiful words and portrayed everything perfectly.
In fact, everything about this fanfiction is perfect; every word, every phrase, every interaction. I can see why this has won as many awards as it has. If you wanted, I am certain that you could even edit this story upon its completion into an original work and publish it! I would be the first to purchase it! To think that you are only two years older than I am… I truly look up to you as a fanfiction role model.
I applaud you for your wondrous work and from this day forward, I will remain an ever faithful and devoted fan.
- Raine
P.S. Was this your best review ever or what? LOL
P.P.S. Thank you very much for your review of my one-shot story, Love Through Flowers.

Running in Circles (Chapter 40) - Sat 16 Jan 2010

Omg! Love this chapter! I am completely on edge with this!!! Wonderful chapter, absolutely wonderful.

RayRay (Chapter 40) - Sat 16 Jan 2010

I think you're beginning to grow fond of ending with suspenseful things my dear! I must must must read the next chapter, so I hope to see it soon (no pressure though <3) I am soooo curious as to what happened to Kagome! That was such a BIG and BAD omen he had gotten in his dreams and I just hope he finds her! This was definitely not what I was expecting, and I began tearing up at the imagery I got from the sight he had found in his dream. Though "decaying flesh" had me going "ickyyyy" at first haha :) I can't wait to read more lovey, great job as always! Much love to you <3

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

So now he's feeling bad about how he treated Kagome? How will he feel if his nightmare becomes reality? I am still curious about who took Kagome and what they plan to do with her. Are they the same individual who took Kagome to Hanaka? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

Samantha (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

Man I have to say that was a very well put together chapter.  The discription of her suspended from the trees was unbelievable!  Reminded me of the children of the corn creepy.  Can't wait for another chapter that dream was so neat to have put in there.  I just hope that is not what her fate is and he makes it there in time!

LM Bluejay (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

Sessh needs to hurry up before it's too late! Update soon, PLEAZE!!!!

Sara (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

I love this story! It's written beautifully. But, Miss Teak, You are evil! XD You ought to be ashamed of yourself for writing such good cliffies. Cant wait for more. <3 :3

REDWOLF (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010 MY heart is twisted. Please don't make us wait long. Poor Kagome. You are an exceptional writer!

Phantomlogic (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

OHHHH vile cliffies!!  I still think I know who the villian(ess) is, but I hope I am wrong! 

Sess needs to get his hustle on!  Two omens in such close proximity spell trouble.



Inusbabe (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

I had a feeling that was going to be a dream, title chapter being Omen and all.

Sess needs to get off that bed and start looking right now!!


I think the dream has to be one of my favorite parts of this whole story. The emotion from Sess is great.

Shae (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

Hmm, the one thing that makes me think that Kagomes attacker may not be Mr Bear are the vines. Though as we've not really seen him in combat I suppose he could very well use vines. At any rate, it seems that Sesshoumaru has had a rather accurate dream, at least as far as the forest and vines go. I wonder if he'll decide to bring tenseiga along because of the dream if he does go after Kagome.


I really like the relationship between Koyoma and Sesshoumaru. I wonder if Koyama heard that Kagome refused the gold and said everyone could keep it? She doesn't appear to have been hostile about Sesshoumaru mentioning Kagome/Fuji. And poor Sesshoumaru, he quickly denies that he misses Kagome, yet he corrected her name and is obviously concerned about her. Oooo I wonder what will happen next~

Jenis Miranda (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010
Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!! the beginning of this chapter scared the crap out of me!! more suspense!!! lordy, i dont know if i can take anymore!! :|

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

wow this was a dark chapter. but I enjoyed it! can't wait to read the next one, i'm on edge now waiting to see what happens! :)

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

Great chapter! It was like a movie, I could picture everything perfectly and ya know I actually didn't mind the cliffy this time lol

Snowfall (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

Nooooo!  Kagome can't be dead.  This is so scary.  The description of the nightmare was so horrifying.  Great job!  I think I'm going to go hide under my bed and cover my eyes now.  Let me know when the scary part is over.  ^_^

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

Oh my goodness, what an AWFUL nightmare!  I'm so glad it WAS just a nightmare, but sheesh!  I hope Sesshoumaru finds her quickly, congratulations on making 40 chapters!

love you so much (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

gah! your cliff hangers are horrible!!!!!!! lol. please, don't torture us so! :)

Tana_san (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

All I have to say is, You are sooo good at creating intense drama. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes and all I can think is, who was the person in the boots that knocked her out? I'd hate to be that person when Sesshoumaru finds him and Kagome better be alive because I'm sure Sesshoumaru can and will give that being a very slow and agonizing death for what they did to her.  JEN

Starlyte (Chapter 40) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

Aaahhh, that was an awesome chapter, i loved the whole dream omen thing that was unexpected and very well written, but OMG did you have to leave it there. What happened to Kagome? What happend to Ah-Un? Who was the one that attacked them? What is Sesshomaru going to do now? Soooooo can't wait for the next chapter!!! Thanks for this great piece!

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