Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Mutnodjmet (Chapter 20) - Mon 23 Feb 2009
*rubbing hands together* Another update on 'Wisteria', one of my favourites. OMG, what could have happened to the jewel? I'm hoping that it's just misplaced and not taken by any of Kag's friends. Like you said "the plot thickens", I am so looking forward to more updates and of course your other stories as well. You are just too good :) *lots of hugs and smiles from your friend*

Tana_san (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009
A great upcoming suspense building chapter. Until the next update we can imagine many outcomes of Hasu's anger toward Kagome and the loss of the Shikon shard. I, for one, would like to know why someone would want to take Kagome's shard? What about the hair pin that Sesshoumaru had given her? Is it still with her belongings or did it get taken as well? Maybe the little vial containing the shard enclosed in a small box might have been thought to mean value of some kind to Kagome and Hasu took that which was special to Kagome. Or has someone recognised her as the Shikon Miko? Her other things from the future weren't taken so it has to relate to her Shikon travels or Hasu's jealousy. Or maybe I'm just way off. It'll be fun guessing. Love ya! JEN

Amanda (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009


This story is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!



Amrix (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009
As always I loved the chapter :D this is really good even if it didnt have any SessxKag in it :) OMG what happened to the shikon shard that Kagome had?Who stole it? ... I could guess who it is, damn that Hasu! Its probebly her! I just know it!

hikari hime (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009

Yay! Another wonderful chapter!

Hmmmm.... the flot plickens... I wonder if she still can sense the Shikon shards. Would she have to train her powers again, or find some sort of way to strengthen them? Without them, I can't imagine how she would locate the shard. And who could have it? Hasu? How many people were aware of his existence in the first place? Is she going to tell Sesshomaru about it, and about her identity, so that he could help her?

Argh... so many questions. Of course, I know I'll get my answers within the story. I look forward to it. ^_^

Thank you for sharing XD

Dewa mata

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009

Excellent chapter.  I do and don't feel bad for Hasu, and I loved that your writing made me think that way :-)  I can't wait to see more Sess/Kag action, but the story you have developed is amazing!

maddie50 (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009

That went as expected. As much as Hasu obsesses over Sesshoumaru, she cannot control his choice. She has been unable to face facts long ago. The woman is now being eaten alive by bitterness and hatred. I do not feel sorry for her. Early in the story, yes.

As for the missing jewel shard, I am puzzled as to where it could be. Would these people know what it is? What has happened to her priestess powers that she could not keep one shard untainted?

Miju (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009
Oh, this almost makes me feel sorry for Hasu...a broken lotus, what pretty imagery! "in good time" can that mean next chapter? PLEAASE? love for you till the next one~

Sala (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009

Oh God.   How can you leave us hanging like that?  The suspense might kill me. ^_~

not-active (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009

Do I like Hasu? No...

But I find myself in Kagome's situation in real life. I've known someone for a while, and theres another female that thinks that the one I fell for belongs to her. I felt bad for this chick until she started whoring up to him in a pathetic attempt to gain his favor. I guess this would be something to think about in that situation, and I'm not sure of you've written any more, but here are some possible ideas:

Hurting the other female works, but it angers the man. Getting the man's attention, however, gets the other woman hurt AND gets what you want.

Giannix (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009
Thanks for posting this new chapter!! well hasu has returned, the shikon shard was stolen??? please update soon!! =)

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 20) - Sun 22 Feb 2009

What will Kagome do now? How long has it been since she last held the shikon shard? I wonder if Hasu took it? Please update soon... :P

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 20) - Sat 21 Feb 2009
I'm really happy that another chapter was written! You are doing an amazing job!

katlady (Chapter 20) - Sat 21 Feb 2009

finaly an update  about  time......but  I have a sneaky idea of who might have took the  shard but  I will leave  my guess for  latter update soon  please

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 20) - Sat 21 Feb 2009

Great job on your characterization of Kagome in this chapter!  It would be just like her to worry about the hurt feeling of the stupid cow that just slapped her.  Personally, I can't stand Hasu... but that's just me (well, maybe not).  Hmmm, I wonder who stole the jewel shard!

Jazmin (Chapter 19) - Fri 20 Feb 2009

I am so glad I read your other fic "let's fall in love" I belive is the title...I thought that one was great too but this one is more my type of fic. I love the way you describe the scenes and emotions the characters are going through, it's almost like a movie is playing in my head. Please update soon, I absolutely love your fic. :D

lil Lii (Chapter 19) - Mon 16 Feb 2009

Ooh, now I'm anxiously waiting for when Sesshoumaru finds out her real identity. I hope it isn't too horrible, especially since she's just accepted him. And Hasu will have no doubt returned by then, so I don't envy Kagome, who will no doubt be besieged on both sides by Sess and Hasu. Another beautiful chapter. :D I squealed at the painting, it was so sweet. &the lemonade is really up to you. It won't take away from the story not to have it, but if you do add citrus I'd love to see how you work it in. :3

Brights (Chapter 19) - Sat 14 Feb 2009
Aww, I just love your story! It's so cute and romantic! I wish Sesshy was my bf right now! *sighs wistfully* I can't wait to see how he reacts when he finds out it's Kagome, but I hope he doesn't get TOO pissed! XD As for your lemonade question...I'm totally for it! By the way you are writing this story I think you could pull off a lemon scene nicely! (but I think it would be better it's after he knows it's Kagome) Anyways great job as always and I hope to read more! Ciao!

Nana (Chapter 19) - Sat 14 Feb 2009

Hello there~

I have a confession to make. I...fell in love with your story! I think the flow is very smooth and the choice of words is beautiful!

To answer your question from the latest chapter, I don't think lemon is necessary but it's not unwelcomed either. :)  The Wisteria is sweet enough to make people continue reading even without the lemon part!

But there's one little isty bitsy tiny flaw. I think Sesshoumaru-sama is a little OOC here. Maybe it's just me not used to a fluffy and sweet Sesshoumaru... lol...

Keep up the good work! I want to read more of The Wisteria... So, I'll be waiting patiently for the next chapters!

Ayako Rin (Chapter 19) - Wed 11 Feb 2009
You are my IDOL! ^___________^ I wuff this story!!!!!!!!!!!!

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