Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 25) - Fri 24 Apr 2009

Miss Teak!!!  I miss you and this story *cries*  I can't wait to see an update, hope you're doing well!

Ayako Rin (Chapter 25) - Sat 11 Apr 2009

WAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! It's been a month!!!!!! 0.0 I've re-read your fic a bunch of times allready because I couldn't help it!!!!!!! It's SOOOOOOOOOO good!!!!!!!  I really can't wait for next chapter...not to rush you or anything * is rushing you* jking! I understand that you have a life other than fanfic... *sigh* I'll just have to wait.... =(.

There was one thing I would like to ask though. How accurate are you trying to portray the Japanese world within your story? I've noticed you paid a lot of attention in keeping it realistic and I guess the word would be traditional? in how it would be like back then. I'm asking this because I thought it would be more serious if the geishas or I guess maikos um.....slept with other men who were not their dannas....because it would lower them? Even with clients it is an iffy situation? Although I'm not too sure about this....After the third time of re-reading your story I remembered some things from reading this book. Didn't maikos have this ceremony or something in which....I think potential dannas place a bet or maybe it was more like an auction...anyways the maikos....I guess "innocence" is basically auctioned off and whoever pays more gets to be her first? 0.0 I have no idea how accurate these things are I just kinda remembered it and wanted to mention and ask about it....

LadyGardenia (Chapter 25) - Wed 11 Mar 2009
Ahhh! Another lovely and romatinc chapter! I can't wait to see what happens when Sesshoumaru finds out it's Kagome! Anyways, the waltzing was very cute! ^_^

His Lady (Chapter 25) - Wed 11 Mar 2009
that was so cute and romantic and sweet.....i wonder when is he going to find out fuji's true identity...and i wonder whats going to happen knowing sesshomaru i can only imagine...please continue soon

Giannix (Chapter 25) - Mon 09 Mar 2009
OMG i loved it!! good job!!

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 25) - Mon 09 Mar 2009

I usually don't do the whole romantic mushy stuff... but I think I'll make this one expection to that rule. I really liked how you went from the japanese tea ceremony into a smooth transition to something like the waltz. I wonder if Kagome will find the shikon jewel and figure out why her powers don't work at Hanaka. What will Sesshoumaru's reaction be when he finds out Fuji's true identity? Will he accept both Fuji an Kagome?  Keep up the good work and update soon :p

Inusbabe (Chapter 25) - Mon 09 Mar 2009
This was a WAFF and I loved it... I see Sess as smart enough to know that the girls aren't using thier birth names. But is Kagome really that OOC? Here she is trying to fit with the era, but still stands out, does things and says things that the docile women of that era wouldn't. Sess sees it and makes her interesting.

kagometea (Chapter 25) - Mon 09 Mar 2009
Your way of writing is filled with grace. The waltz theme was romantic. You have nicely potrayed the conflicting feeling of Kagome. Sesshoumaru's desire has increased for Fuji. The story is taking an interesting turn. I do hope that you will update more.

MLMonty (Chapter 25) - Sun 08 Mar 2009

It always amazes me that people can tangle themsleves up in the kind of deception that your Kagome has. It's simply not in may nature to do so, so I find it facinating. You gave her the knowledge that it would back fire and it'd be worse when it did, but you had her persist anyway. I find her logic for persisting faulty through the whole thing but interesting.

LOL. I would have ended up revealing myself as soon as Sesshoumaru saved me. But now I wonder: are you going to make it a 'great betrayl' as everyone assuming is comming or will you go off the beaten path and make Sesshoumaru reasonable once he finds out Fuji is Kagome?

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 25) - Sun 08 Mar 2009

I think you did a fantastic job on this chapter!  It was so romantic and bittersweet, I feel so bad for Kagome; having that secret I can tell is eating her up inside :(  I just hope Sesshoumaru can forgive her! 

Thank you for this lovely bit of fluffy romance, it was very enjoyable!

Tana_san (Chapter 25) - Sun 08 Mar 2009
Two words for this chapter...romantically beautiful. JEN

Candace (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009
AWWWWW! That was so sweet. I wish I had someone to fill my void...but that's a story for another time...moving on. I love this story. I can't wait until sess finds out Fuji's true identity. Update Soon Please!

Vicky (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009 the fluff.  They are perfect for each other.  I hope you'll update soon...I can't stand the suspense! 

Akay (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009

That was beautiful.  Poor Kagome the internal turmoil she's going through is actually breaking my heart.  And I have nothing to do with it.  LOL.  You really grab us and throw us into the stories with the characters.  Forcing us to feel their emotions.  And if not "us" then you sure as hell do it for me.  I loved these last two chapters.  I'm almost scared that Sesshoumaru won't take the news of her actually being Kagome so well since he's falling so hard for Fuji... and a part of me is hoping that he takes it better than we all think he will.  Either way we will find out eventually when you update again.  Until then I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat as usual.  You dear, are awesome and write so beautifully.

Yukino Sohma (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009

awww. it is very romantic! I wish that they can stay like that forever. Endless waltz is a perfect title for this chapter. There is the question about y there is a 3/4 finished shikon in Sesshoumaru's castle and is there a fake kasan. I look forward to your next chapter. Please update soon.

maddie50 (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009

The chemistry between the two is beautiful.

DestinysTears (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009
Oh, I had little tears in my eyes! That was so sweet! Anyways, I've spent most of today playing catch-up on Wisteria. I read from chapter 13 this morning non-stop (excluding laundry and a lunch break). ;) Well update soon, because I'm completely in love with this story and will go crazy waiting for the next chapter.

emmaren (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009
It was very nicely written. I am thoroughly enjoying your tale, and I find myself being drawn in more and more. So with that in mind, as a reader I am becoming more anxieous about Sesshoumaru's reaction when he finds out who she really is. It seems that it would be easier for him to understand the sooner she tells him rather than constantly trying to avoid the inevitable truth. I will be eagerly awaiting your next update, and I enjoy that maintain things at your own pace.

not-active (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009

You and your romantic writing get me all mushy gushy inside! :)

Chelsea H. (Chapter 25) - Sat 07 Mar 2009
This was so beautifully romantic. I'm a hopeless romantic anyway and this was just amazing. Keep it coming please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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