Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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His Lady (Chapter 28) - Fri 07 Aug 2009
oh my god i loved the chapter and i have been waiting....please update soon

autumn misery (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
ahh, found it. thanks for telling me where to find it on this site. and i absolutely love it! though i'm kind of dreading the confrontation between Sesshoumaru and Kagome, but the anticipation! Cant wait to read more.

RayRay (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
Ooooh I loved it MissTeak. Kagome sounds like she's about to get herself into some trouble though, especially since she has yet to tell him who she really is! But Sesshomaru is smart, I think he might catch on sooner or later. I suppose I shall have to wait to find out though ^-^ I can't wait to read more, this filler chapter was good!

Noacat (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009

Hey, don't knock filler chapters! Without them, the story wouldn't be as good. I particularly like how she feels as if she's more Fuji than Kagome.

Adriana (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
why is this story only up to chapter six on you have no idea just how much I've been wanting you to update that story!! but anyways.. What's going to happen to Kagome when she finds the shikon? (because I so know that she's going to find it. she just might not get it/be able to keep it.) update soon!! I want to know hoe SEsshoumaru reacts to finding out her secret!!!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
Yay! Glad you're back, I hope you had nice time in Japan (I'm so jealous!). Filler chapter it may be, but it's always fun to read them flirting ;) I'm almost disappointed in Kagome, deceiving Sesshoumaru in such a way. I know she's scared that he'll turn her away, but I feel bad for him. He's gifting her with all these sweet things and what is she doing in return? Lying. I oughtta smack her ;) I can't wait for the next chapter! I always look forward to them!

maddie50 (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
I am so pleased to see a new chapter. This is an intriguing story. I am on pins and needles as to when Lord Sesshoumaru will discover her true identity, as I am confident he will. Kagome/Fuji is loosing her calm as she focuses more and more on the jewel.

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
I'm so glad that u've updated again because it seems like it has been forever since I read this fic. I wonder if Sesshou has figured out who Fuji really is? If he hasn't, then I wonder what his reaction will be. I truly hope that Kagome can get back the Shikon jewel and figure out how she ended up at the Hanaka. What will become of Fuji the Maiko when Kagome is exposed? I look forward to future updates. Keep up the good work :P

DestinysTears (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
Sorry, a bit too lazy to log in~ ^_^' Filler chapter or not, this was still great. Lovely descriptions! Hot pot sounds so good right now too... Mmm, starving! And that ending was great, and really helps set up the next one. The subtle narrowing of the eyes was brilliant - makes you wonder what he really thinks...

Akay (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
MissTeak!! *huggles* You're back! How was Japan? Hope you had a good time. I enjoyed this filler chapter and am so happy there was an update today. I'm excited to see what would happen next. I guess Kagome didn't hide her excitement well enough and it seems like Sesshoumaru picked up on something. Update soon!

Alpine (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
There is absolutely no disappointment in this chapter... these are needed to keep it going.. This story is great and I truly appreciate the e mail letting me know the story was updated... I just love this story.. Thanks again and nice to have you back. Hugs ^_^

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 28) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
YAY! What a way to wake up! I am so glad that you updated this one! I love the subtle tension between Fuji and Sesshomaru, but it is still killing me, wondering how he is going to react when her secret is revealed, or if he has already figured it out, as I suspect he may have.

Alpine (Chapter 27) - Thu 30 Jul 2009
One Day!!! That is all it took for me to read this fantastic story... Please, please PLEASE update soon... I NEED to see what happens when she goes snooping... I just know that Sesshy is going to catch her and find out she is Kags.... Hugs ^_^

Patricia (Chapter 27) - Wed 15 Jul 2009
Your story is truley a work of art! i read all 27 chapters in 1 day, i just couldnt stop reading. it makes me squeal like a school girl at all the romanitc moments. your detailed and have good research. that being said, kagome really pissed me of in this chapter, she seems almost evily posseded to get to the jewel and i just hav a bad feeling about whats gonna happen when she goes looking for it! Cant wait to see were your going with the story and i hope you update ASAP. ps. I agree that you should somehow regenerate sess's arm in your story but thats just my opinon. ^-^

Miju (Chapter 27) - Wed 24 Jun 2009
Oh, thanks for reminding me why I do love this story. I'm always hoping the plot moves on abit in every chapter, and I am happily satiated! I can't wait until Sessho discovers her true self. update soon, pretty please! :)

Selah (Chapter 1) - Wed 10 Jun 2009

Oh and I forgot to say, I read an excerpt of your story to my mom actually. She really liked it, and she barely ever reads any fiction!


Selah (Chapter 1) - Wed 10 Jun 2009

I don't know if I ever really gave a worthy, in my opinion view of Wistera.(lol I'm practicing being more spicific in my reviews) The reason why I like this story sooo much is because of all the nuances you put into it. I think it's amazing the deph and emotion you put into the characters. You delve so much in their thoughts, gestures, experiences. You don't write a script and then put characters into them, you give them layers, many layers. Its like you're writing a memoir, its wonderful!!!

Well that sums up what I think lol!!!

I really look foward to the newest chapter

Akay (Chapter 27) - Mon 08 Jun 2009
Sorry I didn't leave a review before I left. Well here goes. I LOVED it. Detective Kagome on the job I see. I wonder where the seventh level is. We're getting so close that I begin to wonder is this how Sesshoumaru will find out who she really is? Can't wait. I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter to come and am anxiously wondering if she will find the jewel in the next part. *sits on hands*

Yukino Sohma (Chapter 27) - Mon 08 Jun 2009

An update!!! Yeah, another wonderful addition and excitement is running w/in me. The maid seems nice and Kagome's accommidations are soooooooo nice! I hope nothing bad happens to either of them. So the hunt for the shikon jewel starts now. It kinda feels like Kagome is a visual spy sent to infiltrate and extract the prize. mwahaha. I'm definitely excited for the next chapter. Please update soon.

maddie50 (Chapter 27) - Fri 05 Jun 2009

So Kagome is not subtle. LOL. Sesshoumaru must be enarmoured of her. He has been so affectionate, generous, thoughtful and respectful. His servant seems to think he will be seeing the real Kagome during her visit. Yikes. I don't think he will be so pleased to see the real miko under the make-up. If she betrays his trust and he has seen who she really is, I fear for her life.

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