Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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His Lady (Chapter 29) - Sun 16 Aug 2009
omg the suspense is killing me i cant wait to read more

mindy (Chapter 29) - Fri 14 Aug 2009
GOsh AWsome Story!!! never seen a plot like it!! i cant wait till sess finds out about kagome and how shes gonna discover the jewel? hmm bt i was thinking if she needs the jwel to replenish her powers cant she also begin to train her spiritual energy aswell?

loveyaa (Chapter 29) - Fri 14 Aug 2009
Things are starting to get good...well better than than they even were before. You've done quite a stupendous job building up the anticipation for kagome finding the jewel and yet still moving the plot (line) along. I thought the pace was perfect. can't wait to keep going at it. til next time...

DestinysTears (Chapter 29) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
Agh! The rising climax of this story!! X3 Everytime I glance down and see that the chapter is near its end, I always feel so disappointed, haha. But then again, it gets me excited to read the next one! Anyways, I really liked seeing Sesshomaru's conflicting feelings in this. It's really nice to know how he's really feeling about things. Lovely chapter! <3

silverchan89 (Chapter 29) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
he so planned that. i can't wait to see her reaction. is he going to let her have the jewel.

RayRay (Chapter 29) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
What a wonderful chapter. She finally got to the highest level and yet there was nothing! But Sesshomaru is becoming suspicious, and it makes me read faster since I want to see what happens at the end of the chapter. Oooh I can't wait to read the next chapter! Poor you though, hope the school workload eases up some for you my dear! :)

chibi hime (Chapter 29) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
Hehe. I love the way you ended this chapter. The quote, "The best place to hide something is in plain sight" comes to mind. This is an original and interesting story with each chapter further drawing you in and leaving you wanting for more. Can't wait to see where you're planning to take this story although I understand that work comes first.

maddie50 (Chapter 29) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
"Ancient" architecture! Aarrgg. Kagome is losing her concentration big time.

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 29) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
Very nice chapter! Congrats on surpassing the 300 review mark! You deserve it, it's a wonderful story. I can't wait to see what happens next! I love all the interaction with Sesshoumaru and Kagome, they're so cute together ^_^

Lena (Chapter 29) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
Are you trying to stir an angry mob? I love this story and the way the chapters end just keep me coming back for more. Keep up the great work and good luck in school.

knifethrower (Chapter 29) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
Jealousy, romance, mystery, suspense, deceit. I love it!

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 29) - Thu 13 Aug 2009
Now that is kind of odd... where can the jewel possibly be if there is no place for it to hide on the 6th floor? Would it not be easier for Kagome to just tell Sesshou the truth? Though I wonder what his reaction will be when he learns that Fuji is Kagome in disguise? Will his opinion of her change once her secret is out? When will you have Kagome tell him? Or will you have him confront her about her secret? I'm dying to find out where the Shikon is and how this will all play out. I hope Kagome can have a happy ending at the end of this journey. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

hikari hime (Chapter 28) - Mon 10 Aug 2009
Aaaaah! And I almost missed it! Thank you so much for telling me this little piece of written heaven was online. The thlot plickens... and Sesshomaru's spidey senses are on high alert. Never underestimate a dog's awareness to his surroundings... you could be surprised at how much they know about our intentions. Good job lass. I'm looking forward to your next chapter. Dewa mata

MLMonty (Chapter 28) - Mon 10 Aug 2009
It maybe filler but I'm hoping that the bit about Sesshoumaru narrowing his eyes at her leads to something good in the future. Still any chapter is normally a good thing.

loveyaa (Chapter 28) - Mon 10 Aug 2009
OoOoOo...things are heating up!! I can't wait to see what happens next esp wit both having their own mission. Can't wait and hope I won't have to for long...til next time!!

Sulu (Chapter 28) - Sun 09 Aug 2009
I really love this story, but I'm a little confused with Kagome's somewhat out of character obsession with retrieving the jewel. It reminds me of Gollum of Lord of the Rings. Will you expand on why she'd risk their relationship for a jewel that's clearly safely kept? Thanks!

Yukino Sohma (Chapter 28) - Fri 07 Aug 2009
Finally an update. I was beginning to worry that you would never continue the story. Its a great chapter filled with wonderful discriptions and a story I just can't get enough of. Its kinda hard to be in Kagome's shoes though. Its kinda like being a double agent. I'm definitely pumped up about the next chapter especially when Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed. ARGH, be careful Kagome!!! Plese update soon.

DocBevCulver (Chapter 28) - Fri 07 Aug 2009
Well after stumbling across your profile on FF.N I knew I had to read your stuff here. Much like I hate watching an edited movie on TV, I knew I couldn't read this story on FF.N but here. I'm glad I did. :) Very well done and I truly enjoyed reading each and every chapter. I hope to see another update soon. I shall wait with baited breath for it. :) Bravo!

Tana_san (Chapter 28) - Fri 07 Aug 2009
My but you have been a very busy little girl. I do hope you took time to enjoy yourself too. Now, as for the filler chapter, these are always necessary to build suspense and to give more life to a story then merely getting down to the subject. You will never disappoint anyone because of your creative way of weaving many things of interest to the reader. I was wondering how Kagome would have to show herself after spending the night. Ah, but you think of everything or should I say that Sesshoumaru thinks of everything! Your knowledge of the Asian culture is a credit to your writing. The descriptions you give are very entertaining as well as informative as we Americans think of breakfast and such in a totally different way. Even if the story is based in historical times we will still think that they are sleeping on western style furniture, going through wooden doors and eating at a table with chairs. I absolutely adore the fact that you are able to entertain us with real cultural background and making it flow so perfectly with the plot. Now having said this, I am off to sleep. Until the next update, love and gentle hugs, JEN

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 28) - Fri 07 Aug 2009
Nicely written. I thought you abandoned one of my favourite stories. I'm glad that you are back to updating it. I think that Sess suspects that Fuji is not who she says she is. He has a mind like a steel trap and I don't think that he would forget someone like Kagome besides who is to say that he did not sneak into her room to get a good look at her without the makeup while she slept. Well at least I would have written that in *giggles* :) *Hugs and smiles*

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