Limerance Cover Art - WIP

Picture information
I've decided to start working on the cover art for Limerance. This will also be the cover art for the upcoming doujinshi for this same story.
This picture features some of the main characters from the story, including Katashi and Susumu the kitsune (whom people have been begging me to draw).
This is going to be a lengthy project. Why do I always include so many details? It's going to drive me crazy, but I hope you guys like it!
This picture features some of the main characters from the story, including Katashi and Susumu the kitsune (whom people have been begging me to draw).
This is going to be a lengthy project. Why do I always include so many details? It's going to drive me crazy, but I hope you guys like it!
05.01.2016 11:30:54
By the boards, do you mean the forums? And thank you for being a reader! I'm really glad you like the story
I've seen you on the boards before but this is absolutely stunning!
I also just found this fanfiction and I am proud to call myself a fan
Haha, that's OK. They are the main focus of it all. To answer your question, I try to be an artist. I think I'm slowly getting there even though I have a lot to learn. Thank you for giving me so much kindness today in your review and in this comment.
I'm very grateful for your compliment! I'll keep posting progress ^_^
Thank you so much! I just read your reviews, and they made me smile like a silly schoolgirl. It truly makes me so very happy when my stories evoke emotions and responses in my readers. Thank you, also, for taking the time to write two of them! I can't wait to see what everyone thinks of this next chapter :)
Thank you for such high praise!
Dont you dare apologize! It's beautiful! I just started reading your fic because of this beautiful piece!!