Kyndred Raven Profile Page
Kyndred Raven

About Me

Update January 23, 2017:

So after about a year, I am back to tie up some loose ends with a few stories. Now that I've completed the second novel in my fantasy series, I'm taking a break to complete some unfinished business in the fan fiction realm!

Limerance will be completed first. I have it all outlined. Currently, I am planning on roughly 35 chapters total.

My Hatred, My Obsession will be completely remodeled and rewritten. I thought people would have forgotten about it by now, but I'm still somehow getting reviews and PM's about it with people really asking me to finish the story. Since that was my first serious fan fiction EVER, I think it could be fun to go back and recreate it to see what I can do with it now that I'm a novelist :3

So why two stories and what's the difference? Well, aside from totally different plot and premise, I consider "Limerance" my baby in this fandom. It is a more character-driven story, with five protagonists who come together in a time of crisis that might be even more serious than Naraku's frolic through the land. There is a lot of focus on character interaction and development amidst a complicated plot with subplots of intrigue, high-society, betrayal, and other fun things. This story is heavily steeped in history and aims to bring real events and people together with the fictional world of Inuyasha. This is my ultimate version of a continuation story for this manga/anime.

"My Hatred, My Obsession" is a more plot-driven story with a larger focus on romance and relationships surrounded by a journey to Naraku's demise. This is largely canon-based and is not as massive and detailed as the world of "Limerance". As mentioned, it is a rewrite of the original story I wrote over 10 years ago. In a sense, this is my chance to do this story justice after so many years of leaving it unfinished. Where "Limerance" is planned to have over 40 chapters, this story will likely be limited to about 20-30 or so.



Other places to find my work:

DeviantArt | | Archive of Our Own (AO3)





Commission Status: OPEN






Thank you for looking at my humble page. Let's be friends!


User Status

14 years ago
2 years ago
8 years ago
Kyndred Raven




Hello everyone,

Thank you for visiting my profile page. Here, you'll find a few tidbits about me and my work.

My Fanfiction -

Limerance - A wish gone terribly wrong. A land ravaged by an escalating conflict. Love, loss, rebirth, and one light of purity and hope Sesshoumaru will yield to no one. In the hundreds of years of his existence, the demon lord has never felt attached to anything. But now that she was his, he wasn't about to let go.

(Nominated for "Best Portrayal - Kagome" and "Best Portrayal - Sesshoumaru" Dokuga Awards 1st Quarter 2012)

My Hatred, My Obsession - A bird with broken wings cannot ever fly again. Killing her would have been an act of mercy. So, why spare her? Why covet her and watch over her as though she was his to protect? As Sesshoumaru watches his single weakness turn into obsession, he learns that compassion can be just as corrupt as ruthlessness.


My Artwork and Commissions -


I love collecting beautiful things!

My Banners and Participation:

(Thank you to the awesome creators of these!)


My Awards and Nominations:

Stamps That I've Collected:

(Thank you to everyone who made these!)

Stamps That I've Created:





Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts145

Forum Posts
03/01/2017 15:16:18Re:Are we never having awards again?Awards25356
02/11/2017 04:24:44Re:Soulmates ChallengeChallenges17405
02/10/2017 18:02:02Re:Soulmates ChallengeChallenges17405
02/10/2017 14:36:50Re:Soulmates ChallengeChallenges17405
02/10/2017 03:04:26Re:Soulmates ChallengeChallenges17405
02/10/2017 02:31:39Re:Soulmates ChallengeChallenges17405
02/10/2017 02:09:24Re:Soulmates ChallengeChallenges17405
02/10/2017 00:26:20Re:Soulmates ChallengeChallenges17405
02/09/2017 02:31:34Re:Searching for Soulmate FicsFanfiction Help5571
02/06/2017 02:03:00Re:SPAM POSTSOff-Topic Discussion6138
01/31/2017 09:39:36Re:Common mistakes authors should watch out forGeneral Discussion16877
01/31/2017 09:15:58Re:Limerance - More Info, the Comic, and FAQSelf-Promotion9491
01/28/2017 16:17:07Re:ReviewsOff-Topic Discussion9483
01/28/2017 13:37:14Re:ReviewsOff-Topic Discussion9483
01/27/2017 18:30:29Re:ReviewsOff-Topic Discussion9483
01/27/2017 14:38:26Re:ReviewsOff-Topic Discussion9483
01/26/2017 19:33:41Re:ReviewsOff-Topic Discussion9483
01/25/2017 02:55:56Re:Please help!Searching for a Fic...6801
01/24/2017 11:33:16Re:Limerance - More Info, the Comic, and FAQSelf-Promotion9491
01/24/2017 00:59:24Re:Please help!Searching for a Fic...6801

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Kyndred Raven has 3 stories

[CH 11 Up!]A wish gone terribly wrong sends the land into a second darkness. Amidst the chaos, a single light of purity and hope emerges, reborn from the ashes to follow the Lord of the Western Lands on his journey through the pandemonium. Fate dictated that he had to relinquish her to death. But as the only god and rightful sovereign of his domain, Sesshoumaru swore that no force - divine or otherwise - would ever take her from his side.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 28 Dec 2015  -  Updated: 07 Feb 2017
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 11  -  Reviews: 183  -  Words: 43,448  -  Reads: 32,334
All of the shorts and drabbles that I write for events and such will go here. These will all be centered around my main novel, Limerance. Sweet moments, dark moments, sad moments, moments that make your heart thunder and moments that will make it wish for hope in hopelessness. All will be posted here. Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 15 Jan 2016  -  Updated: 15 Jan 2016
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 10  -  Reviews: 0  -  Words: 1,054  -  Reads: 5,407
[CH4 Posted!] A bird with broken wings cannot ever fly again. Killing her would have been an act of mercy. So, why spare her? Why covet her and watch over her as though she was his to protect? As Sesshoumaru's single weakness turns into obsession, he learns that compassion can be just as corrupt as ruthlessness.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 24 Jan 2017  -  Updated: 01 Feb 2017
Genre: Action, Angst, Erotica, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 24  -  Words: 15,575  -  Reads: 12,909


Total number of images: 5

Limerance Cover Art - WIP (ver III)
  • Limerance Cover Art - WIP (ver III)
  • Category: Fanart
Limerance Cover Art - WIP
  • Limerance Cover Art - WIP
  • Category: Fanart
Limerance Adventure Map I
  • Limerance Adventure Map I
  • Category: Others
The Utlimate Gift
  • The Utlimate Gift
  • Category: Fanart


Name Entry

Created On: 04/08/2012 20:08:30

Just thought I would return the favor & post on your wall as well!
(It only took me forever to figure out how lol.)

Thanks again for all your help! And for sharing your amazing art work with all of Dokuga!
Feedback from Kyndred Raven: Thanks for the post! (It also took me ages to figure out where to go to post on the wall, so don't feel bad ).

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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