Hey Haven! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing my story!
Sorry for the lateness of this thank you...and I know the updates take a while.

Grad school apps pretty much took over my life this year so I don't have a ton of free time. But, I always try to write whenever I can! And I did just post a very long update, so...hopefully you'll forgive me!
Thank you! I'm trying to insert more Sess/Kag as I go. Now that they're engaged it's a lot easier to do it. I just am trying to be super careful and make him not too OOC.
As far as the Sailor Moon universe goes, all we know about the Silver Millennium is as follows:
(1) Sailor Moon, modern day Usagi Tsukino, was Princess Serenity, beautiful Princess of the Moon Kingdom and adored by all
(2) the other "Inner" Sailor Senshi, Ami (Mercury), Minako (Venus), Rei (Mars), and Makoto (Jupiter), were her personal guardians and protectors. They also were the princesses of their own planets, but that isn't really expanded on other than that's where their senshi powers come from. They're also her best friends.
(3) Tuxedo Kamen, modern day Mamoru Chiba, was Prince Endymion, handsome prince of Earth. He fell in love with Princess Serenity, but their love was forbidden because the people of the Moon were supposed to "watch over" the people of Earth and guide their evolution.
(4) The people of Earth resented this and the people of the Moon's way longer lifespans.
(5) The Shitennou (Jedite, Nephrite, Kunzite, and Zoisite) are Endymion's guardians, generals, and best friends. There's a hint that they were intended to be love interests for the Inner Senshi at one point, but that is never explored in canon.
(6) the Outer Senshi are just considered guardians of the Solar System. They're princesses of their planets too, but we don't know much about them in the Silver Millennium (what we do know of their characters comes from modern day).
There are a few other limited tidbits from the Sailor Moon canon, but they have to do with how the story ends/secret plot points so I don't want to tell you just yet.

But basically, there's not a lot of info on the Silver Millennium, so I took the little we know and let my inner fanfiction writer run wild.
Anyway, thank you again!! And I hope you enjoy the next chapter!