Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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Kayelyn (Chapter 37) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

The truth hurts, but it seems it is way to late for that. There is just way too much water under teh bridge for this to evr be right again. But Kagome does have a point. To have given away your life, your family, for a man who would never have touched you and more than likely never even told you why... I would think I would choose to be touched by Sesshomaru too. Even if she is equating it to a last man on earth scenario. But of course, Inu The Epically Dumb is not going to see it that way. He is going to see it as you wanted this, you wanted to have his brother, at least once.

On to the next

Kayelyn (Chapter 36) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

I understand that Sesshomaru is doing this to cause harm to Inuyasha, but I wonder if he realizes that harming Kagome in the process is going to lead to a complete "fwibblewobble" situation. You can only push people so far until they completely devolve, and these two are closely reaching breaking point. None of this is going to end well. I forsee doom ahead!

Kayelyn (Chapter 35) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

This is going to end well, Inuyasha rage face is coming as soon as I submit this. I already know. But I wonder, if she is that desperate for consolation that she would turn to Sesshomaru, who will only use this to his advantage, and is only comforting you to get a reaction? It seems to me it would have been better to collapse on the ground. Oh well, on to the next!

Kayelyn (Chapter 34) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Inu the Eternally Stupid, I love how you made this entirely Kagome's fault. She brought in on herself, huh? But of course...idiot. And you played so perfectly into Sesshomaru's hands, because who is she now more inclined to believe? You who held out on her, but claimed to love her? Or the demon who stole her, but never lied? That truly is one large hole you got there.

Kayelyn (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Oh lord, the caring and the defending just make all of this worse, dummy. What did you think was going to happen? By your own inabilty to speak, overcome your fears, you have given away everything. And yet, she still endeavors to keep you safe. Then, silly demon overlord sent some sexy aura touching, just to prove his dominance and rub salt in very open wounds. I wonder how much longer she can hold out until she explodes?

Kayelyn (Chapter 32) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Oh, Inu...she's not even your mate, not anymore because your own inability to come to terms with what makes you who you are. Your fear caused this just as much as her inability to use her rational mind when it comes to you. There were signs everywhere...:shrugs: But I do wonder though, if he had just slept with her and married her in human custom if everything would have been ok because Sesshomaru said before that he could have ignored it, denied it. It was mentioned that Inuyasha's hands were inexperienced but surely he was no virgin...

Kayelyn (Chapter 31) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Oh Kagome, how little you truly know, how little you truly understand. Sesshomaru lusted for you, though if not for Inuyasha it never would have been acted upon. But now, oh now, that he knows just how much using you is like rubbing salt in the hanyou's wounds, he will never let you go. The moment you gave your heart to Inuyasha, was truly the moment you lost your life. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 30) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

And now Kagome realizes that if she knew just what being Inuyasha's woman truly entailed, she never would have done it, Sesshomaru aside. Poor thing, but I think she is starting to forget that all she had to do was ask, open her mouth and ask why he had yet to claim her. A meltdown is a comin'.

Kayelyn (Chapter 29) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Oh Inu... the more you avoid the worse it is going to be. And what's worse is that Kagome probably now has the words "witless love slave" running around in her head. Communication, you two numb nuts, would have prevented ALL of this. but if you had done that  I would have this epic story of doom. So by all means, please continue to fester Kagome and just do what you normally do.

Kayelyn (Chapter 28) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Hope springs eternal... unfortunately, D'nile is not just a river in Egypt and in this case the two go hand in hand. But man, did Sesshomaru hate that someone would not choose him. I find it hilarious that he cares so much whether or not that Kagome chooses him over Inuyasha, why he needs to be chosen. That pride of his...maybe he will understand the why later on.

Kayelyn (Chapter 27) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Oh this is not what Sesshomaru had planned at all is it? LOL I bet he can't stand that. It's nice that Kagome realizes her own culpability in the situation that she has found herself in, but it seems that she has forgotten exactly who her partner in crime was. Inu the Emotionally Stunted Idiot is going to run off at the mouth like he always does and make the situation even worse than it already is. :chuckles evilly: Bring on the DOOM!


Kayelyn (Chapter 26) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

As I am re-reading this, I find myself wondering just why Sesshomaru wants Inu to hate him so much and garner even more hate. I understand that he disobeyed pack law, but it seems like there is more to the story. So that can only mean one thing, on to the next!

Kayelyn (Chapter 25) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Oh communication would come in so handy here. Too bad, Inuyasha is too emotionally stunted to reach out and Kagome too insecure to ask. It's kind of sad really, how easily they fell apart.

Kayelyn (Chapter 24) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

A speechless Kagome is a Kagome that let's things fester until she explodes. Fester!Kagome is a load of fun, and now that she has finally realized that he knew by his own careless words. Oh Inu the Idiot, you are so in for it now. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 23) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Oh poor Shippo. I wish she hadn't flinched away from him, but I can understand why she did, her shame and his safety. Lets be honest when Sesshomaru is in evil overlord mode there is no telling who all will suffer. Remember the now throatless concubine? Sucks that he is losing the family he had built up in his head. :'(

Kayelyn (Chapter 22) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Sesshomaru may have accelerated the situation, but these two were well on their way to ruin. Everything could have been avoided if only Inu the Dumb opened his mouth and used reason for once. :sigh: 

Kayelyn (Chapter 21) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Poor Kags, her "shame" displayed for all to see...and Miroku was more than likely staring at her chest, pervert that he is. Not to mention that whimper of relief is probably going to be taken the wrong way by Inu the Massive Idiot. So.Much.Doom ahead! :chuckles evilly:

On to the next!

Kayelyn (Chapter 20) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

Oooo! Dastardly evil Sesshomaru rears his beautiful head. I have to say when he decides to destroy someone, he goes all out and decomates everything around that one person. Inu is an idiot and deserves what is coming, but it's not just Inu that is getting hurt is it? Silly demon overlords

Kayelyn (Chapter 19) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

And now we have some of that famous Kagome temper, to bad she doesn't know that she is already doomed. bwahahaha! Now, get thee to Inuyasha!

Kayelyn (Chapter 18) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

And we are back to TemperTantrum!Sesshomaru. How dare some one not choose him?! He is Alpha! Hear him roar! This just spells even more doom for Kagome and INuyasha because their is no way he won't want retribution for this supposed slight. 

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