Reviews for Alpha by Lyra

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Kayelyn (Chapter 94) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Just one more nail in the coffin of Inuyasha and Kagome, she is starting to compare the two. DOOM! I also find it interesting that everything Sesshomaru pointed out to her had negative history attached to it. Now to the Hall of Cursed Swords

On to the next!

Kayelyn (Chapter 93) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Kagome is finally getting what Sesshomaru told her back in the beginning, that she does not know him. And she doesn't, she has all these preconceived notions built upon only what Inuyasha has told her, and a scant amount of meetings where he never spoke to her. Though Inuyasha had no clue as to who Sesshomaru really is either, Kagome does not know that and it is just one more thing he didn't tell her, one more thing to prove his distrust. Oh and I love the reprimand and class of etiquette that Rin gave Shippo. Too cute!

On to the next!

Kayelyn (Chapter 92) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Cleaning house at Casa de Sesshomaru, I would hate to be the trash. :shudders: Also, goodbye to Izayoi who left Inuyasha with quite a few things to think about. Will he though? 

On to the next!

Kayelyn (Chapter 91) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Awwww Chibi-Sesshomaru in Papa's chair! That would be such a cute pic. 

And now we see how his path to supreme conquest was started. I have to say that I am enjoying this take on it, because what is more powerful than having full and total control of oneself? To know oneself completey, would make one practically invincible, but the sacrifices one would have to make? Maybe that is why his guard is so horrified. Hmmm...:ponders:

Kayelyn (Chapter 90) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

I agree with Izayoi, Inuyasha is showing concern and compassion for his brother now but when once again confronted with more recent events he will just regress back to Inu the Stubborn, because this? This doesn't hold much weight with him, because Inuyasha still believes that he is the only wronged party, that Sesshomaru could have chosen to be different, to be more humane; not caring that he himself could have chosen to behave and act differently as well. In this case though, I don't think Sesshomaru really had a choice. Weakness in the shiro is dangerous, and that little boy is all alone. His mother is gone, though while a vile woman, left him with all responsibilities of state. And there is no way in hell Inupapa had no idea any of this was going on, or that she left. He was truly abandoned by both parents, left to his own devices and made to rule in their stead. Really, Sesshomaru is more of a "street kid" than Inuyasha could ever hope to be.

Kayelyn (Chapter 89) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Good-bye, Sessmama! I am glad that the guards rallied around Sesshomaru, finally taking a stance in this matter and picked the child. But the damage has been done, these lessons of hers will never truly be undone and will haunt him for the rest of his days.

Kayelyn (Chapter 88) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

I will admit to cheering Sesshomaru on in this chapter. She deserved it, for what she did. However, I wonder if he realizes that the way that he acts, the way he thinks, is almost a perfect replica of his mother. What a poor little boy, because that is what Sesshomaru is at this point, a child. It's so sad, but when you think of the Adult!Sesshomaru (in any setting) something like this seems totally plausible to me. Even in the manga/anime there was a lot of tension between mother and son. It makes me wonder at the true story behind the two is.

So many powerful emotions, that are just going to be pushed deep down. I don't forsee any closure for our demon overlord for quite some time.

Kayelyn (Chapter 87) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

OK, I have been a Rawr!mama for a while, but just whoa. There are no words, for all of that, and what's even worse is that this is what Sessmama wanted to happen. She wanted him to lose himself to his beast, to lose all sense of control, and she knew it would happen too. Yuugao's defiance in not backing down, and the blood lust in Sesshomaru brought about her death, and I am left wondering if deep down Yuugao knew this was her fate. " I am instructed to bring out the fullness of your power. Do you feel I have done that?”

And Sesshomaru's reaction to what he had down was so powerful, it felt like a puch to the stomach. I want to cuddle him. :'(

Kayelyn (Chapter 86) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Hmmm it seems that both brothers had to fight to stay alive. And I think, heir or no, if Sesshomaru had been weak his mother more than likely would have killed him. All of her anger towards her mate is being directed towards her son. And obviously in both societies, what she is doing is wrong. And with his father not being there...Poor baby. At least, Inuyasha had one parent that loved and cared for him. Though Inuyasha is showing sme compassion, I don't think he is truly getting the message.

Kayelyn (Chapter 85) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Oh what a poor little puppy! :'( It is really sad to see just how much of his mother is in his actions, how much she overtook him even if he doesn't realize it. I guess the grass isn't always greener on the other side, huh Inuyasha?

Kayelyn (Chapter 84) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Inu the Stubbornly Petulant refusing to give an inch and or wanting to even understand or grow in knowledge. It truly is a miracle he has survived so long. Just what is Sessmama doing with our mini demon overlord?

On to the next!

Kayelyn (Chapter 83) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

D'awwwww just born baby Sesshomaru! Who it appears was born into a tense, non affectionate mating and a time of war. It's already shaping up to be a bad time for Baby!Sesshomaru.

On to the next!

Kayelyn (Chapter 82) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Like I said, truth is a harsh mistress. She will not let you gloss over the facts, that you just decide to ignore. I always find it funny that   Inuyasha points out all these people that tried to kill her when she first met them, while conviently forgetting that he did the same sxact thing. OOO! Now some Tiny Sesshomaru truths. I guess it's time to start to reveal the male behind the mask.

On to the next

Kayelyn (Chapter 81) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Oh Inuyasha, defiant until the end, unwilling to see anything but what you think you see. Sometimes I wonder how he has lived as long as he has. I think the third movie dated him to be around 200, or 150 since he was pinned to a tree for 50 of those years, but seriously? How is he still alive?! On another  note, I think it is actually a good thing that Inupapa wants him to understand Sesshomaru. Inuyasha has always had this grass is greener outlook when it comes to our demon overlord, and I think it's about high time for him to come to grips with reality.

Kayelyn (Chapter 80) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Oh, Inu are you starting to realize just how a precarious a situation you are really in? I am glad that Izayoi is not going to take any resposibilty towards Inuyasha's actions other than to say she should have told him there was no shame in what he is because honestly I think that if he had a stronger will or a bigger sense of maturity he would have figured all this out for himself.


Kayelyn (Chapter 79) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

We have a father's rage, an ex's truth, and now a mother's disappointment. And considering how much Inuyasha loves his mother, Izayoi being there and showing him things and being all upset over his actions is going to take a toll on him. I really hope they can prove the old adage "You can't fix stupid" wrong, because death and ignorance would be way to easy for him.

Kayelyn (Chapter 78) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

And finally, the wheels are starting to turn in that boy's head. Yay for progress, but I think it is going to be an uphill battle before things really start to make an impact. More truths and revelations needs to be revealed, because what Inuyasha thinks he knows but doesn't could fill up an ocean. :sigh: I am starting to get why you got nominated for best angst, because there is quite a tasty morsel in here.

On to the next!

Kayelyn (Chapter 77) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

Hmmmm yes, I think that Kikyo was the way to go. Inuyasha could have played off his father not knowing what he was talking about in conjecture to his relationship with Kikyo, but coming from Kikyo herself? There can be no refuting the facts. I also like that she acknolwedges her part in the destruction of Kagome/Inu's relationship. However, on the grand scale of things her part is really pretty minimal. And Kikyo is right, I don't think Inuyasha realizes just what he has lost through his rash actions and hurtful words.

Kayelyn (Chapter 76) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

The truth is a harsh mistress, Inuyasha, and I have a feeling she is going to be particurally rough with you. At least Kikyo now realizes the truth of her feelings for Inuyasha, so that he can finally lay that horse to rest. And as of right now, no you are not worthy of Kagome, hell at this point I don't think you are worthy of Kikyo.

On to the next.

Kayelyn (Chapter 75) - Mon 30 Jul 2012

So we have a cross between Inu the Petulant and Inu the Eternally Stupid, I wonder how hard it is for Inupapa to not strangle him. Hmmm... Apparently, he never realized that someone who wants you to change everything that you are, I don't like your species, doesn't really love you for you. :shake my head: Moron...

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