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Paige (Chapter 35) - Sun 12 Jun 2011

Thank you for updating! I'm so happy! This  chapter was so good! :D

Samantha (Chapter 35) - Sun 12 Jun 2011

AAAH! Another chapter I'm so happy!  The funny thing is that before you posted the previous chapter after such a long absence I thought to myself, "What would be great right now is a new chapter for Happily Ever After."  And there it was!  I love this fic so much.  I like it so much because I can really relate to Sesshomaru and his paternal issues.  You're awesome, this fic is even more awesome.  Thanks and keep up the good work.

Mizuko Takayama (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

The ending of this chapter was so sweet! XD I loved it! I look forward to the next update!

Have a great week!


crin_fausta (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

You really outdone yourself this time! You managed outstandingly well to give us a glimse in a happy family...The way you captured Kagome and Souta's relationship...was amazing!

Do you know what I enjoy most when I read your stories..that even the "boring"  chapters have something of their own...For example, this time  you make me realize that I have what you described in detail and yet...I don't appreciate it...Thanks for reminding me and for being such a fantastic writer!

Kamiki (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

awwww!!!! This made my heart clench in the best of ways. I loved how Sesshoumaru was so nervous (and almost a little desparate) for Kagome's family to accept him. I think you captured the awkward/nervous feeling of "please let them like me" perfectly. I loved the image of Sesshoumaru, Kagome, & Souta all doing the dishes together. I wish I had an ounce of artistic (drawing) talent because that's a scene I would love make into a piece of fanart for the fic!!! 
Thanks for the story :) 

Margie (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

Awwww... *^^*

TruGemini (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

Acceptance at last. All he ever wanted was to belong, and it seems he has finally found his place.

Itoe (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

Ouuuhhhhhh!! OUUHHH!! What a wonderful chapter!! Well, if Sessho wants a family, he could have mine... xD But ME inclusive... xD lol not as a member, but wife... *kukukuku* Joke xD

A really wonderful chapter. And Sessho sees, that it isn't the money, that makes someone happy. And I love, how Kagomes mom reacted towards Sesshomaru. They accepted him as family right away. That was so sweet! :D And his smile by the dishes... owww.. I can imagine it!! too adorable!! ahh

plssss... update soon!! :D


Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

Loved, absolutely LOVED this chapter. It's wonderful to see this Sesshomaru finding acceptance in family like this. Honestly, it in its own way Could be considered a fitting end for this story and I would be perfectly happy with it. Of course I'm sure you have many more wonderful things to share with us about their lives to which I enthusiastically look forward.

Thanks so much for writing!

1CarinoInu (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

How wonderful for Sesshoumaru - to finally be accepted and part of a family.  This was a really good chapter-gave me warm fuzzies!

REDWOLF (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

I wanted to cry I was so HAPPY for Sesshoumaru. Wonderful job on this fantastic chapter :)

Nilee1 (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

So sweet; family is everything.

Aimee Simmons (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

There's MORE?  yeaaaaaay!!!  hehehe...  this chapters seemed to be such a wonderful punctuation to the rest of the story that it almost seems redundant to continue...


I am not averse to more...  You are awesome.  I love your writing.  XD


Naiadine (Chapter 35) - Sat 11 Jun 2011

Just as I thought that this rainy Saturday couldn't get any better, you proved me wrong with this new update of HEA! :D

There's only two words that can describe this chapter aptly: warmth and contentment. When I was reading this chapter, I felt like I'm home; like a cup of warm tea that sends comfortable tingling feeling running in my veins; like how a cat feels taking a cat nap in the afternoon sun. Perfect.

You're amazing, just to let you know. Thank you very much for the update! You make me a happy woman. :* xoxoxo

Whitemoon (Chapter 34) - Mon 06 Jun 2011

Well I loveeeeee your story (^_^) 

I really sad what have happen to Sesshoumaru childhood memories.

I cannot wait to know what will karma will be happen to his greedy family including Inuyasha, Bankotsu and Izayoi. (maybe one of his restaurant have accidentally make food poisonning of one important client with make all Nishiyama restaurant gone to banckrupt or some of kind acciddent that will make Nishiyama gone downhill) 

That is punishment what they have done to Sesshoumaru and his mother  by using her own creation. Please! please! make next chapter that will destroy Nishiyama wealth and some kind of punishment to Inuyasha, Bankotsu, Izayoi and Bankotsu's mother ( I REALLY HATE THEM!!!)

Please updated next chapter quickly



BlueBear (Chapter 34) - Sun 05 Jun 2011

First off I love this story and I am dying to see new chapters added. I know that your probably busy living life, however I will slip into the roll of a fangirl and beg that you do my poor rabid-fangirl heart a favour and put up a little something.


Also if I may say, I've been in love with SessKag babies since forever and I was thinking you could maybe, just maybe type up at little something about the pregnancy scare they had. If you want.


Again I love your work and will read it no matter what happens.

kathryn (Chapter 34) - Sun 05 Jun 2011

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 34) - Sun 05 Jun 2011

hahaha! I loved how her mom and Souta had a bet! ^_^ Awesomeness!

Thanks so much for writing!

Naiadine (Chapter 34) - Sun 05 Jun 2011

One word. Heartwarming. I really like how you compare and contrast the Nishiyama family and the Higurashi family. All done with subtlety and grace.

I have to say that the Nishiyamas are a bunch of morally retarded, full of enormity, conniving hypocrites! They are figurative cannibals in a sense. D:< (Well, with the exception of a few...) And this reaction of mine is a proof of how well you can write! Emotinally engaging, love! :D Bravo~

Thanks for the amazing update! Hope to see another one soon. xoxoxo

Aimee Simmons (Chapter 34) - Sun 05 Jun 2011

daaaaw!!!  how sweet.  XD

I loved this story.  It was awesome.

the bottom says "to be continued" so I am going to take that at face value and let you know that I am looking forward to the next chapter.


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