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Zinoviya (Chapter 15) - Thu 13 Jan 2011

Oooh I was so scared something terrible had happened to Kagome. You're great at writing suspense and Sesshoumaru's worry for her was so sweet. Of course, that hug had to become awkward in the end but I look forward to when hugs are natural with them. I know it'll happen! Aww, sweet chaper.

Zinoviya (Chapter 11) - Thu 13 Jan 2011

I've really enjoyed this last chapter. I can see them slowly falling in love by their little interactions. You write amazingly well. It's like reading a book, the grammar is perfect, the dialogue is engaging and unique metephors and situations and details. You're awesome!

Elwina (Chapter 31) - Wed 12 Jan 2011

Call me impatient or anything else, but I've or maybe other readers too have waited for quite a long time for your updates...

And was just going to ask why?

Friggin, everyday I come to Dokuga for your update~

Luna (Chapter 24) - Sun 02 Jan 2011

Oh man, I was laughing so hard when I read this! But then even I started to get nervous when Kagome got nervous, and then I felt bad for Sesshoumaru when he was feeling 'inadequate'!! Poor guy. lol I cant wait to read more!

Kali (Chapter 31) - Sun 02 Jan 2011

Really hopin you come back soon 

Awesome Story

Sessdoll (Chapter 1) - Tue 14 Dec 2010

Miss Teak,


I love your this story and disperately miss your updates.  This is a wonderfully unique approach to the Sesshomaru/Kagome pairing as well as to a subject that most families who have such a case as in this story try to avoid.

I hope you will be bringing us another thrilling chapter soon.

Please remember you are greatly missed and  your return eagerly awaited.


Alpine (Chapter 31) - Tue 16 Nov 2010

AWESOME!!!! I read the story in one sitting... That's one heck of an accomplishment... The pictures were all wonderful as well. I really have enjoyed this story and love how the characters are so real. I hope to see new chapters and look forward to how it will end up for our fated couple and his family.

Alpine ^_^

Paige (Chapter 31) - Sat 13 Nov 2010

I'm REALLy looking forward to your next update! I hope it is soon! :D

Princess Azula (Chapter 31) - Tue 02 Nov 2010

Thank you for writing such a beautiful story! 

Hesunohana (Chapter 31) - Thu 21 Oct 2010

gosh ! I love this fiction. I kept on reading till it was 5 o'clock in the morning. (geez) lucky that I haven't to to work today...


well, nothing to add. the plot is good and the fact that Sesshoumaru is actually "the bastard" changes. he's a bit like a troll sometimes but Kagome is here for him.


let's see what happen next !

Emi (Chapter 26) - Wed 20 Oct 2010

I absolutely love your story! :)


Can not wait until you update!



Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 31) - Fri 01 Oct 2010

MissTeak this chapter was written beautifully. You gave amazing depth in Kagome's reasons for turning away the money. I loved how Sess's father finally realized that all Sesshoumaru wanted was to be accepted and just be his son nothing more. Kagome's support of her husband was just beautiful. The commitment she has to him even though he can be cold somewhat is amazing. I loved this chapter thought you did a wonderful job at writing it! Be proud of it! i certainly enjoyed very much! :) Can't wait to read what happens next. 

Until then! :)

KyonKyon01 (Chapter 31) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

Oh my gosh :_:  That chapter choked me up a bit.  FINALLY  someone set him straight.  Now he knows what he should have been doing all along.  It takes love and acceptance to heal those kind of wounds.  Sesshoumaru and Kiyomaru are lucky that Kagome knows that only too well.  Excellent chapter.  You really hit the mark with this one.  Well done and keep up the good work! 

KyonKyon01 (Chapter 30) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

No Kagome don't do it!  Ugh, Kiyomaru irritates me.  He's like a whipped dog <_<  That's not a criticism btw,  I think you've written him very well.  You've very much captured the behavior of a good man who's been beaten down by his own guilt.  But seriously, his behavior is so cowardly.  I wish he would man up, admit his mistakes and stop lowering himself to everyone he's wronged.  Argh.  Anyways, I loved both chapters.  Go Kagome!  I was really, really wishing she'd go on a tirade hehehe.  I loved it.  Finally someone stood up to those pompous assholes!  It was very gratifying.  I also loved the moment between Sesshoumaru and Kagome where he thanked her.  It melted my heart <B  You have a distinct talent for those tender moments.  I love it.  I can't wait to see what happens next.  Don't take the money honey!!!  It'll only cause problems.  He can't buy his way into Sesshoumaru's heart for pete's sake <_<  I know there's more behind his feelings than that (like wanting Sesshoumaru to be recognized and taken care of), but still.  That's what that gesture's going to come across as.  Argh.  Anyways, thanks for the updates and keep up the good work!


Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 31) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

*blinks* okies... I was definitely not expecting this conversation. At least... not at this particular moment in time. But that would probably be because I MISSED THE LAST CHAPTER GOING UP. *faceplants*

Still it was handled very well, regardless of how you feel about it. ^_^ Good writers are always their own worst critics of course. That being the case I wouldn't be surprised if you ever reworked this chapter. Of course... I would also understand never wanting to touch it again. *laughs*

"Kagome questioned pointed ly" ... might want to join the 'ly' back where it belongs. ;)


Thanks so much for writing!

L-desu (Chapter 31) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

what a beautiful ending to a rollercoaster of a chapter.  you go kags!  set those stupid men straight!

Hoshiakari Kokoro (Chapter 31) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

wow all i an say is WOW this was a wonderful chappter!

Madison (Chapter 31) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

I'm so glad I got to see/know Kagome's reaction so quickly, and frankly I quite expected something like this.

After everything that happened in Sesshomaru's life, and the way he was seeking for his family's approval, it's very understandable, that it's hard for him to confront his own family. He knows what they do to him is wrong, and although he might voice the fact that he doesn't want to be a part of that family, he does. And if he didn't take their bullying, and rebel, it would really erase all of his chances, even if they are currently basically none.

I know his father meant to do right by him, by trying to include him, but I'm glad Kagome explained things to him, and made him feel a little bad. Granted he always meant to do good with everything he did, but he always did it from his own point of view, ignoring Sesshomaru's hence why this big mess happened.

You know I was angry at Inuyasha, and all the other relatives, including Izayoi, but when I was reading Sesshy's father thoughts, you know what, my anger was dissipated. Sure, I still hate them a bit, but because of how he explained thing, I can understand their behavior. Like your husband goes to another woman, meaning you feel lower than the other woman, and then he brings the other son in? It must feel like you're losing your life.

Inuyasha, he was the one son, and then all of the sudden there's someone else, and there can be the fear of losing not only like share and money, but your father, his attention and his love. And I think it also explains why Sesshy's father never did anything to defend his son (Sesshomaru). He knows he betrayed his wife, and he betrayed his family, so he feels bad towards Izayoi and Inuyasha as well. Maybe not defending Sesshomaru is hiw way to like try to make it up.

I don't know, it;s just the perspective I got from the characters after reading your chapter, lol. I might just be reading too much into this.

Anyways, lol.

I'm glad Kagome rejected the offer, and though she didn't say like, I'm too good for your money. She was human, she admitted they could use it eally could, but they wouldn't. Because although money is important there is something past that as well. It doesn't stop as, to be happy you need money. When you don't have money you can look at other things to seek your happiness.

I was a bit disappointed when the legend of the wife and husband waterfalls wasn't believed into, but in the end, I'm glad he realized that Sesshomaru & Kagome are it. And I'm kind of happy they thought it would fail (Kagome&Sesshomaru) but it didn't. It was a smart plan though, doing all that so Sesshomaru wouldn't remain secluded. I don't even want to think about what could have happened to him if he had remained alone! Good thing Kagome came!

Now, i'm left wondering what in the world is going to be the conversation between Sesshomaru and his father like!


Rikayu (Chapter 31) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

I love how Kagome always stands up for her husband.  You can tell just how much she loves him. xD  Brilliant writing, MT!  Kagome's dialogue was really great!

taixi (Chapter 31) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

ugh, I can't really help but to absolutely hate the Kagome in this story. 

How can she not realize that by taking it upon herself to "enlighten" Sesshoumaru's father regarding his childhood and his feelings, she is actually acting *exactly* the same way that his father did toward him his whole life?  The irony couldn't be stronger if it hit her over the head with an iron mallet.  It's like she has blinders on and just repeatedly refuses to remove them.

In leaving sesshoumaru and agreeing to speak with his father, she has acted by doing what *she* thinks is best for sesshoumaru, without talking with sesshoumau to find out his feelings or how her actions will make him feel. In fact, she expressly disregarded sesshoumaru's feelings and the words he said, as he was very clear that he didn't want his father speaking with her privately right then.

The way Kagome acts is so selfish; she is doing what she thinks is right in the abstract (not having been a part of this family until very recently, and based on her fairly naive position on her moral high horse) at the expense of really taking the time to determine what might be best for sesshoumaru.  Even if ultimately the same actions might be taken (agreeing to speak with his father), Kagome fails to engage in the most important part of the process, and that is working things out with Sesshoumaru first.  Just because Kagome means well does not mean she's going about it in the right way.  (Sound familiar? Oh, she was just lecturing his father on this very subject!)

I think Kagome deserves a very cold shoulder if she dares to return to their room this evening. I can just imagine sesshoumaru stewing in anger and feelings of impotency in his room the minute she leaves with his father and agrees to entertain his father's request (inside his head: even his wife feels it's more important to talk with his father than to respect his wishes). 

really, if I met her in person I'm not sure if I could resist the urge to slap her if I got too close.  (but I'd make a strong effort not to get too close, as I'm not really a fan of violence...)

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