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Rikayu (Chapter 33) - Mon 30 May 2011

MTILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU!  You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this story to be updated!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!  You have such an uncanny ability to make me believe what's happening and I end up rooting for Kagome and Sesshoumaru, squealing in my chair or gasping outloud!  LOL...

Haha!  Take THAT mean family members!  Again, have I told you hoe much I love how you write Kagome!  She's so strong and this story just makes me believe that they're even more perfect for each other!  And of course, you can never have too much fluff!!  I can't wait for your next update and know that I'll patiently wait for it as I did these last two chapters!

Brittany (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

This story is very funny and I like it a lot. I'm happy to see how much they have grown to care and love eachother. I'm also very happy that Kagome put his family in their place, all that they have done to him was un-called for and its nice to see that he has someone to love and protect him. Please update soon.

Kristin (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

I've missed this story! I'm so glad those terrible people are going to be leaving! All thanks to Kagome! YAY!! I cannot wait until we meet Kagome's family!

Margie (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

I'm surprised I don't have a tooth ache from all that sweetness! What a wonderful story!!! I can't wait for more!!! eeee :)

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011


Relatively short compared to other chapters but really it didn't need more to convey the moment. It was perfect. Sweet and perfect. With just enough humor thrown in for spice. ^_^ Loved it.

Thanks for writing.

REDWOLF (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

Wow....Sesshoumaru has found family in Kagome.

crin_fausta (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011 wow!!! You never cease to amaze me! I love Kagome standing up to Nishimiyas! The way you portray Kagome and Sesshoumaru's relationship is mind blowing! Way to go girl!

Tana_san (Chapter 31) - Sun 29 May 2011

Oh how exciting it was to see that my girl hasn't grown up and moved on from the world of fanfiction! I have read and re read so many of your fics and wished and wondered what had happened to you. It's a true blessing to me to have you back again, Jas. I have missed you so much!

I'm sorry to hear about losing your stories when your comp died but as my daughter always says," save your stuff on that little black memory stick I bought you Mom and you won't ever be crying when your laptop finally dies." I've had so many near deaths with this old thing too. So I make her come in and save all my little important do dads for me 'cause I just can't remember to get the thing right.

Annnyyway, I absolutely adored the way Kagome handled everything. They all thought they would come in and push them both around and say whatever to them, but Kagome stood her ground. She took only so much disrespect for her husband sake to keep the peace until they leave for another year, but when that raw nerve was hit, she proved her fiery, little spirit wouldn't back down and allow anyone to continue to hurt and disrespect her husband.

I am so enjoying the changes in Sesshoumaru. Who knew a little girl from a Tokyo shrine could melt that cold, frosty heart? Love is a wondrous, magical thing...

Welcome home, Miss Teak!  Love and hugs, JEN

Naiadine (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

First thing first... *SQUEAL!!!!!!* Even the rainbow-colored unicorn and easter bunny are drowning in the sweet cuddly fluff! (In a good way, of course...)

What do I have to say about this chapter? Well, not much actually. As you have said, it's a bridging chapter to whatever coming our way next. :) I have to say something about Sesshoumaru though. Reading this chapter, I find how much his character has changed from the beginning. In the first few chapters, he was a prickly cactus that was frozen stiff. Now? Well, not exactly a cuddly teddy bear. He still has his quirks but he's mellowed. More secure, for the lack of better words. For that, you receive 5 stars for character development! Yay~ Applause please, people! *claps, claps, claps*

Can't wait for the next chapter! All the best, Min-chan~ :D xoxoxo

summerbirdy (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

*Happy sigh*   this makes me happy... this and chapter before :D  Sure is worth waiting for ^^ 

Tarawriter (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

It's so nice to know you're writing for us again, and I hope the break recharged your batteries and offered you some time to relax!  I'm not sure what we did to deserve a new chapter within 24 hours of the last, but WOO HOO!!


As always, your dialog is quick, well timed, witty and paced beautifully.  The fluff wasn't too much at all, and it was so good to have a moment for Sesshoumaru and Kagome in which they could enjoy one another's company and laugh together.  I think it shows growth in the relationship as well as their growing trust and love for one another.  I'm really looking forward to reading the next chapter, and once again, it's lovely to see your work on the site!

Miyukiyama (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

First and foremost, welcome back!!!! Second, two chapters in two days? You're spoiling us readers and I'm completely loving it. Keep up the good work.

Kanna37 (Chapter 1) - Sun 29 May 2011

All I can say is Welcome Back, you have been missed!


TruGemini (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

That was a very sweet chapter. I'm excited for the next trip to Tokyo.

NicoRavenPen (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

~~Oh I was so glad when I saw that this was finally updated again the other day! :D And I look forward to seeing how it goes with Kag's family! Keep up the fantastic work!

Avadrea (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

welcome back! So happy to have new chapters.  ANd such nice new chapters to! So cuddely!


Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

Awwww, the end to this chapter was definitely the icing on the cake to this beautiful fluff! I love it! "Portable radio." haha. That's funny. XD Great job as always! =)

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

OMG!  I am gagging on fluff!  So sweet!  But I love it anyway!

KAggie (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

I love the fluff! Wait, was this the first time that they told each other that they love each other? I'm too lazy to look back, so I'll just say yes. lol I'm glad to see another chapter up so soon. Keep it up, please! :D

jgem (Chapter 33) - Sun 29 May 2011

Yeah for super mega fluffy chapters and Miss Teak is back to writing in fine form!!!! This jgem is so happy! Did I use enough exclamation points?

Seriously though, two great additions to this sweet little romance and they came at the end of a stressful week for me. I love trying unwinding to stories like this one. Especially when I see sour, mean people get told off the way I wish I could do. I also liked the ending of the chapter, with the little banter back and forth. I could totally see this in manga form.

I can't wait to see what happens during his trip to Tokyo; more drama and then more fluff, right? At least the fluff....

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