My name is Tiffanie, my nick name is Sesshy-Sama to all people on the internet. Please do call me Sesshy and/or Sesshy-Sama.
I am fourteen years old but for some odd reason, I do not feel the urge to type like the fourteen year olds do today.
Example: i luv u sooo much! like omfg! that was soo kool
But a word of caution, I am a human being and I do make typos, but typing that was just irritates me to no end.
I am a female and I have been called a prude for some odd reason. ^_^ but I do not care, if you don't like me, you don't like me. I am not going to do anything to change your opinion about me. That's just who I am. I guess I'm a mix of Sesshomaru and Kagome. I mean, I'm kind hearted and sweet to my friends, but cold hearted and hateful to people that are not my bestest of friends, I am even sometimes cold hearted to my best friends.
Another thing about me, if you piss me off and it works REALLY good, I will not forgive you. It's just me and I don't know why I do it.
I like the idea of Sesshomaru and Kagome paired, I mean they have alot in common, but they are also very different. Which is probubly why I see them as good couple.
Sesshomaru has a child he takes care of, Rin. Kagome has a child she takes care of, Shippo.
Sesshomaru father is dead. There is no mention of Kagome's father in series or manga, ( That I know of so far )
Sesshomaru has a younger brother, Inuyasha. Kagome has a younger brother, Souta.
Sesshomaru has to deal with an annoying compainion, Jaken. Kagome has to deal with an annoying compainion, Inuyasha.
( No offence to Inuyasha lovers. He's cool but not as good as Sesshomaru. ~_^ )
I stumpled apon this show back in sixth grade spring break. I am now in nineth grade. I didn't really know the show back then, I found it when the ending had Sesshomaru as like the main character in it, The song " Deep Forest " or whatever it was, was the ending theme. I honestly thought that Sesshomaru was his mother. o.o...He looked so much like a girl but then I thought it was his father because he didn't have boobs. Lol. But that was before I got wrapped up in it. I came in when Kagome first met Kouga, and Inuyasha was on his quest to get his sword lighter, I thought that was the point of the show back then. Pretty funny huh? Lol.
Anyways, I have two older brothers, One is married and had a daughter in January of 06'. The other is getting married in the summer of 07'. I love my sister-in-law and my niece, I also love my soon-to-be-sister-in-law.
I am bisexual, If you don't like it, bite me, I might find it kinky! ~_^ Lol. but that's besides the point, like I said, I've been called a prude! ^_^
Well, I will probubly put more up later.