lady_myth Profile Page

About Me


Hey there!

I am living! School work small child work school is my life. That and my local coffee group has been hounding me on working on another fanfiction genre...which I have.

*sheepish look*

Sorry, chicos and chiquitas.

I am not dead. I have full intentions to complete my is just clearly going to take some time. But they will get done!





My computer freaking crashed. Died. Departed. Finito.

And guess what was on it?

*points down*

Current WIP:

Zoology 155: Human Sexuality:



Dirty Laundry:




Best Humorfic Nominee

Best Humorfic Nominee


On Hiatus:

The Shikon Trinity:

I'll get to it.

Impending Additions:

These Little Moments:

A collection of one-shots that have hit me over the past couple of months.

Down the Rabbit Hole:

Canon Universe/Alternate Ending? Let's just say a few of our  characters end up in Kagome's time...more than just Sess!


It's going to take some serious work to get all my chapters back.


User Status

16 years ago
10 years ago
13 years ago


Hey howdy hey!

Call me lady_myth, and I'm one of those authors scuttling over from A Single Spark. I'm not anyone special...just another doting fan of the Sess/Kag relationship. I'm 23 years old, and live in the state of Wisconsin. Woot.

My updates are sporadic at best. But I grovel appropriately thereafter. The update issues has to do with me possessing a small crazed monkey which rules the roost.

I enjoy criticisms and ideas, and never ignore an email so contact me!


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts30

Forum Posts
01/07/2010 05:08:31Re:Pie Fight!Forum Games179571
01/07/2010 04:38:06Re:Pie Fight!Forum Games179571
10/26/2009 04:08:52Re:How Sesshoumaru gets dressedFanart94386
10/24/2009 01:31:52Re:Dirty Laundry leads to... by lady_mythRecommendations3511
10/17/2009 02:51:38Re:Dokuga Halloween Challenge!!Challenges21238
10/17/2009 02:36:31Re:Dirty Laundry leads to... by lady_mythRecommendations3511
09/25/2009 01:58:17Re:Birthdays!Off-Topic Discussion15223
09/25/2009 01:52:32Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games570576
09/22/2009 05:13:20Re:The Claim Game [Updated Rules! Read-uhm!]Forum Games389319
09/21/2009 21:42:38Re:The Claiming GameForum Games389319
09/21/2009 21:30:41Re:*RING!* Telephone!Forum Games13918
09/21/2009 21:21:09Re:Betas......anyone please?????Betas2238
09/21/2009 21:19:16Re:100 Inuyasha factsForum Games29310
09/21/2009 21:06:38Re:Just 4 Kicks N GigglesOff-Topic Discussion91244
09/21/2009 21:05:19Re:Just 4 Kicks N GigglesOff-Topic Discussion91244
09/21/2009 21:02:35Re:The Ctrl+V GameForum Games153821
09/21/2009 21:00:58Re:Odd writing tips...Author's Tools3627
09/21/2009 20:54:22Re:(Joke) BoyFriend 5.0Off-Topic Discussion3936
09/21/2009 20:50:01Re:Fill in the Blank Fanart Challenge?Challenges3800
09/21/2009 20:47:41Re:Finish My Sentence...Forum Games110679

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  Minori Kure
  Lady Athena
  tenchi no mai
  Hoshi Phoenix
  Nostawen Allesiel
  sugar0o who lurks
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 Next > End >>


lady_myth has 3 stories

Sick and tired of not getting enough “attention”? “Get On With It!” Bra is guaranteed to make any girl’s natural “assets” perk up at their best! Slip this delight on and watch the fires begin to burn in eyes of your man! Guaranteed to bring on a happy girl and tips! Promoted by the Chica Bartenders of Japan, this bra is the best and only choice for acquiring that desired height and look which—
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 24 Jun 2009  -  Updated: 05 Jan 2010
Genre: Erotica, Humor, Kink, Romance  -  Chapters: 6  -  Reviews: 82  -  Words: 16,815  -  Reads: 35,572
Sesshoumaru has decided to conquer one of the major issues concerning his future empire when his young ward begins a startling change. With a lot on his mind, Sesshoumaru seeks out the only person who he can think of that will aid him....and not ruin his reputation.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 12 May 2008  -  Updated: 05 Oct 2009
Genre: Action, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 7  -  Reviews: 81  -  Words: 29,145  -  Reads: 29,828
*ON HIATUS...I'LL GET TO IT*Set in modern day the great Toga Taisho is shocked to find that his heirs are in mortal danger with the development of a new weapon. The Taiyoukai has no choice but to seek out bodyguards for his sons. But what happens when those guards are three vivacious women with Attitude? Is Toga just some crafty old pervert? Check it Out!
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: On Hiatus  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 12 May 2008  -  Updated: 30 May 2009
Genre: Action, Dark, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 3  -  Reviews: 14  -  Words: 13,341  -  Reads: 6,153


Total number of images: 3

  • DirtyLaundryScene
  • Category: Fanart
Kagome as Sarah
  • Kagome as Sarah
  • Category: Fanart
  • lady_myth_claim
  • Category: Banners

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 146

The Moon God WIP 2
Lady Of The Moon Line Art
Moon Princess WIP sketch
  • Moon Princess WIP sketch
  • Author: Lily
  • Category: Fanart
Princess Kagome by LeoOsaka
Terri-tots 'No Resemblance', Colored
LeoOsaka's Princess Kagome, Colored
Naomi's Do Not Die, Lined and Colored
Night of Passion 2/3
  • Night of Passion 2/3
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
Night of Passion 1/3
  • Night of Passion 1/3
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
the sweetest treat (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • the sweetest treat (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
quarrel  (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • quarrel (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
tension (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • tension (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
~Blood Moon~
r0o's Kami of Youth, Colored
Winter - sketch
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Name Entry

Created On: 03/04/2010 14:43:01

(blushes) That was a wonderful review, though I don't think I'm quite at the level of those authors you named, I'm extremely honored that you think so. Thanks for the review, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story for a long time to come!


Hoshi Phoenix

Created On: 02/15/2010 20:39:04

Hi Roomie! Hope everythings going great for you!
Feedback from lady_myth: It's okay! School is keeping me out of the apartment.

Have you dusted lately?

Hoshi Phoenix

Hoshi Phoenix
Created On: 11/21/2009 01:01:26

Ok here's the deal Inu-papa came back and paid with pix stixs so were cleared on rent till next year! And he's sorry for making a mess he promised to make it up to you.


Created On: 11/19/2009 15:03:02

Lol, it's autumn leaves xD Ya know, maybe that's what she needs though--I bet Miroku would be happy

Hoshi Phoenix

Hoshi Phoenix
Created On: 10/26/2009 20:28:19

Postponing rent due to unseen circumstances (Inu-papa decided to have a party while we were out and totally destroyed the place!) Now were stuck with cleaning! He took off! Men, I swear, they're not good for anything..... lol And yes I did buy a mokomoko shock collar!


Created On: 10/26/2009 14:03:24

Okay, it took me FOREVER to find you lolz! I saw your comments on the forum 'Things that Sesshomaru Would Never Say' and i thought I would die laughing from your quote: "This Sesshoumaru believes that your ass is now grass." lolz!! Hilarious! Every time I think about it, I just bust out laughing!!

Hoshi Phoenix

Hoshi Phoenix
Created On: 10/22/2009 16:57:10

Hiya lady_myth! Haven't heard from ya in a while thought I would drop you a line!

Quiet Whisper

Quiet Whisper
Created On: 10/13/2009 04:31:26

hey i just wanted to say thanks for the review and i'm glad you like the story, also chapter 29 is now up and running if you would like to read it! Thanks again!

Kira kuni

Created On: 10/13/2009 04:24:17

Thank you so much for the thoughtful comments on Aka-chan to Papa. I will definitely keep your ideas in mind for my next works!

Hoshi Phoenix

Hoshi Phoenix
Created On: 10/05/2009 23:26:44

Roomie!!! Where have you been? Inupapa made a mess again! lol j/k

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