Matsui Aiko wrote:
So I think the site went down like two or three days ago. I don't know if it was for everyone but around midnight or one o'clock two or three days ago I could not access the site. It just had some code on the screen. The next day I could access it again but since then I haven't received any notices from Dokuga. No story updates or review notices. I submitted a new chapter to one of my fics and had reviews but no email went to alert me. I checked because I usually receive at least one. Turns out two had been posted with no email alert. Idk what happened or is happening but thought I'd ask and bring it to your attention. Thanks!!
Well, I don't have 100% knowledge on this, but from what I was able to piece together:
1) The hosting provider went to do updates on the system. During this time the server hard drive decided it'd be a good idea to start throwing errors.
2) This caused the initial strangeness... The provider had to rebuild the system, and restore the system.
Currently, I'm going to guess the system is around 90%. I've gotten e-mail notifications on some things, so it may just be a one off, or caught in the system restoration (start/stopping daemons, configuration, etc...).
Or the normal bits being sent to the great bit bucket in the sky (aka don't get delivered).