The Damsel in Distress Challenge
Members who wish to meet this challenge will complete a multi-chaptered story, based on a series of 10 prompts. Here's a preview of what the ten banners look like when put together:
Here are a few quick details:
- this is a fanfiction challenge, and the goal is to write a 10-chapter story.
- chapters must be at least 100 words in length.
- the prompts are subject to interpretation. Be creative.
- you'll need to post your installments to
dokuga_contest in order to play along. Join us!
- For all the challenge details,
follow this link to dokuga_contest.
These are the 10 Prompts:
Damsel in Danger
Damsel in Defiance
Damsel in Despair
Damsel Indignant
Damsel Indecent
Ongoing challenges have no deadlines! You can work on these at your leisure.