Basically this is a challenge to write stories based off of Weird Al songs. It's pretty simple, just pick one of his songs and write a story using the theme of the song. You can do a chapter story or a one-shot.
Must be 500+ words, other than that, completely up to you.
DO NOT use the lyrics in any form in the story, not as dialog, a few lines in between paragraphs or the whole song together. You are only supposed to use the idea of the song, not the song itself.
You can reply to the challenge as many times as you want.
No end date as of yet, will post when that changes.
And remember, this has to be a Kagome and Sesshoumaru story.
Make sure to add a disclaimer for the song you use as Dokuga's blanket disclaimer only covers Inuyasha.
Have fun

My response:
Kagome Doll
Title: Kagome Doll
Author: Hairann
Theme: Hairann's Weird-ified Challenge: My girlfriend is inflatable
Genre: Comedy
Rating: High T
Warnings: Very slight innuendo.
Word Count: 885
Summary: Sesshoumaru receives a very strange birthday gift.