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the Cafe Logs
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TOPIC: the Cafe Logs
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Re:the Cafe Logs 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 31
Smittee's Cafe-Part Two!

During this time, Naraku had become very annoying with his 'I hate you all' speeches.Because of this, a certain someone tied him down to a chair and forced him to watch Care Bear tapes. Not only watch them, but he had to nonstop watch them. I also started ending up with those blasted monkey sprites coming in and trashing the place, while stealing muh pie. (If any of you know anything about me, you don't mess with mah pie!) Then, there was soon another battle at hand. I asked Inuyasha to go and exterminate some insects...and those sprites. You can guess what happens with inside a building and Tessaiga drawn. -.- Then, to stop Inu, I asked Sesshomaru to stop him. That was the big mistake! The whole cafe was destroyed.

This of course freed Naraku, but he was a changed man-er-bear? He called himself 'Work Bear'. While Dany's trained opos and my workers built up things, including rOo's hill. When everything was rebuilt, the new Naraku scared us too much. Using the magic sketchbook, which will cause trouble later, the Smittee changed him back to normal. Then,we wanted to kill him again. So, we tried to make him presentable, and to give him fan girls. That led to him being upset, because he didn't have anyone. When he became presentable, it bothered people as well. It was as if there was no hope for him. That's when rOo stepped in. She began to train him, and use him as either a pillow or scratching post. (She also did the constructing and reconstructing of parts of the cafe, as she and Sesshomaru had some one on one battles.)
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Last Edit: 2009/06/30 04:21 By Smittee.
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the Cafe Logs 15 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 31
Smittee's Cafe-Part One!

These occurrences are written as best as Smittee can remember, without going into quadruple detail, making this Smittee unable to finish writing all that happened before next year. This is merely a detailed summary on all that has occurred in parts. If I miss anything large within these details, feel free to contact me, so that I may add them in. Remember, this is only Part One, so it will not have anything too recent. Thank you.

Soon after the Grand Opening of Smittee's Cafe, there came the quick and pleasurable capture of three demon men, only one seeming to enjoy this predicament. Then, shortly after that, forcing them to sign contracts, with only one of them didn't seem upset about that either. They now worked for me, being waiters and putting on shows on stage. These men were Sesshomaru, Inu Papa, and Koga. One can probably guess which one wanted to rip my head off. Then, shortly after, more were hired. There came Hiten and Bankotsu. We had, at first, Teen Shippo doing deliveries. He kept stealing the lolly pops, and was soon no longer delivery boy. Then Totosai, Myoga, and Hacchi were the delivery men. They soon vanished. Nobunaga came, and was very good at it, until Kanna decided she would be our delivery girl. Nobunaga tried to get the job again, and was suddenly relinquished of his soul by Kanna, hence his life was no more. Apparently one does not take her delivery and kidnapping services job. (Which, by the way, she still likes to kidnap characters, and ship them in boxes to us. Although, she tends to forget to punch air holes in the boxes, so we have to get the people out quickly.)

It was through Kanna's kidnappings that we tried to make Sesshomaru, who we now love to call Lord Grumpy Pants, at least a little happier. We special delivered to him Kagome, who only seemed to not want to be near him, no matter how many times her picked her up bridal style to his room. At the same time, Hiten and Bank seemed to be on a flirting-with-women competition. While this occurred, Monti, who was hired by Smittee, was playing with Bank, Hiten, and Koga's hair, whether it be one at a time, or just braiding the trio together.

For Skye and Nobody's late birthday, Smittee had the boys put on a special performance on stage, if you know what I mean. *wiggles brow* during this time, Inu papa was starting to take a shine to Kagome, and she to him. Sesshomaru wasn't happy, and started trying to claim her. This is what started the first time the store collapse, but only part of it. Kagome chose neither, and ran for the hills. Both Inus were furious. the store began being rebuilt in those destroyed areas quite easily, since it wasn't much damage...that time.

Part Two Will explain what happened with Care Bears Attached.
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Last Edit: 2009/04/09 19:49 By Smittee.
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Re:the Cafe Logs 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 31
Smittee's Cafe-Part Three!

After a time, there came the Monti wars. While other worker were being claimed, like Dany getting InuPapa etc. There came a war between Sesshomaru and Kouga. Both of them wanted Monti. This would be quite the problem. (I couldn't do much, as I was fainting a lot.) The war, in the end, caused Koga to have no one. Since then, he's been in and out of love, trying to get over the loss of Monti. Around this time, we also had a new sla-worker. He grew a fancy to Evenstar, and soon they were mated. Although, not all was love in the air.

People we didn't want working at the shop started to show up. First Menomaru, who soon sent the other moth. The ordered bug sprays and moth balls did the trick. No more did they exist. RoO took care of our doctor, Suikotsu. He just couldn't control his dark side anymore. Boy, was that brutal. That came to needing a new doctor. And so, Jinenji joined our little cafe to work. How splendid a day that was! It soon came to him being needed anyways. Especially what occurred before he arrived.

Sesshomaru and I were at war. He caused havoc with Monkey sprites and rats. The pool became infested with leeches. He wouldn't tell us what his problem was, so I started calling him names, which led w=to ignoring him. He just sat there and smirked. More and more rats and things began to eat away at our beloved chat. There was almost nothing left, before we finally figured out what he wanted. He almost brought the apocalypse, over his contract. His contract! All he wanted was for me to change his contract. I yelled at him; asked him why he didn't asked. He just replied,"This Sesshomaru does not ask."

Needless to say, I used my magic sketchbook to recreate everything around us, after Sesshomaru sent away the horrid beasts and things. Dany sent out her train opos to fix up things too. rOo's hill needed to be fixed before she returned. Otherwise, we would have had another apocalypse on our hands; the rOojira kind.
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Last Edit: 2009/06/30 04:24 By Smittee.
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Re:the Cafe Logs 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 31
Smittee's Cafe

Hot Spring is near the Pool.
Stock changes, for the needs of Dokugians. Also does shipment, for the rebuilding of destroyed areas, from rOozilla and lunazilla.
Harem Room (The GM Special)
Need I say more?
-No pets (Borro exception)
-no exploding things
-no swords in public
-No sprites
Specials Today: Corned Beef Hash

* Pie (All kinds)
* Pocky (all flavors)
* Soup and Ramen (All Kinds)
* Wild Boar Meat
* Dumplings (All kinds, except the people ones)
* Raw Meat Bar (Can be cooked customer)
* Salad Bar
* Ninja Food
* Chicken (Prepared as Asked)
* Steaks
* Ice cream (all flavors)
* Cake (Including Molten Lava)
* Cup cakes
* Hot Pockets
* pizza Rolls
* Spinach Leaves
* Chocolate Pudding
* Puppy on a Platter
* Scorpions
* Dany Donuts
* Tacos
* Cheese
* Chocolate covered Strawberries
* Spaghetti
* Diabetic Food
* Dog food
* Pudding (all flavors)
* Crescent Pastries
* Bento Boxes
* Pancakes
* Bacon
* Sausage (The FOOD)
* Rice (All kinds. Prepared as asked)
* TOO GOO Sandwiches
* Sandwiches (All kinds)
* Strudels (the toaster kind)
* Popcorn
* Italian Food
* Seafood
* Chocolate bars (shaped like Sesshy, Taisho, and Hiten)
* Crackers
* Pickles!
* Pickled Crab Muffins (Asked by Jaken)


* Hot Chocolate (Ask for adds, like whipped cream etc.)
* Magical Hot Tea (any flavor you want)
* Liquor (Just ask)
* Root Beer
* Malt Shop Milkshakes
* Sodas (All kinds)
* Energy Drinks
* Milk
* Water
* Coffee
* Diet Drinks
* Sobe
* Almond Roca Mocha (For Lady_Myth)
* Juice

Gift Shop:
New Item:- Bouncy Balls

* Jaken Voodoo Dolls
* Naraku Voodoo Dolls
* Pillows
* Blankets
* 'lock o' sesshou hairs
* Mokomoko perfumes and Colognes
* Sesshomaru's Best: his lines of Shampoos etc.
* Kags Beauties: Lines of Shampoos etc.
* Hammocks
* Mini Sesshomaru's
* mini Kags
* Cardboard replicas of Kags and Sesshy
* replicas of water imp hands
* Bobble heads
* Key chains
* Bikinis and swimming trunks (For the Pool)
* prayer papers and bells (For the shrine)
* bio Freeze and Icy Hot
* Tylenol
* Bags of Candy (Shaped like Sesshy and Kags)
* rOozilla and lunazilla invasion helmets
* Boxes of Chocolates
* Plushies-Characters and others
* Teasers
* Prayer beads
* Mace (Kept behind counter)
* Action figures-Sessh, Kags, Miroku
* Real replica of Tenseiga (Behind counter)
* Cosplay Outfits, and ordering forms
* Mokomoko fundoshi
* Gags
* speedos
* Opo repellent
* gold contact lens
* pool toys (some shaped like doggy bones)
* mini Banryu
* fake tails
* fake ears
* leashes
* collars
* first aid kit
* Nobo Plushies (For those who asked)
* mokomoko style hammocks
* animated fake tails
* pounce-proof and super sized hammock
* Wigs!
* Animatronic wings
* Normal Spices with the papa's face
* Maroon strip and crescent moon tattoos
* Crescent moon Keychains
* Inuyasha Cards
* Instant Pillow
* Kagura Plushies
* Fans
* Custom Chopsticks
* Bouncy Balls

Stage for performances. Late performances, only open for adults. Stage is out back of the restaurant.
Waiter's outfit
Monkey God
Waitress's outfit
Delivery Woman
Delivery Carrier
Pool Lady
Arms Maker
Totosai's Delivery Animal
Message Man
When Smittee can't sign
Smittee's Kitteh Demon
Menomaru's Minons
Hell Painter
Random Occuring Characters
Dust Sprites
Monkey Sprites (not sure)
Recurring Character
Characters Taken
r0o- Naraku
Dany- Inupapa
Monti- Sesshy (But Skye has him contracted)
Sylvia- Bankotsu
Lilith- Will tell when he comes
Kai- Hiten
Evenstar- Tsu
CJ- Inu
Phish- Koga, Ginta, and Hakaku
Takemaru- Also somebody's?
Jaken- Somebody wants him, but I can't remember.
Miroku- Does not get mated. He's a ladies man.
Characters Not Taken
Monkey God
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Re:the Cafe Logs 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 31
Chat info given by our Phish:

User Smittee has entered this room.
2:48 AM [phishbon3s] smittee!
2:48 AM [tenchi no mai] hi smittee
2:48 AM phishbon3s huggles smittee
2:48 AM [Smittee] Herro! *huggles you both*
2:48 AM [phishbon3s] now you are not alone in chat
2:48 AM [Smittee] How are you two?
2:48 AM [Smittee] Nope. ^.^I'm not.
2:49 AM [phishbon3s] having issues with posting story and nom-ing salad
2:49 AM [Smittee] That's good news for Hiten
2:49 AM [phishbon3s] same old
2:49 AM [tenchi no mai] am ok
2:49 AM [phishbon3s] leave the poor man alone
2:49 AM [phishbon3s] pick on kouga
2:49 AM [phishbon3s] i think he might be in the barrels again
2:49 AM [Smittee] But, if I do things to him, Hiten makes me washt he paint off his body. *winkles*
2:49 AM phishbon3s giggles and chokes
2:49 AM [Smittee] Such a horrible thing to make someone do.
2:50 AM Smittee gives you a drink, and pats you on the back
2:50 AM [Smittee] No choke!
2:50 AM [phishbon3s] thanks
2:50 AM [Smittee] Welcome
2:50 AM [phishbon3s] shouldn't read and eat salad at same time
2:50 AM [Smittee] lol. Especially in chat
3:05 AM [Smittee] I won't draw on you.
3:05 AM [phishbon3s] clean him damn it
3:05 AM [Smittee] I promise
3:05 AM [sugar0o] if i'm taking anyone to the bath with me its Spiderkins
3:05 AM [phishbon3s] the flies are drawing ever near
3:05 AM [sugar0o] ^_^
3:05 AM [Smittee] I draw on Hiten instead
3:05 AM [phishbon3s] oh gawd r0o
3:05 AM [sugar0o] hahaha
3:05 AM [tenchi no mai] am getting sleepy - must go
3:05 AM [sugar0o] what?
3:05 AM [Smittee] Awwws. Tenchi too
3:05 AM [phishbon3s] i read a story recently that made relize that naraku
3:05 AM [Smittee]
3:06 AM [phishbon3s] is a smexy hanyo
3:06 AM [sugar0o] i read keva fics, she makes Spiderkins down right loveble
3:06 AM [phishbon3s] can i rent him for an hour or two?
3:06 AM [tenchi no mai] love Keva's fics
3:06 AM [sugar0o] hmmm
3:06 AM [phishbon3s] yes it was a keva fic
3:06 AM [sugar0o] i dunno he's kinda picky
3:06 AM Smittee tries to both hold rOo and Tenchi here
3:06 AM [sugar0o] ask SMITTEE
3:06 AM [tenchi no mai] have problem with tentacles
3:07 AM [Smittee] Raku? He's so latched to rOo it would take 130 sleeping pills and demon poff chains to keep him from saying," No! I with rOo!"
3:07 AM [Smittee] *proof
3:07 AM [Smittee] He still would say it though. Someow. xD
3:07 AM [Smittee] He just couldn
3:07 AM [Smittee] 't stop anything.
3:07 AM [phishbon3s] it was Perfect Harmony... Well Almost
3:07 AM [tenchi no mai] lol
3:07 AM Smittee wonders why I thought that kinky
3:07 AM [phishbon3s] damn it raku
3:08 AM [Smittee] Kouga needs someone.
3:08 AM [sugar0o] yanno i've never liked authors that put their' own names in as OC's for pairings, but i've starting thinking of a Naraku/'Ruu' - OC pairing i havent started it but i've been thinking of doing one
3:08 AM [Smittee] I'd read it.
3:08 AM [Smittee] *nods*
3:08 AM [phishbon3s] ok i officually clain kouga and as a bonus, ginta and hakkaku
3:09 AM [sugar0o] lol
3:09 AM [phishbon3s] they are my bitches now
3:09 AM [phishbon3s] Mwahahahahah
3:09 AM [Smittee] Well, you'll need to see if- *Kouga latches onto Phish*
3:09 AM [Smittee] Nevermind.
3:09 AM phishbon3s cheers sweet
3:09 AM Smittee forgot how lonely he was
3:09 AM [tenchi no mai] night night
3:09 AM [sugar0o] yes nini
3:09 AM phishbon3s to kouga, you iz mine!!!
3:09 AM [Smittee] Night, tenchi. L(
User sugar0o has logged out.
User tenchi no mai has logged out.
3:10 AM [Smittee] Awwws.
3:10 AM [phishbon3s] night sugar0o and tenchi no mai
3:10 AM [Smittee] Is jsut the two of us now
3:10 AM [phishbon3s] damn they gone
3:10 AM [phishbon3s] yeppers
3:10 AM [Smittee] *wiggles brow and sings 'Just the two of us'*
3:10 AM [phishbon3s] i'm still working on that fic about smittee's cafe open mic night
3:10 AM [phishbon3s] "we can make it if we try"
3:10 AM [Smittee] I can't wait to read it.
3:10 AM phishbon3s lols
3:10 AM [phishbon3s] sweet
3:10 AM [phishbon3s] have you heard the toby keith song, i love this bar
/ is not a valid command.
3:11 AM [phishbon3s] ?
3:11 AM [Smittee] Yes.
3:11 AM [Smittee] I like "I Ain't As Good As I Once Was" more though. XD
3:11 AM [phishbon3s] welp, i've change the lyrics to i love this cafe
3:11 AM [Smittee] I seeeee.
3:11 AM [phishbon3s] i'm doing a parody song, (filk)
3:12 AM Smittee now feels the shame of knowing so much country
3:12 AM [phishbon3s] but i is stuck on parts
3:12 AM [phishbon3s] don't feel bad
3:12 AM [phishbon3s] i like pre 1995 country music
3:12 AM [Smittee] Is never good to be stuck Want me to pull you free?
3:12 AM [Smittee] Although, unless you like having the being 'stuck'.
3:12 AM Smittee wiggles brow
3:12 AM [phishbon3s] yes please, but be gentle, kouga is still attached to my leg
3:13 AM [phishbon3s] giggle
3:13 AM [phishbon3s] all in due time
3:13 AM [Smittee] And this is why bmi calls me Smuttee.
3:13 AM Smittee tries to gently pull you free
3:13 AM [Smittee] Although, I loved the night I was called Smi. T . I pitied the Narakoo!
3:14 AM Smittee and out you come with a *pop*
3:14 AM [Smittee] *meow*
3:14 AM Smittee waggles tail.
3:14 AM [phishbon3s] oh good lord
3:14 AM [phishbon3s] i love the mister t joke
3:15 AM [phishbon3s] giggle
3:15 AM phishbon3s directs kouga to wait for her by the pillow
3:15 AM [phishbon3s] i be there in a bit
3:15 AM [Smittee] That's good. ^.^ That all came about after a loong time of watching Mr. T and teh flavoerwave
3:15 AM Smittee watches Kouga go there
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Re:the Cafe Logs 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 31
Special Event of Inupapa Singing on stage for Dany I had hidden away:

All goes dark in the cafe. Soon, light shine on a single figure on centerstage. A long coat, with the collar popped up, some circular sun glasses, with a blue tinting to them, and a fadora oin his head. His hands were in his pockets, as he stood before the mike. You could see his silver hair is a low ponytail shining from the lights. Music came from back stage, symbolizing the start of the song. He pulled one of his hands out, pushing the back of his hat up, hiding his forehead, as he began to sing. "I'm a spy, in the house of love. know the dream.." He began snapping his fingers, as he continued. "that you're dreamin' of..." He pulled out his other hand, to toss his hat away.
"I know your deepest, secret fear" He then pulled the mike close to him, as he continued to sing. In the middle of the song, he shook his head slightly. "Is it just me, or is it warm a bit-a..." He pulled off his jacket, andd tossed it with his hat, as he started siging again. InuPapa smirked, as he sang, putting a little grove in his movements as well, before the song completely ended. The lights dimmed down at the end, as he lowered his head.

Danyealle claps.

Hiten comes about from the side, lights shining on him. "Come on everyone! Don't you think he should do another one?" Danny shouted for more.

Inupapa smirked. "Very well, but I think that another date must be added for a certain someone, if they get my drift.." He winks at Smittee, who tries not to groan. She she nods her head. He then looked through the audience. "Well, Dany. Since you seem the most wanting, what song would you 'long to hear'?"

"Wolf Moon."

"Very well. One minute, while I get prepared."

InuPapa smirks and nods to Hiten. The lights stay dim, as the music begins to play. A flickering occurs, before the lights are fully back on, and his hat was back on his head, as he began singing "Wolf Moon"; his eyes closed, with both hands on the mike. He leaned forward towards the mike as he continued to sing.

The song ends, with Inupapa's eyes opening, a smirk still on his fae.

"Thank you, thank you. It's been a pleasure to sing for you all tonight. I especially love seeing my youngest son finally on a date with a beautiful woman. I'm sure they will be together for a looong time to come." As he says this, both Inuyasha 's and Smittee's jaws drop. Smittee purrs out of habit, soon to realize how embarrassing that just made this situation.

The lights go off and back on in the cafe really quick, and Inupapa is back sitting inthe hammock with Dany already, still wearing the Jim Morrison costume. Smittee and Inuyasha still have their jaws dropped, as the horro of his plan was revealed.

Smittee stoos right up, fire around her. She glared at Inuyasha, and pulled the bad cursing that Carl did on Van Helsing. "Hell be dam*** if I will!!!!!!!!"

2:51 AM [Characters.] Inuyasha stood up and yelled as well. "Yeah~! Like she said!! There is no way I'd get with this wench!!!!"

Smittee turned and glared at Inuyasha, holding back a purr. "WENCH?!?!?!"

Inuyasha's ears falls, realizing his mistake. Soon here is a chase around everwhere, as Smittee is trying to kill Inuyasha. Inupapa just chuckled and said," Young lovers."

Sesshomaru comes out of his home, to watch as Smittee is semi running/semi hopping around, as she takes her shoes off and throws them at Inuyasja, hitting him right on the noggin. She shouts nasty little threats that would make a sailor faint, while she tries to pull another shoe off, only to realize she already used them.

Smittee pciks up on of her shoes. Soon, she tackles Inuyasha, beating him with it. Sesshomaru watches in pure joyh, as Inuyasha gets what he prolly deserves

After Smittee is satisfied with the now black and blue unconscious Inuyasha, she drops the shoe, and begins to drag him. There is malice in her eyes, as she head for Jakotsu's room. InuPapa sees this as I time to act, and gets up to stop the madness.

3:02 AM [Danyealle] poor 'Yasha, he's been down that route before

InuPapa tries to swayed Smittee's decision, singing his words only gave him a death glare. And so, he did what he had to. He pulled out a vile. Twisting off the lid, he doused a hankercheif and held it over Smittee's face. Smittee somewhat purred, as her would went black. He caught her, and began to carry her and pull his son somewhere other than Jakotsu's room.

InuPapa wanders over with the two over to Dany. "Dear, what should I do? It seems I may have made a mistake."

3:08 AM [Characters.] "So, do you think I did the right thing putting them together?"

le] noooooooooooooooo papa
3:09 AM [Characters.] (Can't bribe Smittee. She's unconcious.)
3:09 AM [Danyealle] bad idear
3:09 AM [sekiaku] the movie
3:09 AM [Danyealle] very bad idear
3:09 AM [Monti] oh
3:09 AM [invisibler0o] papa bad idea?
3:09 AM [Characters.] "But why? Doesn't my son deserve a nice girl?"

invisibler0o fdins confusion pillow and plops down
3:10 AM [Monti] What's papa doing now?
3:10 AM [Danyealle] Smittee and Yasha=BAD things
3:10 AM [Monti] Oooh o.0
3:10 AM [Danyealle] trying to set up Smiteee and Inuyasha
3:10 AM [invisibler0o] ah
3:10 AM [invisibler0o] hmm
3:10 AM [Monti] could you imagine Yasha getting hold of Smittee's sketchbook?

"But why? Doesn't my son deserve a nice girl?""
3:11 AM [Characters.] ((whoops)
3:11 AM [Danyealle] Smittee is not for Yasha
3:11 AM [Monti] *locks inupapa in the back room with a months supply of bacon* No matchmaking
3:11 AM [sekiaku] *slap*
3:11 AM [tenchi no mai] lol
3:11 AM [Danyealle] he has CJ Papa
3:11 AM [Danyealle] that's why he lives in her treehouse
3:12 AM [sekiaku] *whip*
3:12 AM [Characters.] "Oh, I had no idea. Well then., I shall put an end to this meddling then." He places Smittee in her hammock, and then goes over to Cj's treehouse, and tosses Inuyasha in.

InuPapa looks at Monti. "Oh I don't need bacon. All I need is the sweet succulent Dany."
3:13 AM [Danyealle] hehehehe
3:13 AM [Monti] >.>
3:13 AM [sekiaku] lol
3:13 AM [Monti] *locks Dany in the back room with him then*
3:13 AM [Monti] sorry Dany... take one for the team? xD
3:14 AM [Characters.] Inupapa began to think, as he says,"Now, there is still a lot of single people here. Perhaps I could...."

Inupapa began to think, as he says,"Now, there is still a lot of single people here. Perhaps I could...."
3:14 AM [Danyealle]   Monti
3:14 AM Danyealle grabs Papa and drags hm into the hammock
3:14 AM [sekiaku] hey
3:15 AM [Monti] *sneaks away stealthily*
3:15 AM [Danyealle] no setting people up
3:15 AM [Danyealle] setting up=disaster
3:15 AM [sekiaku] woah
3:15 AM [Characters.] Inupapa chuckles. "Very well, Dany. I promise I won't."
3:16 AM [Characters.] (brb)
3:16 AM [Danyealle] thank you
3:16 AM [Danyealle] did Muso ever get reasbosrbed or is he still lurking around somewhere?
3:16 AM [Danyealle] last i heard he was mooning over some kikyo shrine
3:19 AM [Characters.] "He was destroyed, we think."
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