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Looking for a older Sess/Kag Fanfic Please Help
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TOPIC: Looking for a older Sess/Kag Fanfic Please Help
Tourmaline Blue
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Looking for a older Sess/Kag Fanfic Please Help 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 20
Note: The fic may have been posted on other Fanfic sites like I don't remember the name or author of this story and read it around 2008. From what I remember of this fic it wasn't completed and had around over 10-15 chapters. This is from what I remember.

If anyone remembers any stories with past and present day Sesshomaru with this similar story plot let me know. The fic I'm looking for was very extensive and well written.

Takes place In Kagome and her friends attempt to restore the shikon jewel and defeat Naraku. It's quite a twist you see It Involves a past and present day Sesshomaru. In the feudal era Kagome and Sesshomaru end up having random meetings with each other, however there not to friendly even though Kagome tries to be nice in order to change his mind (basically his views that are prejudice towards humans of them being only good for sport and that demons are the stronger species who are supreme)and befriend Sesshomauru he however rebuffs her attempts and arguments and insults ensue between them. Kagome and her friends are looking for a break and stay in Kaede's village. (Kagome's friends suspect she's a target though her friends don't let Kagome know)Naraku however has a plan inorder to get the jewel hell have to corrupt and destroy Kagome for her purity and innocence get in the way of him having complete control of the Jewel.

Kagome ends up going home through the well for about a few week's to catch up with school and be with her friends n' family. What's interesting is that Ayumi knows about Kagome's quest in the feudal era and she's the only one out of Kagome's friends who know's about her actual adventure's in the past since she first fell down the well. Kagome confides in Ayumi and tells her about what she thinks of Sesshomaru; as someone who has experienced so much hardship that he can't help but distrust everyone he even intrigues her. She ends up going to school the next day and shockingly there's a new teacher (history teacher?) who Kagome recognises as Sesshomaru under a guise no less. Sesshomaru ends up speaking to Kagome at the end of class and says he cannot reveal the reason as to his presence only that he wishes to prevent something from happening in the past, however Kagome is wary and suspicious of Sesshomaru. Note: also Sesshomaru is constantly looking at the date and time of his watch, he tries to take Kagome out on outings to get to know her or so she think's, but, infact he's trying to keep a constant eye on her to prevent her from leaving to the past early; there is immense sadness when he looks at Kagome and immeasurable guilt he feels towards her for what he did in the past.

Ayumi noticing Kagome's unease around their new teacher questions Kagome and she let's Ayumi know he is infact Sesshomaru. Kagome is soon to return to the feudal Era and Sesshomaru is aware the time similarity so he intends to get close to Kagome in order to prevent her from traveling back in time in order to fix a mistake he made in apparently that caused him to hurt Kagome irrevocably. Before kagome leaves to head to the Feudal era, Sesshomaru and Kagome spend the weekend together at the end Decides to warn Kagome by scaring her to not return to the past saying he'll tell her the truth if she'll only stay in the present and not go to the past for three more day's for if she leaves she'll never come back, Kagome asks Sesshomaru why and what'll happen, he refuses to answer her. Kagome doesn't feel inclined to abandon her friends by not coming back on time Ayumi and Kagome talk that night and Kagome leave's in the morning. Back to the Past: Naraku has been waiting for her, her friends are distracted and unable to defend herself she runs further into the forest, she run's into Sesshomaru begging for help, Sesshomaru scoff's though seeing an opportunity to conquer the miko he refuses to help her till she admits she is wrong about her beliefs in demons and human's being alike and both being neither stronger or weaker than the other. Kagome refuses to take back her words for it would make her a liar and which would only prove to him to distrust humans and anyone else. Sesshomaru in his anger grabs her demanding she submit and that he is right. She still tells him he's wrong and he throws her to the ground telling Kagome she bring's her fate down on herself and she deserves it for she being a weak fool. Naraku shows himself having witnessed the whole exchange appearing feet away from them Sesshomaru and Naraku acknowledge each other and Sesshomaru begins to leave well Kagome continues to beg Sesshomaru to come back and help her, he keep's on walking hoping that Kagome will learn her lesson in having such a faithless belief of being trusting. In the Future Sesshomaru is outside the entrance of the school looking at his watch worried for Kagome hasn't showed up for class for the day (or a few days) Ayumi see's Sesshomaru and asks if he's alright. Sesshomaru questions the reason for Kagome's absence for he was told she wasn't feeling well from her mother; Ayumi knowing the truth about who Sesshomaru is tells him the truth and that Kagome went back to the past yesterday. In disbelief sudden dread come's over him and tell Ayumi that he failed and that Kagome will never come back through the well. (I believe he tell her the whole story as to what he did and that he also had continuous involvement in hurting Kagome even after Naraku took her)

Hopefully this Story is around still I never did get to continue reading it.
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Last Edit: 2014/10/30 05:15 By TourmalineBlue. Reason: More info to help story search
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Re:Looking for a older Sess/Kag Fanfic 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 47
I feel like I have read this story, too. The detail about Ayumi knowing Kagome's secret really sounds familiar. I know it's not Midnight Meets Moonlight (rated MA) by Mujitsu because, aside from Kagome knowing a present-day Sesshoumaru while still traveling in the past, none of the other details match.

I'll do a little searching and see if I can find it.
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I tagged . . . err, claimed Sesshoumaru's cute, elfin ears in the Dokuga Claiming Game
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Re:Looking for a older Sess/Kag Fanfic 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 171
I don't think Midnight Meets Moonlight is it. I don't remember Naraku doing anything to Kagome, and she does go back through the well and ends up living with Sesshomaru. They had actually had the beginnings of a relationship in the past in that story.
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Tourmaline Blue
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Re:Looking for a older Sess/Kag Fanfic 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 20
Thank you for the suggestion but Nope it's not Midnight Meets Moonlight by Mujitsu. Though I may end up reading the story anyways out of interest.

However I'll mention this: PAST Sesshomaru is still initially evil He hasn't yet got over his prejudice and initial beliefs that love and humans are a weakness. Kag/Sess They have frequent run ins with each other, whether it's due to her coming across PAST Sesshomaru on her journey with the Inu group or because PAST Sesshomaru Is on a certain level curious about Kagome. He however doesn't travel with the Inu and the group.(as far as I know)

From what i remember Kagome also want's to prove Sesshomaru wrong just as much as Sesshomaru tries to in retaliation. It's like a battle of wills in a way.

On another note (This may be a key feature or not) I don't remember if Rin is mentioned traveling with PAST Sesshomaru yet or if she hasn't appeared so far in the story.

Important: The summary or Story description I provided is KEY for It pretty much some's up all the chapters I read regarding this story. Which at the time was around 15 Chapters. The story itself seemed like it would be long elaborate. KAgome also goes back an forth between the past and Future. There wasn't a romantic relationship between Kagome and PAST Sesshomaru yet, although you could tell the FUTURE Sesshomaru cared for her, the extent of his feelings however, I'm unsure since i lost track of the story.

Something to look for I'm sure but hopefully this will help narrow things down so more people can help me find this story.
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Last Edit: 2014/01/25 02:50 By TourmalineBlue.
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DN Silence
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Re:Looking for a older Sess/Kag Fanfic 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 12
Could it be Leaving by Existence ?
Summary: She runs away and Sesshoumaru convinces her to return but their encounters become more frequent and her blood keeps him coming back for more. And when people from her past entwine themselves in her future some secrets must be kept.

I don't really remember much about this fic. But maybe....

EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated M, no YIMs!
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Last Edit: 2014/01/25 10:29 By wiccanmethuselah.
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Tourmaline Blue
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Re:Looking for a older Sess/Kag Fanfic 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 20
Sadly no it's not Leaving by Existence, romance is to soon and in the story i`m looking for as Kagome goes to the past and future she runs into Sesshomaru on a continuous basis this is through several chapter's between going back to the present for school and returning to the past to collect jewel shards and defeat Naraku.

Thank you for trying, but the search is still on!
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Last Edit: 2014/01/25 05:11 By TourmalineBlue.
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