Oki, I have this fic in mind and I think i know the name but I'm not sure. i KNOW that its by Zandrellia tho, reading Family Honor made this pop into my head.
oki, its similar to Fam honor (i think) in the sense that Sess takes Kags in and they make some form of arrangement or contract that she would marry him or something to that effect and give him an heir. she eventually falls for him and gets transported back to the future where he finds her.
I didnt read all of it because it wasnt finished at the time but the last chapter that i was at was where he had found her and was bringing her up to speed about what had happened and it ends with him telling her basically that the only reason why he sought her out was for the heir she had promised him.
needless to say, it broke her heart.
Uhhhhmmmmmm can anyone help?
I think its "A Thousand Words" by Zandrellia (because i remember it being long) but I'm not too sure, can someone refute or approve this statement??