Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
I've been looking for this off and on for z few months. If we are talking about the same story, I think they were fighting in the dining hall or something to that affect. I also only remember Rins comment and I want to say someone's arm was injured. I thought I read this on fanfiction not here on Dokuga. I will continue to look also.
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BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 216
Ok, so I have no idea if anyone is going to remember this, or might have recently read it. But there's a fic out there that's SK.
I cant remember much about it only that Kagome was pretty much a BAMF, and very Youkai like, she was still human, but almost demon like. Other demons kinda just accepted ehr that she was like that, and even though she was a human didnt seem to mind.
I remember one scene, Kagome, Rin, and an OC Tiger demoness? were sitting watching Sesshomaru fight, and both Kagome and the Demoness had no issue with the blood and gore werwe evening chatting about it like it was just fine, but Rin thought it was barbaric, and that when SHE was Sesshomaru's mate this wouldnt happen. But obviously she's living in a dream world.
i know that's not a lot but i've been looking for it on my own for a while and i jsut cant find it. any help would be appreciated.
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 25
Oh! I know the story you are looking for, but unfortunately, the title of the story escapes me... I'm currently searching for it in my list of favorites, I'm sure I have it there somewhere...
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
I would love to read this story if anyone found it yet!
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 66
He only one I remember that has similar plot devices so to say, a strong kagome that is accepted by youkai and Rin infatuated with sesshoumau, she even creates a scene, throwing herself at him and kagome sees. It's called reason for was by silver moon inyoukai rated MA so no yims.
Thus I don't remember a tiger female youkai but I read it s while back so don't remember everything.
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 216
Natalia wrote:
He only one I remember that has similar plot devices so to say, a strong kagome that is accepted by youkai and Rin infatuated with sesshoumau, she even creates a scene, throwing herself at him and kagome sees. It's called reason for was by silver moon inyoukai rated MA so no yims.
Thus I don't remember a tiger female youkai but I read it s while back so don't remember everything.
sadly not it, Kagome is a fighter type in the fic Im looking for, there is a female demoness that she's chatter with while Sesshomaru gets into something like an arena fight with his men while training. I remember Kagome and the demoness just talking like hot sweaty, perfect men were available to look at, are just normal as can be. Rin is of age and thinks that demon ways are heavy handed, and barbaric, but se'll deal for now but she'll change everything
btw i'm half asleep so if this post doesnt make since, sorry.
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 171
It made sense to me, and I’m looking forward to someone finding this story so I can read it too.
By the way do you recall if it was finished or not, and where you read it? Sometimes that helps me in the search, so maybe it’ll help the others looking for this.
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 25
I remember reading this story on fanfiction.net! I don't know if it's here on dokuga, though... The story is still incomplete with less than 20 chapters, maybe in between 10-15 chapters or so.
I remember in the latest chapter, it ended with Kagome getting a new wardrobe with shadow-like powers that would activate by using youki, but since she doesn't have youki, she used her reiki, instead, and it worked. She opened a shadow-like portal beneath her and she slowly sunk into the shadows with her commenting how cool it was or something along those lines.
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 216
Fictional_Reality wrote:
I remember reading this story on fanfiction.net! I don't know if it's here on dokuga, though... The story is still incomplete with less than 20 chapters, maybe in between 10-15 chapters or so.
I remember in the latest chapter, it ended with Kagome getting a new wardrobe with shadow-like powers that would activate by using youki, but since she doesn't have youki, she used her reiki, instead, and it worked. She opened a shadow-like portal beneath her and she slowly sunk into the shadows with her commenting how cool it was or something along those lines.
YES! i do think thats the one! I just remember that Kagome was like a human youkai in the fic, and Rin was a jerk who thought sesshoamru would be hers! I think it was the fic that made me hate Sess/Rin as a couple forever. and i'm pretty sure it is on FFN somewhere, not complete though. 
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 25
This story is becoming very elusive, I just can't find it!! I can't remember the title or the author of the story, but I can remember every vivid detail about the story!!
Does anyone remember keywords from the summary, or even less likely, quotes from the story? They would be most useful and helpful.
Since I still can't find the story yet, I'll be adding here what I remember from the story like what I did on my previous post, and basically outline the story from the very beginning to the latest chapter, not the end, since the story is still incomplete. Hopefully, this will help others, who are also looking for the story! Maybe we'll get a shout out from the author themselves if they have an account here on dokuga!
WARNING!!! This will have a lot of spoilers!! WARNING!!!
I'm sorry about every MAJOR spoiler content!!!  I don't mean to spoil the story, I'll have the main points in BOLD, so just skip everything else if you don't want to spoil the story.
WARNING!!! This will have a lot of spoilers!! WARNING!!!
Alright, from what I remember, the story began with Kagome as Naraku's captive for who knows how long. She's been tortured and tormented, and we later learn that she was raped as well by Naraku.
There was also a scene with Kagome speaking telepathically with Midoriko. Midoriko was basically asking Kagome what happened to the Kagome who was so hopeful, cheerful, and bright, and Kagome responds with how that Kagome was dead because Inuyasha didn't come for her when she needed him the most.
There might have been song lyrics incorporated into that scene as well, but I don't remember the song.
Then, Kagome basically just had enough and ultimately destroys Naraku and his minions with her powers during one of his torture sessions. After that, Kagome takes everything that Naraku ever owns into her own possession (he was filthy rich in feudal era standards!) and sealing it under a barrier that will only be accessible to her. She then decides to become stronger, doing everything she can to train herself in how to control her powers and how to fight with and without a sword before she finally leaves Naraku's manor with her scent and aura concealed.
She then has a little reunion with her friends, plus Kikyo, after some time has passed since Naraku's demise. They don't recognize her and assume she was a demon and Inuyasha, being brash as usual, practically demands her to hand over the jewel shards in her possession, while brandishing Tetsusaiga like a club. Then, Kikyo fires an arrow to try and purify Kagome, which doesn't work because Kagome was able to stop it with her powers or pulled a Sesshoumaru and basically caught the arrow between her fingers.
After releasing her scent and maybe sitting Inuyasha to prove her identity, she declares they are enemies and that they will only die by her hands the next time they cross paths and then, she beats them in seconds flat, leaving Shippo and I think, Kirara alone, before disappearing from their sights.
Shippo follows after Kagome because he thinks of her as his mother and Kagome was happy because she also thinks of Shippo as her son.
Alright, I'm almost finished!!! Just a few more points and I'm done...
After the beatdown Kagome gave to her former companions, plus Kikyo, Sesshoumaru comes across the downed group because he scented Inuyasha's blood and wonders who was powerful enough to wound Inuyasha that he spilt fresh blood. Sesshoumaru the learns that their injuries were caused by Kagome.
Inuyasha was ranting and raving as usual, Kikyo was being herself (I could careless what happens to that vengeful clay animation), Miroku and Sango were miserably, especially the latter, who was sobbing because of what they let happen to Kagome at Naraku's hands.
I'm not sure if Sesshoumaru was upset that he wasn't the one to kill Naraku like Inuyasha and Kikyo were, but I know that he became curious about Kagome, since she was the one who singlehandedly defeated Naraku.
He tracked down Kagome and when he found her, he struck a bargain with the miko. He basically gave her an offer that she couldn't refuse. I think Sesshoumaru offered her to work for him exclusively, as an advisor, escort, assassin, general, or all of the above, etc.
Kagome agreed with her own conditions: Shippo stays with her and will be protected and provided for, she will have the time to hunt down the jewel shards, and she will have a break once a month (I'm not too sure about the last two conditions, it was either being able to hunt for the shards once a month or just to have a break once a month, while have some time to hunt for the shards).
After that, they meet up with the rest of Sesshoumaru's group before heading to Sesshoumaru's castle or fortress or the Western Citadel. (I honestly don't remember what his home was called so...)
As stated in the subject of the topic, Rin has grown to be a snotty brat. She is now 15-years-old and doesn't like how close Kagome is to Sesshoumaru and acts very spiteful to her. She even pulls Kagome's arm back to stop her from walking beside Sesshoumaru because to do so would show she is equal to the Western Lord himself.
Rin becomes upset when Sesshoumaru reprimands her and allows Kagome to walk beside him because she has this delusion that Sesshoumaru will eventually mate her because of Kagura, who told her when she was a few years younger and when she was being kidnapped that the only reason Sesshoumaru keeps her around (disregarding the fact that Sesshoumaru allows Rin to follow him only because of her own volition) was to groom her to become his mate.
Kagura even comments on the fact that the other demon lords have groomed children to become their mates as well, and Rin takes this to heart and lets her infatuation with Sesshoumaru grow. When they arrived at the castle, Rin goes to her room upset and cries.
When Kagome and Shippo gets settled, they are introduced to a kitsune servant who will look after Shippo when Kagome is busy with her duty to Sesshoumaru.
Later on Sesshoumaru introduces Kagome to his general and have her battle a soldier to determine her rank. She battles with a snake youkai, who uses underhanded tricks that rendered her temporarily blind, but she defeated her opponent.
Wow, this is really long, but I still have a few more scenes to talk about... There is still the dining scene, the training scene, the chatting/or lunch scene, and lastly, the shopping scene.
Now, during the dining scene, Rin was being extra, particularly snotty to Kagome. When Kagome enters the dining hall, she was walking barefoot, carrying Shippo in her arms, and despite being temporarily blind, she still notices how Rin tries to trip her. Rin becomes embarrassed because she was caught in the act and Sesshoumaru frowns upon such behavior.
Then, Kagome becomes demonically vicious when her situation with Shippo comes to light, and Sesshoumaru was silently encouraging her to kill the ones who wronged her only to become dissapointed when Kagome paused in her actions because an innocent child disrupted the fight.
During the training scene, Kagome is partnered with a phoenix-youkai, who has healing tears and was previously the snake's partner before Kagome defeated him. They bond during their training when they talk about the importance of having partners to guard their backs. Kagome was a bit weary of trusting the phoenix, but she decides to trust him to guard her back.
The phoenix also had a grudge against Naraku for killing his comrade. He wasn't able to avenge his friend, but he was grateful for Kagome ending Naraku's life, even though he wasn't able to have his revenge.
The final two scenes have already been mentioned in previous posts, but I'll add on some more details to it. The first scene that was mentioned happened during tea time or something, or somewhere around noon.
There was a small gathering of Sesshoumaru, Kagome and her partner, that phoenix youkai (I can't remember his name), the tiger demoness, and Rin, and maybe a few others as well. When Kagome reacts to the youki from the tiger demoness, they enter into a small fight that ends with Sesshoumaru holding Kagome back, and the phoenix holding the tigress back.
Rin comments on how 'barbaric' they are, and the tigress just scoffs at Rin's delusion, saying that she should be well aware of how youkai society works since she's been exposed to it for so long.
Sesshoumaru doesn't know how to feel about Rin's behavior and thinks that with how Kagome is acting so youkai-like, she'll more than survive the darkness of youkai society (or something along those lines) and strive in it. In fact, he is intrigued by how Kagome's acting more like a demon than a human. He is also somewhat jealous of Kagome's closeness with her partner, and reacts when someone unintentionally implied that they were in a relationship.
Now as I stated in a previous post, the last scene ended with Kagome getting a new wardrobe. She was trying on a ninja-like outfit with shadow qualities that would activate when using youki. When she first tried using its powers, it doesn't work since she doesn't have youki, but when she tried using her reiki to activate them, it worked. She opened a shadow-like portal beneath her and she slowly sunk into the shadows. She commented on how 'cool' it was or something along those lines.
Aaaaand... that's a wrap! I'm very detail oriented so there is a lot of content that someone can use to find this story. It's really upsetting that I can't find it, I hope someone has more luck than I do when it comes to looking for this story. I'll be combing through my list of favorites and try my diminishing luck again to find it...
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 66
Wow that sounds like a really interesting fic. Now I am really hoping someone will find it.
I just wanted to make a suggestion. If you can't find it in your favourite list on fanfiction, I instead would suggest looking in the following list of stories where you can select the inuyasha fandom or in the list of the author you are following. I found some stories that I forgot about. It is a tedious task but if you are determined... Plus if you search on your phone or tablet you have the summary visible. On the computer you see only the name and author. I unfortunately don't recall this one, otherwise I would search for my following list. So good luck with the search!
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 38
Shadows of the Night.
You all are so wonderful in remarking on how great it was but it was bad. Really, really bad filled with lots of plot devices and holes and tropes and honestly, desperately needed a rewrite. So it was removed. It was very much 6th fic posted ever and written in 2007.
It was the fic that made me hate RinxSess too lol
I thought it was great!
It was basically just Kags being a BAMF and Sess digging it.
If you're truly interested in reading it it's in a google doc:
Rated MA for safety.
You'll see what I mean about it being bad if you read.
The concept is great. I enjoy the plot, it just really needed o be written by an older me. A younger me couldn't handle a plot like this and write it as well as it should have been. When I stop sucking, it is a story where the first chapter is written aready but I haven't posted it because I feel guilty for not finishing my other 100 stories.
Last Edit: 2018/05/08 21:32 By Kagome Yuki Niwa.
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 18
I am really glad you were willing to share what you have on this!! I have been watching for it since it seems like a great story I will enjoy.
I hope you do get to a point you feel able to write more, even if there is editing that it goes through first. I have read some of your other works and enjoyed them too and look forward to any more that comes
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
That’s one of my favorites and I hope you continue on this story.
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Re:BAMF Kags & a snotty Rin 6 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 216
OMFG my month has been nuts and i JUST saw this! @Fictional_Reality you are the bestest of the bestest! and KYN! i thought iw as going crazy b/c i couldn't find it! I will always be a BAMFKagome type! so i remember that fic fondly! now off i go to read it!
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