Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
So a few days ago I posted a thread, trying to find a fiction that I used to read a long time ago and I got a few responses.
While I loved all those stories (which I spend the last few days rereading, lol) it was not the one I was thinking of.
So the story was pretty much Kagome had fallen further into time and met Sesshomaru. He grew feelings for her ( I can't really remember what happened between them,) but I remember Kagome was sent back to the point in the past where she would usually go to in the Anime, and saw all the encounters they went through. He saw her in their fathers tomb and she realized he was in love with her, and was trying to get her to remember who he was.
So basically each scene they met at, he was already in love with her and had different reasonings for his actions. I really thought it was "In Death, Trust Me, As You Didn't in Life" by Kanna37, but it wasn't it. I'm glad that was mentioned, though, 'cause I forgot how well I liked that one.
Any help would be appreciated!
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 109
Could it be Tears of the Fallen by ShadowsWeaver1?
It might be MA on Dokuga, right Wiccan? It's T on FF.net.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
It wasn't that, either, unfortunately. I seriously wish I could remember more about this story! Thank you for helping though, kaoruhana. I forgot to message you back about it.
kaoruhana wrote:
Could it be Tears of the Fallen by ShadowsWeaver1?
It might be MA on Dokuga, right Wiccan? It's T on FF.net.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 116
Possibly 'The Once and Future Taiyoukai' ( www.fanfiction.net/s/3153922/1/The-Once-and-Future-Taiyoukai) I can't find it on Dokuga, but it is rated This on fan fiction. Net
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story would be rated MA for violence on our site, NO YIMs!
Last Edit: 2015/12/03 19:37 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: adjust rating
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
Nope, that wasn't it either. Dang, I'm starting to think I imagined this or something, lol.
Thank you all for your help, though, I appreciate it! <3
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 54
Some parts of what you mentioned sound like forthright's Unspoiled Sesshoumaru was a child when Kagome went back but I think they talk about his actions and spin a different view of them.
Last Edit: 2015/12/03 22:35 By Avalei.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
That was one of my suspicions, too. But alas, it was not it. Avalei wrote:
Some parts of what you mentioned sound like forthright's Unspoiled Sesshoumaru was a child when Kagome went back but I think they talk about his actions and spin a different view of them.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 54
It sounds familiar. I hope someone can find it for you.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0
Could it be Embracing Ice by Yabou? You can find it here: www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/4454/1
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated MA, NO YIMs!!
Last Edit: 2015/12/04 07:39 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Insert rating required by RULES!!
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
Nope, that wasn't it either. Dang, this story is very elusive! D:
Sammy wrote:
Could it be Embracing Ice by Yabou? You can find it here: www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/4454/1
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated MA, NO YIMs!!
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 65
Hmmm....You already 'reject' all the stories that came to my mind! Well there is one yet, but I doubt it is it.. but well... I try...
'Oh No!' by fire witch 55
Complete, rated M there and definitely MA here, so no YIMs, please!
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 1
Maybe Stuck in Time by andrea oregon?? Its rated T.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 76
I'm going to try this one:
His Past, Her Present, Their Future by EmpyrealFantasy. This link is on Spark, and the rating is MA. The completed version (without the MA content) can be found on FF.net
His Past, Her Present, Their Future RATED M
SessKag] Time and magic are fickle, ever changing, and impossible to predict. A new journey brings about a whole new set of problems for Kagome…between love, family, and duty, where will she end up? «A story of a love that defies time itself» Complete.
It's a fantastic story - one of my early favorites.
Last Edit: 2015/12/05 11:23 By aijoinu.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 9
I'm confuse...you said Kagome was sent back to the point where she usually go to in the anime...how did that work??...did two Kagomes existed at the same time??...was she sent back into the body of her younger self of that time??...or did she go through the past experiences like, I don't know, through her mind or like out of body experience??
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
Dang, those weren't it, either... I think it would be His Past, Her Present, Their Future (Rated M, no YIMS!) but it wasn't!
This isn't exactly how the conversation went, but it was something like this...
"So, all this time...? You loved me? In your fathers tomb..."
"I cared for you. I felt betrayed at what you told Inuyasha, yet I still cared for you. I wanted to protect you, from him."
"When he turned into a full demon?"
"I needed to protect you. I would not lose you."
"And the poison master, Mukotsu?"
"I would never allow such filth to take what is precious to me."
Pretty much they went over every scene that had happened in the anime, and he told her how he had felt during all of those encounters. I really thought it was "In Death, Trust Me, as You Didn't in Life," (rated M, no YIMS!)
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 2
sesshomarusama33 wrote:
Dang, those weren't it, either... I think it would be His Past, Her Present, Their Future (Rated M, no YIMS!) but it wasn't!
This isn't exactly how the conversation went, but it was something like this...
"So, all this time...? You loved me? In your fathers tomb..."
"I cared for you. I felt betrayed at what you told Inuyasha, yet I still cared for you. I wanted to protect you, from him."
"When he turned into a full demon?"
"I needed to protect you. I would not lose you."
"And the poison master, Mukotsu?"
"I would never allow such filth to take what is precious to me."
Pretty much they went over every scene that had happened in the anime, and he told her how he had felt during all of those encounters. I really thought it was "In Death, Trust Me, as You Didn't in Life," (rated M, no YIMS!)
AGHHHH! I KNOW that dialogue! I have read it before, possibly more than once. I just can't remember what the title is. Okay, must search through my favourited stories...
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 5
I have seen this either here on Dokuga/Spark or FF.net (as I don't really go elsewhere), though the name escapes me. I know I found it doing a search on one of the 2 sites looking at completed chapter stories, romance subcategory, and most likely M or MA. In technicality you could spend a few hours searching and find it by description. I tried a google search using the lines quoted but nothing resulted.
The gist of it was:
Kagome goes to the well to go back to her time, but ends up back further into the past. (not sure if she actually makes it to the future and then goes to the past or gets sent to the past right away). She ends up getting taken to the Castle of the Inu no Taisho and while it may start with Sesshomaru being young (I can't recall for certain), she stays and later falls in love with Sesshomaru. She may or may not mate him (they either mate or he marks her as his intended as he is still young in one of the stories). At some point she ends up going back through the well to the time in the Feudal era that she had left. I think she comes in time to stop a fight, but not sure if it is just between Sessh and Inu Yasha, or the Gang + Sessh vs Naraku.
It was during/after the fight that she realizes that everything he did was for her and the coldness came from him being upset for not recognizing or acknowledging him, as he of course immediately knew who she was. Hence the gist of the quote provided. The lemon came in the chapter after this reconciliation.
I have read a few stories where Kagome goes to the past, but I can't recall the names, nor keep all the differences straight. I have tried to list the plot elements that were unique in hope that you will recognize one, and someone else will know what story it came from.
In one InT and I think a wizard take Kagome and put her down the well after she and Sessh have fallen in love/mated (I can't recall if it was at InT or Kagome's insistence), and she is returned to the Feudal Era. (I think this is the one you are thinking of).
There was one where Kagome came through the well and fought a number of Oni in the village before attracting the InT's attention and he takes her back to his home after knocking her out and subduing her in mokomoko.
There is one where teen Sessh finds her and she becomes his "pet" living in a room/house (it had a unique shape I recall, maybe an octagon, it being described in a chapter about a storm, and open beams), though he has a room in the main castle and at times he must stay there (during a festival and when royal guests visited was one of the times he had to stay over there).
There was one where she meets maybe tween Sesshomaru, as he was still learning things from InT like how to fly, and Sessh and InT would go out to a specific forest/field area for all of this training.
There was one where she went back and it was long before InT met Izoyai, Sessh's mom was still alive. Kagome would not tell them right away that she was from the future or all that she knew.
There is one with a scene that Sessh goes to a room in the castle tower called the den and invites his mother up there one evening for go. They had not done that for years before Kagome arrived. Then they start going there more often.
Anyway, sorry again I can't recall, but hopefully some of these details sparks a name in someone and they can give it to you.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
That paragraph sounds about right. I haven't read this story in a long time, and I'm desperate to find it again! Thank you for your input! I'm glad it's not just me that's thinking of this story!
svmp wrote:
I have seen this either here on Dokuga/Spark or FF.net (as I don't really go elsewhere), though the name escapes me. I know I found it doing a search on one of the 2 sites looking at completed chapter stories, romance subcategory, and most likely M or MA. In technicality you could spend a few hours searching and find it by description. I tried a google search using the lines quoted but nothing resulted.
The gist of it was:
Kagome goes to the well to go back to her time, but ends up back further into the past. (not sure if she actually makes it to the future and then goes to the past or gets sent to the past right away). She ends up getting taken to the Castle of the Inu no Taisho and while it may start with Sesshomaru being young (I can't recall for certain), she stays and later falls in love with Sesshomaru. She may or may not mate him (they either mate or he marks her as his intended as he is still young in one of the stories). At some point she ends up going back through the well to the time in the Feudal era that she had left. I think she comes in time to stop a fight, but not sure if it is just between Sessh and Inu Yasha, or the Gang + Sessh vs Naraku.
It was during/after the fight that she realizes that everything he did was for her and the coldness came from him being upset for not recognizing or acknowledging him, as he of course immediately knew who she was. Hence the gist of the quote provided. The lemon came in the chapter after this reconciliation.
I have read a few stories where Kagome goes to the past, but I can't recall the names, nor keep all the differences straight. I have tried to list the plot elements that were unique in hope that you will recognize one, and someone else will know what story it came from.
In one InT and I think a wizard take Kagome and put her down the well after she and Sessh have fallen in love/mated (I can't recall if it was at InT or Kagome's insistence), and she is returned to the Feudal Era. (I think this is the one you are thinking of).
There was one where Kagome came through the well and fought a number of Oni in the village before attracting the InT's attention and he takes her back to his home after knocking her out and subduing her in mokomoko.
There is one where teen Sessh finds her and she becomes his "pet" living in a room/house (it had a unique shape I recall, maybe an octagon, it being described in a chapter about a storm, and open beams), though he has a room in the main castle and at times he must stay there (during a festival and when royal guests visited was one of the times he had to stay over there).
There was one where she meets maybe tween Sesshomaru, as he was still learning things from InT like how to fly, and Sessh and InT would go out to a specific forest/field area for all of this training.
There was one where she went back and it was long before InT met Izoyai, Sessh's mom was still alive. Kagome would not tell them right away that she was from the future or all that she knew.
There is one with a scene that Sessh goes to a room in the castle tower called the den and invites his mother up there one evening for go. They had not done that for years before Kagome arrived. Then they start going there more often.
Anyway, sorry again I can't recall, but hopefully some of these details sparks a name in someone and they can give it to you.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
Lady wrote:
sesshomarusama33 wrote:
Dang, those weren't it, either... I think it would be His Past, Her Present, Their Future (Rated M, no YIMS!) but it wasn't!
This isn't exactly how the conversation went, but it was something like this...
"So, all this time...? You loved me? In your fathers tomb..."
"I cared for you. I felt betrayed at what you told Inuyasha, yet I still cared for you. I wanted to protect you, from him."
"When he turned into a full demon?"
"I needed to protect you. I would not lose you."
"And the poison master, Mukotsu?"
"I would never allow such filth to take what is precious to me."
Pretty much they went over every scene that had happened in the anime, and he told her how he had felt during all of those encounters. I really thought it was "In Death, Trust Me, as You Didn't in Life," (rated M, no YIMS!)
AGHHHH! I KNOW that dialogue! I have read it before, possibly more than once. I just can't remember what the title is. Okay, must search through my favourited stories...
Thank you so much! I have been searching desperately for this fic! I hope it wasn't deleted! D:
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 5
What's the name of the story? I was curious and I would like t read it so please once you found it write the name.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
I will, as soon as I figure out what the name was, curse it!
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 2
sesshomarusama33 wrote:
Thank you so much! I have been searching desperately for this fic! I hope it wasn't deleted! D:
Still searching! I didn't realise how many favourited stories I have in this fandom alone... 
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 16
I know, right?! Aaah! Thank you for help, Lady!
Lady wrote:
sesshomarusama33 wrote:
Thank you so much! I have been searching desperately for this fic! I hope it wasn't deleted! D:
Still searching! I didn't realise how many favourited stories I have in this fandom alone... 
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 62
This sounds vaguely familiar. I had thought it might be Remembering by Kjpanny Kjchristie17 (It's rated M on ff.net and would be rated MA on Dokuga. NO YIMS!) It wasn't it.
Last Edit: 2015/12/10 22:36 By silentsoliloquy82.
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Re:Help again! 9 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 5
silentsoliloquy82 wrote:
This sounds vaguely familiar. I had thought it might be Remembering by Kjpanny Kjchristie17 (It's rated M on ff.net and would be rated MA on Dokuga. NO YIMS!) It wasn't it.
I just read the story and sadly it was not the one decribe above.
But it is still a good story worth to read.
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