Hi guys! I would really like it if you guys get to help me with this current dilemma I'm facing.
It's a story I cannot seem to find.
I'm not quite sure where I saw it. I just remember some stuff about it and I hope some of you know where I can find it. It's an awesome story, btw.
Here goes nothing!
Kagome and Sesshoumaru are in what you call a 'complicated' relationship. In the end, Kagome doesn't even know if Sesshoumaru loves her. At this point in time she was pretty sure she's just a friend to him. Sesshoumaru keeps on having other girls around, hurting Kagome in the process. But as heart-breaking that is, Sesshoumaru will always find a way back into her heart. I personally think that in this story, Sesshoumaru does what he does because he knows he can take advantage of Kagome's feelings for him.
Anyways, after Sesshoumaru changes and becomes caring again, Kagome suddenly finds out he has another girlfriend on the line which he admits to wanting to marry. The girl is Rin.
Kagome, livid and overcome by hurt, forms a plan to destroy Sesshoumaru's life and extract revenge from him.
She befriends Rin and earns her trust, discreetly plotting ways to destroy their supposed happy relationship. Rin tells her sercets to Kagome, and Kagome listens like a true friend.
Key note, 'like'.
It seems Sesshoumaru is afraid of comitting. Rin, heartbroken, confesses this to Kagome. Kagome, seeing the opportunity, informs Rin of Sesshoumaru's 'problem with commitments', and has Rin swayed easily because of this.
Kagome would have wanted Rin to become her friend, if not for the vendetta she's plotting. She admits it to herself at one point in the story.
Anyways, Sesshoumaru and Rin breaks up, and Kagome is there to 'love' him again. I think she would have fallen for him again, however, she's been too consumed with betrayal that the idea of having a new relationship with him sounded so far-fetched.
Sooooo... Sesshoumaru, thinking that the ever-loving Kagome who has always been by his side will take him back, comes knocking at her door. They then had sex.
In the aftermath, Kagome wakes up, lights a cigarette, and realizes that she and Sesshoumaru had had unprotected sex and he came inside her. Just as she's steaming on her fury, Sesshoumaru comes into the picture and asks her what's wrong. She accusses him of trying to get her pregnant. Sesshoumaru does not deny this, and in fact, pointed out that he is finally ready to commit.
In the end, she pursues her revenge, and basically leaves him after he tries to take her hand in marriage. She wants him to feel the same betrayal and heartache she felt when he tore her heart into pieces with his numerous affairs and problems with commitment.
Okaaaaaay folks. This story sounds angsty, I know. But I want to read it again! I'm in the mood for some tear-jerkers. I know that some parts in the description I gave might sound off or not quite fitting; I admit I'm having confusion with some parts. I just gave you the rundown from what I can remember.
Please, please. If any of this sounds familiar, tell me.
Thanks in advance and cheers!