Daniella wrote:
Honestly, crate training is a fantastic way to house break your puppy. We got one of our dogs when she was 6 weeks old and the first thing we started her on was crate training. I know to some people it seems cruel and unfair but that's only because it can be abused. I don't believe in leaving the puppy in there all day long because if you're home you can take the dog outside frequently so the crate really has no purpose. We only had Harley in the crate at night or if we were going to run to the store. Dogs will not go to the bathroom where they sleep so you want to throw some toys in there so the puppy doesn't feel like he or she eing punished. It does take a few weeks and a lot of patience but it really does work. As long as it's done right it can be a very useful tool. Harley loves her crate still but we almost never have to put her in it. The only time she goes in there now is when I want to wash the floors and don't want her walking around until it's dry. Other than that she's a free dog who has only had like one accident in the three and half years we've had her. Good luck with it and I want to see pics of your new puppy!!!!I second this, i was able to crate train both my mini Schnauzers, and they were perfect!
our method was pretty simple, watch puppy eat/drink, always use really cold water, and twenty minutes later take outside for about 15 mins. if they dont go, put in box with toys, and about 30 mins later take back outside. usually at this point b/c both our schnauzers were babies when we got them they had to go out, and then rewards with high pitched happy praise when they did go out. or treats! puppies love snackable treats! but the vocal praise i think is better doenst make them think they get a food treat every time they do what they are SUPPOSED TO.
our oldest was so well trained that he would not only go back to the back door but actually hit his paws on the door knob by the time we got our next mini. our younger schnauzer was too short for that, but he did growl at the door angrily. he was a growler though so it worked out. and the older actually trained the younger.
Keep in mind the method with crate training is that for every month your puppy is old, ie. 2 months = 2 hours MAX being able to hold bladder and stuff. so the younger the puppy the more they need to go out. try not to let them drink/eat too late at night to avoid messes in the crate itself, b/c even though they wont as a rule mess where they sleep its not to say they wont. for most dogs, isolation as a puppy is kinda a bad punishment, so in the end, the box became more punishment then anything you could possibly do for both my dogs. (this is why a lot of people say that its cruel. but really by the time your puppy is abotu 2 motnhs into it, they've got it down that we go potty outside! though they will have accidents, it cant be helped.)
When this happens try to sternly tell them "No." to emphasize that this was a bad thing, but keep in mind they cant always control their body. If you make it TOO negative, depending on how smart your puppy is they may retaliate! My oldest mini once did that, actually potty'd on a shoe b/c he was mad at us for whatever reason.
either way, eventually the box will become more of a punishment then anything specially when they start doing really well, at this point you shouldnt be putting your pup in during the day unless you are gone from the house, or asleep, if you go that way about things.
for my dogs it was like this, when they ripped things up all you had to say was "go to your box" and they would go in and sulk. it was kinda adorable and cute, always made me less mad. sadly i had them with a roommate, one was mine the other hers but i couldn't separate them when i moved b/c they would be sad. so i had to leave them.
When i got my next dog, the one i have no, Bert, he's not crate trained at all and he's a total NUT, though he's house broken he has no @_@... manners? he's a brat basically b/c i wasn't able to give him the same time as my schnauzers since i had moved out. he listens only abotu 30% of the time... its rather annoying but he's a good dog, and now he's 3 so it takes a bit more to get it into his somewhat thick head. I'm currently using a spray bottle with stern "No's!" to try and fix him but gah... sometimes its easier to let him be a brat.